Baby girl's reaction to trying Grapefruit for the first time is... INTERESTING!

  • last year
In a video that is guaranteed to brighten up your day, a baby girl tastes grapefruit for the first time!

The amusing clip kicks off with the baby's dad, Louis Mathieu, giving her a bowl of grapefruit and then patiently waiting to see her reaction.

At first, the youngling doesn't seem to be a fan of the citrus delight, but she still decides to keep going. Slowly and steadily, she starts liking the fruit and goes on to empty the entire bowl!

"My daughter, Lelah's, reaction to eating a bowl of grapefruit," Louis wrote online.

Location: McDonough, USA
WooGlobe Ref : WGA943647
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00:00 Okay, we have a hungry baby alert.
00:05 Lee, what does Dada have for you?
00:08 That's grapefruit.
00:10 This is your first time about to try grapefruit.
00:14 (baby cooing)
00:18 What do you think?
00:23 (baby cooing)
00:26 Tastes good?
00:36 Do you like it?
00:46 Can you see yourself eating this a little bit more often?
00:52 (baby cooing)
00:55 How many times a week?
00:57 One, two, three.
01:01 (baby cooing)
01:07 Okay, you're eating all your grapefruit.
01:15 (baby cooing)
01:18 (baby cooing)
01:20 (baby cooing)
01:23 (baby cooing)
01:25 Bye bye.
