彭亨柏朗埃州席补选 莫哈山有信心国阵能守土

  • last year
八点最热报 | 随着原任彭亨柏朗埃州议员=佐哈里,在上个月空难中离世,他所遗留下来的柏朗埃州议席,在这个星期六即将迎来提名日。而国阵和国盟也在昨天,同时公布各自的候选人。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 Zoharli, a former Bolong Air State MP, passed away in the air last month.
00:09 The Bolong Air State parade he left behind will be held on this Saturday.
00:14 The National Government and the National Alliance also announced their candidates yesterday.
00:18 The National Government will be led by Amitabh Bachchan, the head of the Wendong District,
00:22 and the Chief of the National Government, Mohammed Hassan,
00:24 who said they were confident that the TPP government could successfully defend the Bolong Air State parade.
00:29 The National Alliance also sent the same candidate, Kasim Sharma, who was also in the last state.
00:35 He said that although the parade was considered a "sacred place for the WTO,"
00:39 he would fight bravely and show his determination.
00:42 The Bolong Air State parade will be held on Saturday.
00:47 The National Government announced last night that it would send Amitabh Bachchan,
00:50 the head of the Wendong District, to defend the Bolong Air State parade.
00:53 The Chief of the National Government, Mohammed Hassan, said that the parade was an important battle.
00:57 He hoped that the Bolong Air State parade would be a turning point for the National Government.
01:01 "We are not happy with the movement.
01:05 We, the party, are asking our fellow candidates to win
01:10 so that we can stop the red wave of anger from beginning in Dunmangan."
01:19 The National Government also announced last night that
01:21 the candidate for the first party, Kasim Sharma, will be wearing a military uniform.
01:25 The first party's chief of the National Government, Dany Bulaxin, said that
01:27 the results of the last two elections have shown that
01:30 the Kenjimin District is no longer a state-run railway station.
01:33 In addition, the Kenjimin District has been facing many problems for a long time.
01:36 Therefore, the National Government is confident that it can win the Bolong Air State parade.
01:39 "Although it was once a UN headquarters,
01:42 we can see that from the 14th to 15th election,
01:47 they are facing various problems.
01:49 The second house of the government has no plans to build.
01:52 They are making projects that are out of date,
01:55 and the development is facing various issues in the federal government."
01:59 For more UN videos visit: www.un.org/webcast
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