• 2 years ago
00:00 [Commentator speaking Italian]
00:04 [Commentator speaking Italian]
00:08 [Commentator speaking Italian]
00:12 [Commentator speaking Italian]
00:16 [Crowd cheering]
00:20 [Commentator speaking Italian]
00:24 [Commentator speaking Italian]
00:28 [Commentator speaking Italian]
00:32 [Commentator speaking Italian]
00:36 [Commentator speaking Italian]
00:40 [Crowd cheering]
00:44 [Commentator speaking Italian]
00:48 [Crowd cheering]
00:52 The ball is caught outside the net by Ole.
00:54 Tommy shoots to Teo. Teo is inside for Rafa.
00:59 Rafa, Rafa, Rafa, Rafa, Rafa!
01:05 Rafa misses the shot from a cross.
01:07 Semmiciuquez, Pobega saves on the line, Newcastle, crazy!
01:10 We had the goal in Cannes.
01:12 Rafa's preciousness.
01:14 We have to score.
01:21 Here's the one who catches it.
01:22 Bravo Rade for Tigi.
01:23 Bravo Rade for Tigi.
01:25 Bravo Rade, Tigi, Tigi!
01:27 Slowly, slowly, the shot to Tigi.
01:29 We had the free-kick of Sikeloftus.
01:31 Falkate from Malik, who manages to pass the ball quickly to Flore.
01:36 Flore to the cross.
01:38 Headshot outside the net by Rafa Leal.
01:40 A huge opportunity for us.
01:47 Attention, attention, attention.
01:51 Newcastle again, no, libero there, no, longstop.
01:55 Nesportiello makes the great save.
01:58 (audience laughing)
