• 2 years ago
新闻报报看 | 丹麦艺术家哈宁数10年前以钞票作画闻名,然而前年收了博物馆逾53万丹麦克朗重制画作时,却交上两张白纸,被馆长告上庭要求还钱。哈宁表示,这两幅画的名称跟他的行为一样,就是“拿了钱就跑”。他也承认故意“交白卷”,目的是想鼓励其他工作条件跟他一样悲惨的人,像他这样勇敢违约。(主播:蔡心惠、洪欣仪)


00:00 Art is not something everyone knows,
00:04 so it's easy to cause controversy.
00:06 A few years ago, an Italian artist
00:08 put a banana on the wall
00:10 and sold it for $120,000,
00:13 which is equivalent to $560,000.
00:15 At the time, there was a controversy.
00:17 A Danish artist named Hanin
00:20 went even further.
00:21 In 2021, she was entrusted with the museum
00:24 and used 532,000 Danish kroner,
00:27 which is equivalent to $350,000,
00:30 to create two paintings.
00:32 The result was a stunning work.
00:36 Yes, her work is this blank canvas.
00:40 Hanin's name for this painting is also very famous.
00:44 It's called "Running with Money".
00:47 Why is the name of this painting
00:49 "Running with Money" so famous?
00:52 The story starts in 2007.
00:55 Hanin wanted to raise money for Denmark,
00:58 so she filled the canvas with Danish kroner.
01:03 The painting was named "Danish Average Annual Income".
01:07 In 2010 and 2011,
01:10 she re-enacted the painting with European Yuan.
01:14 The painting was called "Austrian Income".
01:17 Although the process of making these two paintings
01:19 sounds very casual,
01:21 she did successfully make a name for these two paintings locally.
01:26 Ten years later,
01:28 Hanin was entrusted with the Danish Aalborg Modern Art Museum
01:31 and asked to re-create the two paintings.
01:35 But she didn't expect to hand in the blank canvas directly this time.
01:41 Hanin has her explanation for these two paintings.
01:44 She said she did receive money but did not do anything.
01:47 So these two paintings are called "Running with Money".
01:50 But she said this is not a theft.
01:52 At most, she can only say it is a breach of contract.
01:54 And the breach of contract is also a part of this painting.
01:57 She hopes to encourage other people with the same miserable conditions
02:00 as her to bravely breach the contract through this painting.
02:04 A good sentence, "Bravely breach the contract".
02:07 But this explanation made the museum's curator very dissatisfied
02:11 and angered her and the exhibition's staff.
02:13 But the curator did not deny that Hanin was very humorous.
02:16 But they still decided to display these two blank paintings.
02:20 Although the paintings were displayed,
02:22 Hanin still had to pay for them.
02:24 But Hanin insisted on not paying,
02:26 so the curator sued the court.
02:28 After more than two years of litigation,
02:30 Copenhagen court yesterday ruled that
02:32 Hanin must pay back 490,000 kroner,
02:34 which is about 330,000 ringgit.
02:36 This is the remaining cost after deducting the expenses
02:39 required to produce these two paintings.
02:42 Hanin did not plan to appeal after she was found guilty.
02:45 [Music]
