• 2 years ago


00:00 Hey, guys. How's it going?
00:01 - Good. How are you? - Good. How are you?
00:03 Good. You excited for season two of "Team Mom" next chapter?
00:08 - Yeah. - Yeah.
00:09 [laughter]
00:12 Obviously, the trailer showed a lot.
00:15 Cheyenne and Zach, you guys just moved into a new house
00:18 a few months ago,
00:19 and I think we'll see that in the new season.
00:22 What's been the hardest part about, you know,
00:25 moving with little ones
00:26 and getting settled into your new place?
00:29 - Ooh. - It was definitely, like,
00:30 a new world for us.
00:33 We moved outside of the city.
00:35 Ryder started a new school.
00:38 I'm still having my mom within, like, arm's reach,
00:40 like, a five-minute drive.
00:42 Now it's an hour, and I kind of, like, went through, like,
00:45 withdrawals, even though she's here all the time still.
00:49 But it's just knowing, like,
00:50 it's gonna take you a second to get to me.
00:52 - Yeah. - And then just being homeowners.
00:55 It comes with a lot of responsibility,
00:57 way bigger bills.
00:59 We had to have, like, stuff with our hands.
01:01 Like, it was-- I was like, "This isn't for me."
01:03 I have one move in me in my whole life,
01:05 and this is it. - Yeah.
01:08 You guys also recently talked openly
01:10 about exploring adoption.
01:13 Is that something we might see play out this season?
01:17 - We go back and forth with if we want to have another baby,
01:20 like, biologically between us,
01:22 or if we adopt an older child.
01:25 And I think we're still trying to figure out
01:28 what we want to do. - Okay.
01:31 We also see you make a--
01:33 what seems like a pretty tense phone call
01:35 to Ashley during the season.
01:38 Obviously, that happened after you disinvited her
01:41 from your wedding.
01:43 Are you guys gonna struggle a bit this season?
01:45 Will we see that play out?
01:46 And is there any hope for a reconciliation there?
01:51 - [laughs]
01:53 I definitely think you'll see it play out.
01:55 - Okay.
01:57 Doesn't seem hopeful there.
01:59 - [laughs]
02:03 I feel like you have to watch that one,
02:05 'cause I don't want to say anything
02:08 that comes back and bites me in the ass.
02:11 - Okay. - When I say--
02:13 But I think you just have to watch it play out.
02:17 - Okay, and what else can you and Zach tease
02:20 about, you know, your journey this season?
02:24 - I think the season was rough to start.
02:27 There was a lot happening right after we got married.
02:30 There was a lot of ups and downs,
02:32 and then we were just trying to be supportive
02:34 to Corey and Taylor with them dealing with baby Maya
02:38 and Ryder, and Ryder had a rough time,
02:42 and then her dad left for the challenge on her birthday,
02:45 and that was really hard for her.
02:48 So I think, you know, a lot of this season
02:50 is us trying to just figure out how to be supportive for Rye
02:55 and if we're doing-- been making the right decisions
02:58 as her parents, and I think sometimes parents
03:01 make some mistakes, and this is how we recover from them.
03:05 - Yeah.
03:07 Speaking of co-parenting, Macy, in the trailer,
03:10 you say that you and Ryan are finally getting along again.
03:14 How did that come about?
03:15 What changed for you?
03:19 - Well, a lot of reflecting, really,
03:24 but, you know, Bentley works with--
03:28 in therapy a lot, and after a few conversations,
03:33 just realizing the role that I have in--
03:37 and the influence that I have on the relationship
03:40 between Ryan and Bentley, and I just, you know,
03:44 with that realization, wanted to make sure
03:47 that I was, you know, doing my part,
03:51 and, you know, not staining it
03:57 or getting in the way of their relationship.
04:00 - Mm-hmm.
04:01 I'm not sure how much will be covered this season,
04:03 but obviously, a couple months ago,
04:06 he was sentenced to nearly a year in prison.
04:08 You attended a recent court hearing,
04:12 and you said openly that it was important for you
04:15 to show up for both Ryan and Bentley,
04:17 so I just wanted to ask you why you felt
04:19 that was so important.
04:23 - I think for my situation,
04:28 it was important for me to show up
04:31 and let Bentley see me show up for Ryan
04:35 because, ultimately, you know, at the end of the day,
04:39 it's obviously still his dad,
04:43 but also for Ryan and Ryan's parents.
04:46 You know, they're all collectively--
04:49 I mean, all of us are going through a lot
04:51 with this whole situation,
04:53 but, you know, Ryan made bad decisions,
04:58 but at the end of the day, like, his whole world
05:01 has just completely fallen apart,
05:04 and, you know, I just--
05:06 I wanted him to know that just because this has all happened,
05:10 it doesn't mean, like, I'm just gonna quit on him.
05:14 - Mm-hmm.
05:15 - But, yeah, mainly for Bentley.
05:18 I felt like it was important for him
05:19 to see me support his dad.
05:22 - Yeah.
05:23 Will we see--you guys have a few scenes this season.
05:26 I know we saw him on camera.
05:28 I wasn't sure if you guys were together.
05:30 - Um, I think so.
05:33 I'm not exactly sure how much
05:36 just because of when all of this happened,
05:39 it was kind of, like, in the middle of the season.
05:41 - Oh, okay.
05:43 - So I'm not sure how much of him
05:47 is gonna be on there,
05:48 but he definitely filmed a few times.
05:51 - Okay.
05:52 Have you had any communication with him
05:55 since he's, you know, was sentenced,
05:57 and, you know, how is he doing?
05:59 - Yeah, he calls pretty regularly
06:02 a couple times a week,
06:04 and, I mean, he's doing as good as he can be.
06:09 You know, some days are better than others,
06:11 and he's had some rough patches of just, you know,
06:15 depression and all the things.
06:18 I mean, I've never been to jail,
06:19 but I can only imagine what that's like.
06:23 But he's doing good.
06:25 - And what's his relationship with Bentley like currently?
06:30 - Um, it's pretty-- pretty good.
06:33 I mean, it's--Taylor and I kind of came to the realization
06:38 a couple weeks ago that we feel like he
06:43 communicates more consistently right now
06:46 with Bentley than before,
06:49 just as far as, you know, calling and talking to him
06:53 and stuff like that, so, um...
06:57 silver lining, I guess it kind of all--
07:01 even though it's a shit show,
07:02 it kind of has all been like a blessing in disguise.
07:05 - Yeah.
07:07 What else can you and Taylor tease about
07:09 your journey outside of that this season?
07:12 - I feel like that kind of-- it was like a domino effect.
07:15 I mean, having to, like, mend and repair
07:19 those relationships and stuff really--
07:22 I don't know, it kind of-- it has an effect on everything,
07:25 um, because it's very difficult.
07:29 Um, but...
07:31 I mean, really, besides that,
07:33 just us trying to keep our head above water
07:35 with all of our kids and all the crap that they do.
07:38 - Yeah.
07:39 I know you two have talked in the past
07:41 about having more kids.
07:42 It's been a bit since then.
07:44 I feel like in last season, obviously, you know,
07:47 you juggled with the kids and having private,
07:50 you know, dates and stuff.
07:51 Are you guys still planning to have more kids?
07:53 Are you kind of happy with where you're at right now?
07:57 - No more kids. - No more.
08:00 - No.
08:02 I mean, I don't think we will ever fully take adoption
08:05 off the table, but it's--
08:08 now it's definitely not the right time for that, for us.
08:12 - Okay.
08:13 - And definitely no more biological children.
08:16 - Okay.
08:17 Well, thank you so much, guys.
08:19 That's all the time I have with you.
08:20 I'm looking forward to season two,
08:22 and I hope we get to chat soon.
08:23 - Thank you. - Thank you.
08:25 - Bye.
