• 2 years ago
Make a date with the Gigolos. An extremely rare and uncensored look into the personal and professional lives of five hot | dHNfZ00zdkxldHZoWEk


00:00 (rock music)
00:02 - What's up boys?
00:08 - What's up buddy?
00:09 - How you doing?
00:10 - You want a drink?
00:11 - Want some refreshments?
00:11 - I need a drink for sure.
00:12 - So, how'd the date go?
00:14 - She was a cool girl, actually we had fun.
00:16 It was more of like a brother-sister relationship I guess.
00:19 - So you just (beep) up?
00:20 (laughing)
00:22 - The same relationship that I have with all the other guys
00:27 is the same relationship anybody would have
00:29 growing up with a bunch of brothers.
00:31 If we're at the club trying to pick up girls,
00:33 we're competing with each other 24/7.
00:35 You know, that makes us better though.
00:36 - I like that chick in the red.
00:38 She looks a little Asian.
00:39 When we all hit the bar and everybody's, you know,
00:42 out on the hunt, it's fun in a sense,
00:45 but I've had so many women in my life,
00:47 it's just a blur and it really doesn't matter to me.
00:50 You girls are looking like so hot.
00:53 Are you like a model or something?
00:55 Probably forgot more about women
00:56 than most people will ever know.
00:59 - I never get tired of beauty.
01:00 When I look at you, I see like straight up beauty.
01:04 I'm gonna get you another drink.
01:06 Nothing but the best for you, Savannah.
01:08 You know what, you've earned it.
01:09 - Nothing but the best for you, my dear.
01:12 - He's just laying it on.
01:15 - Brace's game with women is he usually talks their ear off
01:19 until they fall asleep and then he (beep) them.
01:22 - So I'm just being real.
01:25 You know, I'm not politically correct, I'm just correct.
01:28 Companionship is just my job.
01:30 Escorting is just a job.
01:33 But seduction happens to be a forte of mine.
01:36 - All right, nice to meet you.
01:37 - It was a pleasure.
01:39 Ashley.
01:40 - Misty.
01:40 - Misty.
01:41 - Wow.
01:42 - Sorry.
01:43 But yeah, my left hand is like my best lover sometimes.