A loser Suddenly Gains Superpower And Becomes A Math Genius That Can Solve Any Equation

  • last year
A loser Suddenly Gains Superpower And Becomes A Math Genius That Can Solve Any Equation
00:00 Jim Powell, a middle-aged man, narrates the first episode of the series.
00:04 He works as a police artist and is somewhat dissatisfied with both his family and profession.
00:10 His scientist wife, Stephanie, works really hard for a large scientific company called
00:15 Global Tech, as she's currently doing research on a mysterious plant.
00:19 Daphne and JJ, his two teenage children, are constantly on their phones and don't have
00:25 time for activities like playing catch with their father.
00:28 They're losing the ties that a typical family should have among themselves.
00:32 Fed up, Jim makes the decision that they will all accompany mom on her research trip
00:36 to Brazil so they can all spend some family time together.
00:40 Jim proposes that they take a flight over the Amazon rainforest while they're traveling,
00:45 but things don't go according to plan.
00:48 Due to an approaching storm, the plane is forced to land in the ocean, which is somewhat
00:53 shining with tiny neon particles.
00:55 Fortunately, Jim's family is unharmed, but their pilot is not so lucky.
01:00 In the next scene, Jim and his family are all back home, leading their separate lives
01:04 again.
01:05 After returning from the trip, Jim is back at work at the precinct, where he talks with
01:09 a female detective, Detective Cho, about a case.
01:13 As they're talking, a guy in the station suddenly grabs an officer's gun and points
01:17 it at the detective.
01:18 Jim sees this and dives to push her out of the way, saving her.
01:22 However, the gun still goes off.
01:25 After a while, Detective Cho gets up and wonders where the bullet is.
01:29 Jim then excuses himself and looks in his hand.
01:32 There's the bullet.
01:33 Apparently, he caught the bullet with his own hand, without getting hurt.
01:37 Jim is shocked to comprehend what just happened.
01:40 He then goes to a batting cage to explore what might have just happened to him.
01:45 He tips off the security guy and manages to have the whole place for him for an hour.
01:50 Setting the pitching machine to 90 miles per hour, he surprisingly catches pitches without
01:55 a problem.
01:56 Then, he increases the speed to 140 miles per hour.
02:00 Still no problem.
02:02 Just then, his best friend and colleague George, who is a district attorney, shows up and Jim
02:07 gives him a gun.
02:09 George isn't keen on shooting Jim, but he accidentally fires the gun and Jim catches
02:14 the bullet again.
02:16 Both of them are left in utter disbelief by what just happened.
02:19 In the meantime, Stephanie is in a dilemma.
02:22 She wants to have a nice dinner with Jim, but work is demanding her attention.
02:27 She has to get across town for a work meeting, but the traffic is very bad.
02:31 Having no other option, she starts running, and this is when she goes faster and faster.
02:37 She zooms past cars on the freeway and manages to get to the office on time.
02:43 It seems like Stephanie has also gotten some new abilities.
02:46 Back at the lab, she tells her lab tech, Katie, about it, and they go to a racehorsing track
02:50 to test her abilities.
02:52 While Stephanie starts to run on the track, Katie, with a radar gun, reads that Stephanie's
02:57 speed is in the whopping 700 miles per hour range.
03:01 With her newfound ability, Stephanie scoots back home to help her son, JJ, with homework,
03:07 as he has a learning disability.
03:09 In the meantime, Jim and George arrive at a rooftop.
03:11 George is convinced that Jim has another superpower as well, that he can fly.
03:17 Jim is skeptical, but gives in and jumps off the rooftop.
03:21 Unfortunately, his hunch turns out to be true, and he drops to the ground, making a massive
03:27 crater in it.
03:28 When he gets up, he looks at the top of the building and leaps back to the roof.
03:33 This makes Jim realize that although he cannot fly, he can leap like a crazy superhero.
03:39 As the two men return to their car, their police scanner crackles.
03:43 It turns out that a guy who's been robbing jewelry stores is being pursued downtown.
03:48 Jim starts to leap in that direction.
03:50 He ends up catching the guy in an alley, but before he can subdue him, the bad guy's
03:55 partner suddenly shoots him in the back of the head.
03:58 Jim pulls the bullet out of his head, but he is bleeding.
04:02 Before falling unconscious, he calls George for help.
04:05 The following morning, Jim wakes up in bed to find George and Stephanie in front of him.
04:09 Stephanie asks him what the matter is, and Jim finally tells her what's going on.
04:14 Shocked, she also tells her husband that she's acquired superhuman powers.
04:18 Meanwhile, their daughter Daphne is having boyfriend trouble at school.
04:22 The class flirt, Sarah, is hitting on him.
04:25 Worried, she talks to her friend Lindsay about it.
04:28 Later, as Daphne plays in her basketball game, she starts to hear everyone's thoughts.
04:33 It freaks her out, so she calls her parents to pick her up from school.
04:37 Daphne then tells her mom about her being able to read people's minds.
04:41 This makes Stephanie realize that even her daughter has gained some kind of ability.
04:45 Cut to the next scene.
04:46 The Powells call for a family meeting.
04:48 They learn that everyone has some kind of power, except for poor JJ.
04:53 The next day, however, while JJ is taking a math test, things start to glow on the board
04:58 and the answers for the test appear right in front of him.
05:01 He smiles and quickly writes everything down.
05:04 Elsewhere, Daphne meets her boyfriend, and as they kiss, she can read his thoughts.
05:09 She sadly learns that he's sleeping with her best friend, Lindsay.
05:13 She rushes out, leaving him unsure how she knew that he was cheating on her.
05:18 At work, Jim draws a picture of the jewel thief based on the fight with him in the alley.
05:23 He then runs the picture through facial recognition and manages to get an ID.
05:27 Based on his information, Detective Cho and her associate prepare to track down the thief.
05:32 Before they leave the precinct, they tell Jim to stay behind since he's just an artist
05:36 and not a crime fighter.
05:38 When the detectives show up at the thief's apartment, a shootout ensues, and Detective
05:42 Cho ends up in the trunk of his car.
05:45 Just when the thief is about to drive off, Jim arrives there.
05:49 They start to fight, but this time, the jewel thief is ready for him.
05:53 Jim strikes at him, but the thief surprisingly vanishes and reappears in the back.
05:58 The thief then tells Jim that he's not the only one who's got superpowers.
06:02 They continue fighting, with Jim never being able to land a clean punch on the bad guy.
06:08 This is until the thief ends up behind Jim with a gun pointed at his neck.
06:13 Suddenly, a shot rings out.
06:15 Thankfully, it's from Detective Cho.
06:17 It turns out that she managed to get out of the trunk and shoot the bad guy.
06:20 It's revealed that she didn't see Jim's superpower, so she tells him to leave before
06:25 internal affairs starts asking questions.
06:27 Afterward, the scene shifts to a morgue, where a mysterious man - who surprisingly turns
06:32 out to be Stephanie's boss from Global Tech - tells his associate Morgan that they should
06:37 kill the person behind the thief's death.
06:40 The following day, Jim continues to try to fight crime by leaping to a bank robbery.
06:45 He ends up in an alley, with the robbers driving a van straight for him.
06:49 He then decides to stop the van, but gets run over instead.
06:54 In the meantime, Stephanie and her lab assistant, Katie, work on getting a water sample from
06:58 the Amazon River, where the plane crash happened.
07:01 Stephanie thinks that the water has something to do with her and her family's superpower.
07:06 Once back at home, Stephanie starts doing house chores on super speed.
07:10 She then believes she has time for everything.
07:13 Meanwhile, her son JJ starts doing better on his tests because, just like his family,
07:18 he now has a super brain power.
07:21 One day in the library, Daphne hears her brother learning complex trigonometry theories.
07:26 She is surprised to see him there, as he was never into studies.
07:30 JJ finally opens up to tell her about his power.
07:33 But he does confess that he hasn't told their parents because they were so proud of
07:37 him after he did well on the tests.
07:40 Feeling bad, Daphne says she'll keep his secret.
07:42 Later, after the bell rings, JJ's teacher accuses him of cheating on the last few tests
07:47 because the kid always failed on his math tests.
07:51 But now he's getting straight A's.
07:53 In response, JJ blows him away with some complex math talk.
07:57 But his teacher still wants to talk to his parents about his cheating.
08:01 Afterward, Jim talks to JJ about the tests.
08:04 Sadly, JJ gets the impression that his dad thinks he's cheating too, and storms off.
08:09 The following day, Morgan, the man from the morgue, who was friends with the now-dead
08:14 thief, comes into the police station and talks to Detective Cho.
08:18 He asks her if she noticed anything weird or unusual about the bank robbers she shot
08:22 last week.
08:23 The detective notices something is off with the guy, so she says she didn't notice anything
08:28 weird.
08:29 In the meantime, George is doing some police work with a sketch that Jim had drawn of the
08:32 bank robbers.
08:34 He then goes to a bank he believes the thief will target next.
08:37 While George is showing the sketch to some guards, the bank robbers show up with their
08:41 guns.
08:42 George hides away and calls Jim.
08:45 Although he manages to let his friend know about the robbery, he is caught by the robbers
08:50 and shoved into their van.
08:52 Thankfully, Jim arrives at the scene in the nick of time.
08:55 Initially, he gets run over, but then regains his composure, grabs the van, and throws it
09:01 over.
09:02 Jim then helps George out of the van, just as Detective Cho shows up to pursue the robbers.
09:07 She is still clueless about his power.
09:10 Onto the next scene, Stephanie and Katie study the water they managed to retrieve from the
09:14 Amazon.
09:15 Much to their surprise, they realize there's nothing special about it, leading them to
09:19 wonder what could actually be the source of their powers.
09:23 Meanwhile, Detective Cho comes home to her apartment, and Morgan is there waiting for
09:27 her.
09:28 It turns out, he has telekinesis and uses it to choke her.
09:33 He asks her who else knows that the bank robbers she shot last week had powers.
09:38 Cho says she doesn't know anything about it.
09:40 Morgan lets her fall to the floor, but forces her to point her own gun towards her.
09:46 Cho starts to freak out, and as Morgan gets out of the apartment, a gunshot is heard,
09:51 supposedly killing the detective.
09:53 He then calls Stephanie's boss at Global Tech, telling him that "everything is taken
09:58 care of."
09:59 Cut to the next scene, the Powells attend a friend's wedding.
10:02 However, a bunch of robbers crash the wedding, asking everyone to put their jewelry in a
10:07 box.
10:08 The thieves also take Stephanie's wedding ring.
10:11 But the Powells decide not to use their superpower to get back at the robbers, realizing that
10:16 they would be risking their lives.
10:18 The next day, Stephanie manages to get the funding for her research at Global Tech.
10:23 But her boss tells her that as part of the funding, they need to test her blood sample
10:27 for insurance purposes.
10:29 The company already has her sample, as it was taken some time ago for a similar project.
10:35 Realizing that her boss and the others would find out about her superpower once the blood
10:39 is tested, Stephanie comes up with a plan to switch her blood sample with Katie's.
10:44 In the next scene, Daphne and her dad Jim talk about how things are going.
10:48 Just then, he gets a call from George about another wedding that is likely to be robbed.
10:53 Therefore, Jim lies to her that he has some emergency work at the precinct.
10:57 However, since Daphne can read minds, she learns about his lies.
11:02 That night, Stephanie and Katie are at Global Tech to switch some of Stephanie's blood
11:06 samples.
11:07 Katie has the route mapped.
11:08 Stephanie just has to break in without slowing down, or the cameras will see her.
11:13 Additionally, she has to swipe a keycard at one point.
11:16 She manages to do that and get past the guards without being noticed.
11:20 She then successfully swipes the blood samples.
11:23 In the meantime, George and Jim are at the wedding.
11:26 Just then, the robbers show up and Jim tries to subdue them.
11:30 During this time, he gets shot, but the bullets don't work on him.
11:34 The robbers believe Jim to be a cop wearing a bulletproof vest.
11:38 So they try to escape, but not before he punches one of them unconscious.
11:43 The robbers and Jim all rush out past Daphne, who is at the venue to see what her dad was
11:48 up to.
11:49 Apparently, her dad is trying to fight criminals all by himself.
11:53 When Jim sees that the robbers are getting away through a rope, he leaps up on a building
11:57 and manages to grab one of them by the leg.
12:00 The robber falls down onto an arriving cop car, but surprisingly survives.
12:06 When Jim returns home, Stephanie and Daphne are waiting for him, angry about his lying.
12:11 Apparently, they had promised each other that they will not be using their power until they
12:15 really know what's happening to them.
12:17 Jim tells them that his powers are finally letting him be the person he wants to be.
12:22 The following day at work, George tells Jim that they had to let go of the robber Jim
12:26 caught yesterday, since they have no evidence.
12:29 However, George does not have Stephanie's ring, which was recovered at the scene.
12:34 In the meantime, Global Tech's boss calls in an employee, asking if he was in the building
12:39 the other day as his card was used to access the lab.
12:43 We realize that the card was stolen by Stephanie to break in, but the employee is clueless
12:48 about this.
12:49 Later, the boss observes the CCTV footage, but doesn't see anyone.
12:54 However, he does notice Stephanie's blood vial swiftly disappearing and appearing in
12:59 the lab's refrigerator.
13:02 Now the boss is suspicious of Stephanie.
13:05 That night, Jim takes Stephanie to dinner on the roof of a restaurant.
13:08 They dance together, and he once again proposes to her, with her recovered engagement ring.
