Congo president asks UN peacekeepers to withdraw

  • last year
Congo president asks UN peacekeepers to withdraw
00:00 The Democratic Republic of Congo President Felix Sisekedi has asked his government to
00:05 fast-track the withdrawal of a United Nations peacekeeping mission.
00:11 Speaking at the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, he said Congo wants to ensure the withdrawal
00:16 begins at the end of the year.
00:19 This is why, as in my capacity as guarantor under the constitution, guarantor of the territorial
00:26 integrity, sovereignty and independence of my country, and to ensure the good conduct
00:32 of our nation and the well-being of my compatriots, in this capacity I have instructed the government
00:37 of the Republic to begin discussions with the UN authorities to ensure an accelerated
00:43 withdrawal of MONUSCO from the Democratic Republic of Congo, moving up the deadline
00:49 from December 2024 to December 2023.
00:54 The mission, called MONUSCO, took over from an earlier UN operation in 2010 to help quell
00:59 insecurity in the eastern part of the country.
01:03 Armed groups have been fighting over territory and resources there, but its presence has
01:09 become increasingly unpopular in recent years.
01:12 Critics say it has failed to protect civilians against militia groups, sparking deadly protests.
01:19 More than 40 people were killed and dozens wounded in an army crackdown on violent anti-UN
01:25 demonstrations in the eastern city of Goma last month.
01:29 Another protest in July 2022 resulted in more than 15 deaths, including three peacekeepers
01:36 in Goma and the city of Butembo.
