Esme & Spencer’s Shocking Move To “Protect” Ace, Faking DNA Test ABC General Hos(1)

  • last year
Esme & Spencer’s Shocking Move To “Protect” Ace, Faking DNA Test ABC General Hos(1)
00:00 [door slams]
00:02 [music]
00:04 [silence]
00:06 ABC General Hospital spoilers reveal that Nicholas will appear again and in a completely new role.
00:12 When Nicholas regained consciousness, he realized Mason was the one who had been helping him the whole time.
00:16 If Mason hadn't come to Windermere and taken Nicholas away, he would probably have been buried and destroyed by Ava right now.
00:22 Nicholas agrees to be an ally with Mason. That also means that Nicholas will work under the Big Boss.
00:27 Of course, Nicholas still doesn't know that the Big Boss is Cyrus, because he doesn't care too much about that.
00:31 Nicholas just wants revenge on those who betrayed him.
00:34 And if he becomes an ally with Mason, Nicholas will have even more power.
00:37 He must make those who harmed him pay dearly.
00:40 Nicholas wants to take Windermere back from Ava. Now that he has officially returned, he does not hesitate to confront Ava.
00:45 However, Ava cannot easily give up this castle.
00:48 Ava also found it unreasonable for Nicholas to want to win Windermere with her.
00:52 Obviously, this is Nicholas's compensation to Ava after the two of them divorced.
00:56 Nicholas cannot be stubborn and do whatever he wants. Nicholas even threatens to kill Ava one day.
01:00 Ava has caused so much trouble for Nicholas that he can't let it go so easily.
01:04 Ava is currently trying to calm herself. She's just waiting for Windermere to be sold so everything can be resolved smoothly.
01:10 Ava will take that large amount of money and flee to a foreign country, so Nicholas will never find Ava.
01:15 In addition to dealing with Ava, Nicholas also has another goal. Nicholas wants to get little Ace back from Esme.
01:21 Ace is Nicholas's biological son, so of course he wants to raise the baby himself.
01:26 Nicholas feels Esme is not a trustworthy mother. Baby Ace will not be able to fully grow up with Esme's limited conditions.
01:34 It will be much more convenient for Ace to be with Nicholas, but both Esme and Spencer object to this.
01:40 Esme and Spencer don't want baby Ace to be raised by Nicholas.
01:43 For so long without Nicholas, Esme still took care of Ace very well, so she can't use that as an excuse to take Esme from her.
01:48 In short, Esme and Spencer will work together to plan to keep baby Ace. They couldn't let Nicholas's appearances disrupt everything.
01:55 It seems like Esme and Spencer have come up with the best solution to get Nicholas to give up custody of his child on his own.
02:01 Spencer faked a DNA test and proved that Nicholas was not the baby's biological father.
02:05 Before discovering she was pregnant, Esme slept with both Nicholas and Spencer, so it is completely possible.
02:10 If Ace is not Nicholas's son, then he is Spencer's son. The test results were so clear that Nicholas couldn't help but believe it.
02:15 If Ace is Spencer's son, then Nicholas has no reason to take custody of Ace.
02:19 Nicholas will stop his plan to get baby Ace back without a tense dispute between the two sides.
02:23 This is a really smart plan.
02:25 [Music]
