19 Choses que Vous Ignoriez Il y’a 5 minutes

  • last year


00:00 Hi everyone, we wonder if snails are born without shells, or if there are cats right-handed or left-handed.
00:06 And also, why was the vinaigrette of the Mildsilles named like that?
00:09 We are convinced that you will not be able to close your eyes before you have found the answers to these questions.
00:13 But don't worry, we will spare you insomnia.
00:16 Do you think you can keep your calm in the sight of an African Cobra?
00:23 Well, maybe if he is behind the glass of his vivarium, although it didn't help much Dudley in Harry Potter.
00:28 However, recent studies have shown that many African snakes do not care about humans,
00:32 and that they were not even particularly interested in mice.
00:35 However, they do not hesitate to devour their own congeners for lunch.
00:38 Yes, there are cannibals among reptiles.
00:40 They act like that because it's much more practical.
00:42 Not really.
00:43 A creature of the same morphology is much easier to swallow than a rodent with its legs spread apart.
00:51 And then, snakes are just slow.
00:53 So it's not that easy for them to catch them.
00:56 Wow, put that thing back where it came from.
00:58 We strongly doubt that these ladies really like to see that, not to mention the fact that it is not polite to pull the tongue.
01:02 No, but it's incredible, isn't it?
01:03 You will surely be shocked to learn that it is not really a tongue.
01:06 In fact, it is a special leather pocket that camels inflate to attract females.
01:09 Yes, it's quite weird as a drag technique, shame on the rope.
01:16 By the way, many animals do this kind of thing.
01:18 After all, you too try to straighten your shoulders and raise your head when you want to impress someone, right?
01:23 It is said that nature is merciless and that animals only follow their instincts.
01:27 But that's not quite true.
01:28 It sometimes happens that animals are more inclined to help each other than humans.
01:31 Look at this.
01:32 This donkey digs a hole in the sand, then all the other animals will use it to feed themselves.
01:37 Boars, cows, deer and even coyotes.
01:39 Well, maybe we exaggerated a little.
01:41 Obviously, first of all, this donkey dug a hole because it was thirsty.
01:44 But isn't his act less generous?
01:47 Alas, after our death, nothing guarantees that people will respect our last will.
01:51 Are you disturbed by the fact that our video suddenly took such a dark turn?
01:55 Don't worry, we'll explain everything.
01:57 What you see here is Marilyn Monroe's grave.
01:59 And yes, these are real traces of lipstick left by her fans.
02:02 And her neighbor Hugh Hefner also received some.
02:04 The sad and ironic of fate is that at the end of her life, this exaggerated attention exasperated Marilyn Monroe.
02:09 Her ex-husband, Jody Maggio, deliberately chose the peaceful Westwood cemetery in Los Angeles as her last home.
02:14 Since then, the cemetery has lost its discretion and dozens of other celebrities have been buried there.
02:19 Today, there are many visitors, to say the least.
02:23 The next time you see someone whistling in the street, you might think of what's next.
02:27 It may be someone who speaks a very particular whistling language that you don't know.
02:31 And it's not a joke, these languages ​​do exist.
02:34 We find them, for example, in the Canary Islands, but also in the Turkish village of Kuskoy.
02:42 Think about it, how would the inhabitants communicate differently between them in the mountains, at a great distance from each other?
02:47 By phone you say, "Tout à fait".
02:50 This is why the whistled languages ​​are in the way of disappearance nowadays.
02:52 But they are not yet totally disappeared.
02:54 Many parents consider it their duty to teach children this unusual dialect.
02:58 Wow, are these the pets of Michael Phelps?
03:05 How would these pigs have learned to swim if it were not the case?
03:08 Well, it will surprise you, but these animals are actually great swimmers.
03:11 In the wild, they are often brought across very narrow rivers, which makes this talent essential.
03:17 However, domestic adult pigs are not necessarily able to swim.
03:21 After all, they are far from being small.
03:24 On the other hand, porcelain and smaller pigs could swim a hundred meters in an Olympic pool.
03:29 And why do we love polo?
03:31 For its famous collar, of course, which many people like to wear high.
03:34 And also for the relationship with the culture of tennis and golf.
03:37 But did you know that there is a direct link between these sports and the collar?
03:40 This kind of shirt was originally designed to protect the players' neck from the sun's rays.
03:44 But it seems that this is one of those inventions whose initial goal is quickly forgotten.
03:48 A bit like this little pocket on the jeans.
03:50 You still don't know what it's for?
03:52 So subscribe to the intelligence store without further ado.
03:55 You will learn as much as possible and you will have plenty of stories to tell.
03:58 Do you consider yourself as an unlucky person?
04:01 But what do you really know about bad luck?
04:03 Here is Harrison Schmitt.
04:04 In 1972, he realized his dream.
04:06 He was on the moon as part of a NASA mission.
04:09 Later, he found himself allergic to lunar dust.
04:12 Yes, these things can happen.
04:14 It's not a big deal, but still quite unpleasant, like any other respiratory allergy.
04:18 So, before leaving on a lunar mission, future astronauts now undergo special checks.
04:22 As if there were not enough already.
04:24 No, it's not Godzilla's paw.
04:26 Although its owner is also a superpower.
04:28 What you see here is the paw of a funny gecko lizard.
04:30 You may have heard of these creatures that can stick to walls and trees.
04:34 But we bet you didn't know that they also knew how to control this ability.
04:37 And this thanks to millions of microscopic hairs
04:39 that exert special intermolecular forces when they stick to the surface.
04:42 Do you find it confusing?
04:44 So, look how this guy is trying to follow the same approach as a gecko.
04:47 It will surely make you smile.
04:49 When you think you've seen everything,
04:51 you see someone ironing a newspaper.
04:53 It's not a joke.
04:54 A few hundred years ago, the majority of all rich and respectable families did it.
04:58 The nobles were not embarrassed by the folds of the paper.
05:00 In fact, the fresh ink was at risk of staining the clothes.
05:02 And the hot steam of an iron to be ironed allowed to dry it perfectly.
05:06 Nowadays, the ink dries before the newspaper reaches the customer.
05:09 But this tradition is still in force in the British royal court.
05:12 So now, you have no excuse to avoid ironing your sheets.
05:16 Either we love garden dwarfs or we hate them.
05:18 There is no in-between.
05:19 If you are one of those who can't stand them,
05:21 be glad that they are not alive.
05:23 At least, that's what we believe.
05:25 At the time of the Renaissance,
05:26 the nobles hired hermits of living gardens in their domain.
05:28 Yes, real people who lived in a small cabin
05:31 and served as ornaments for the picturesque garden.
05:33 Well, we can call that throwing money out the window.
05:36 Are you afraid of insects?
05:38 Well, there are plenty of them, especially of the giraffes,
05:40 especially if you hold a phone or any other electronic device in your hand.
05:43 The thing is that the female giraffes confuse the emitted waves
05:48 with the different devices with the nuptial song of the males.
05:50 And believe us, it may not end well for you.
05:53 Soon, these babies will become robust and fast predators.
06:00 Meanwhile, they look like the most vulnerable creatures on the planet.
06:03 Frankly, why are all these animals born blind and unable to defend themselves?
06:07 If the question is sensible, the answer is very simple.
06:10 To reach such a stage of development,
06:12 the young dog should spend too much time in his mother's uterus.
06:15 But it would not be practical for a mother who must return to hunting quickly
06:18 by adopting a very busy lifestyle.
06:20 In addition, CCT protects baby animals from eye infections.
06:24 Yes, nothing is left to chance in nature.
06:26 What is the relationship with these islands?
06:28 You probably asked yourself this question at least once
06:30 while tasting a burger with this famous ketchup-mayo sauce.
06:33 Well, its name was chosen for a good reason.
06:35 Indeed, this sauce was served for the first time by the waiters of a hotel
06:39 located on, yes, the Mils-Îles.
06:41 It is the name of the archipelago that extends along the Americano-Canadian border.
06:44 Admit it, it made you a little hungry, didn't it?
06:46 Yes, it exists.
06:49 And to know if your cat is one of them, it's very simple.
06:51 Cats show a preference marked for the front right or left paw
06:54 when going down the stairs.
06:56 If your little companion does not have to go through the stairs,
06:58 then try to spot the paw he uses first when he plays
07:01 or when he enters his litter.
07:03 It's as simple as "hello".
07:05 Here is the answer to the most frequent question we ask ourselves about them.
07:08 Yes, snails are born with shells,
07:10 but they do not look like what we expect.
07:12 At first, the shell is a soft tissue that grows and hardens over time.
07:16 To do this, the snail must consume a lot of calcium.
07:19 Besides, know that you too need it.
07:22 [Snail sounds]
07:24 Do you see that too?
07:29 We talk about these strange paws.
07:31 Google says that almost all species of seabirds have long legs.
07:33 For some reason, we do not see them in full.
07:35 Yet, we should, because they are very beautiful.
07:38 When you are in the middle of a glacial place,
07:41 there is a good chance that everything around you is frozen.
07:43 You will feel this cold glacial pass through the most tiny parts of your body.
07:47 However, it turns out that your eyes are spared, and you know why.
07:50 Besides, how does it happen that the hair covers itself with ice,
07:53 that the skin rustles, that the nose mouths, but that the eyes remain intact?
07:56 Apparently, nature is extremely foreseeing.
07:58 Indeed, it will be possible for you to reach your destination even if your ears freeze.
08:02 However, if you lose sight, that's another story.
08:05 Your eyes are actually protected by a saline lacrymal liquid
08:08 that prevents them from drying out and freezing.
08:10 In addition, blood circulation in blood vessels is particularly important due to the cold.
08:14 In short, that's how it works.
08:16 We would like you to listen to a piece.
08:19 [Music]
08:23 Does it bother you?
08:24 It sounds like the soundtrack of a very psychological thriller.
08:27 What if we said that it was created without musical instruments?
08:30 Well, if you are still not impressed, we will be even more explicit.
08:33 This piece was created from frequencies emitted by... a spider web.
08:37 Today, a sample can be created from anything.
08:40 Even from the noise emitted by your brain,
08:42 which is probably heating up after receiving all this information.
08:45 Don't worry, we're kidding.
08:46 Anyway, who knows, science is always surprising.
08:49 If you liked the video, don't hesitate to click on "like" and subscribe.
08:56 It's always good to support us, and you won't miss any of our videos.
08:59 See you.
09:00 [Music]
