Marilyn Manson Sentenced to Community Service After Spitting on Videographer

  • last year
American rock star Marilyn Manson has is making headlines after being sentenced for spitting on a videographer. The incident occurred at a concert in 2019, as Manson was performing at Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion in Gilford.
00:00 American rock star Marilyn Manson is making headlines after being sentenced for spitting
00:05 on his own videographer. The incident occurred at a concert in 2019, as Manson was performing
00:12 at Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion in Guilford. Video captured by the videographer shows Manson
00:17 putting his face close to the camera and spitting a "big loogie" at her. The singer then returned a
00:23 second time, covered one nostril and blew his nose on the videographer, launching a
00:29 significant amount of mucus. The videographer, Susan Fountain, spoke about how disturbing the
00:35 incident was, saying, "I've never been humiliated or treated like I was by this defendant. For him
00:41 to spit on me and blow his nose on me was the most disgusting thing a human being has ever done."
00:47 While Manson originally pleaded not guilty, the musician later changed his plea to no contest.
00:53 Manson has been sentenced to 20 hours of community service and will pay around $1,400 for the offense.
