• 2 years ago
Kecik ni, sampaikan Marsha Milan pun dia nak koyakkan. Apa salah Marsha kena kecam? Makin melampau Kecik ni. Jom layan!


00:00 In conclusion, your voice is not good.
00:02 Hi, welcome back to Dalam Lawak atau Koyak.
00:14 We're here with Masha.
00:16 Yes, I'm here.
00:18 Masha, there's a song called Semua Anda Sabah, right?
00:21 How is it?
00:23 Where are you looking for?
00:26 Everyone is handsome, good at cooking rice.
00:30 Beautiful face,
00:32 but not good at running.
00:35 Better than men.
00:38 But, I can't cook.
00:41 Hello.
00:43 Do you understand why you're called little?
00:45 If you're in Sabah, you can cook rice.
00:47 But, you can cook everything.
00:48 Not just rice.
00:49 Sorry, we can make bread too.
00:51 What can you cook?
00:52 I'm hungry.
00:53 In the past, there's a song called Pokok Kelapa.
00:58 I will wait for you.
01:00 That song is like Adelene's song.
01:03 No, it's not.
01:04 That song is like Rasa Sayang.
01:08 Adelene loves you too.
01:09 Astaghfirullahaladzim.
01:10 No, that song is like Rakyat's song.
01:14 Now, you're in a movie. What's the name?
01:17 Rahsia.
01:18 Tell us why you're in Rahsia.
01:20 No, it's Rahsia.
01:22 What's your character?
01:24 I think you're a ghost.
01:28 You're smart.
01:29 I think I look like a ghost.
01:30 Yes, you always have a long face.
01:32 You're a ghost.
01:33 Masha is an A.F.
01:35 There are many songs that have high notes.
01:38 But, you're just like that.
01:40 You just have a high voice.
01:44 You're like a ghost.
01:47 I'm sorry.
01:48 Did you win?
01:52 How do I answer that question?
01:55 You won once.
01:57 The song.....
02:00 How was the song?
02:01 He's a fan of yours.
02:02 Because you won once, I want you to rank...
02:06 ...Aina Abdul, Annie and Masha.
02:08 One, two, three.
02:09 How can I do that?
02:11 I'm so smart. How can I do that?
02:13 They're my friends.
02:15 How do you rank them?
02:16 If you want to rank them in terms of their voices...
02:19 ...they have different tones.
02:22 They have different trademarks.
02:24 So, you can't compare them.
02:26 I don't know your voice.
02:28 This is the last question.
02:33 You're so small.
02:34 I saw you doing yoga on Instagram.
02:38 Have you ever sprained your back?
02:41 That's a common thing.
02:43 But, I don't have any sprains.
02:47 Maybe, I have a slow muscle.
02:51 I can't do that.
02:53 Because you're weak.
02:55 I'm not.
02:56 Wait!
02:57 I want to ask you something.
02:59 We'll go now. Bye.
03:01 You can do it.
03:04 You can do it.
03:07 [music]
