• last year
Chris Worthington set out to document what eternal life truly is according to the words of Jesus Christ. He ended up ven | dG1fSGFZTDFEXzlFbDg
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord,
00:12 will enter into the kingdom of heaven.
00:14 But only the one who does the will
00:17 of my Father who is in heaven.
00:19 Many will say to me on that day,
00:22 Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name?
00:26 And in your name drive out demons.
00:30 And in your name perform many miracles.
00:33 Then I will tell them plainly,
00:38 away from me, you evildoers, I never knew you.
00:44 His reason for condemning these people
00:50 is that they never knew him.
00:53 Now why would he say that?
00:58 (dramatic music)
01:01 In right where you're standing right now,
01:07 what we're about to go into is 100% witchcraft.
01:11 Let's get this party started.
01:16 Holy Spirit.
01:17 Holy Spirit.
01:18 I invite you.
01:19 I invite you.
01:20 And I ask you.
01:21 And I ask you.
01:22 To come and possess my life.
01:24 To come and possess my life.
01:27 There is a witch doctor here tonight.
01:29 I want you to listen to what I'm telling you.
01:33 Because in Jesus' name,
01:34 you're gonna give your life to Christ.
01:36 (speaking in foreign language)
01:40 Do you know him?
01:46 Do you know that he even wants to be known?
01:51 Do you know that there is an intimate place
01:53 so deep and so real that God invites us into
01:58 by the Spirit that we might be able to know the Son?
02:02 Do you know Jesus?
02:05 (dramatic music)
02:08 (dramatic music)
02:10 (dramatic music)
02:14 (dramatic music)
02:18 (dramatic music)
02:21 (dramatic music)
02:23 (music)
