Black Snow - The Apocalypse | movie | 2023 | Official Featurette

  • last year
In the aftermath, when the world is isolated and cold, a painter becomes obsessed with his work. | dG1fM2J2a3dZZjFCbjQ
00:00 [crickets chirping]
00:03 Every time the lights are dim
00:22 and I'm alone with my reflection,
00:24 I feel a winter wind.
00:26 The kind of chill that feels bitter against your face.
00:29 The kind that chases you, throws you.
00:32 In a strange way, I crave the frostbite.
00:36 Knowing it won't be long before the snow all melts
00:40 and I will find myself yearning for another storm.
00:42 A storm.
00:47 Dunes piling in a frantic flurry,
00:50 not a silvery dust,
00:51 but as dark as night.
00:53 [wind howling]
00:56 Funny how we are meant to fear the darkness,
01:04 but I find solace in its embrace.
01:06 It is when it wraps around me
01:10 and my eyes no longer seem to work
01:12 that I truly see.
01:23 In fact, it is the darkness that taught me
01:26 how little I really need my sight.
01:28 The circle of life is not just one of birth and death.
01:37 It is a circle of influence,
01:41 of ingrained mind and soul,
01:42 of power and submission.
01:45 Who wins in this cycle are those
01:48 who stay in the loop the longest.
01:50 Those who nestle in the blood of the unborn.
01:54 Those who create the abyss.
01:56 And those who jump in.
01:59 [wind howling]
02:01 [footsteps]
02:03 [wind howling]
02:07 [footsteps]
02:09 [wind howling]
02:34 [wind howling]
02:36 [wind howling]
02:55 [thunder rumbling]
03:00 [wind howling]
03:02 [thunder rumbling]
03:12 [thunder rumbling]
03:18 [thunder rumbling]
03:23 [thunder rumbling]
03:30 [thunder rumbling]
03:33 [thunder rumbling]
03:36 [thunder rumbling]
03:40 [water dripping]
04:01 [thunder rumbling]
04:04 [soft music]
04:14 I can't breathe anymore.
04:21 Only feel.
04:22 And it is long awaited.
04:25 [soft music]
04:28 [soft music]
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04:34 [soft music]
04:37 [soft music]
04:39 [soft music]
04:42 [soft music]
04:44 [soft music]
04:47 [soft music]
04:54 [soft music]
04:58 [soft music]
05:03 [soft music]
05:08 [soft music]
05:14 [soft music]
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05:39 [soft music]
05:42 [soft music]
05:45 [soft music]
05:48 (propeller whirring)
