• 2 years ago
This is Great News


00:00 Basically, just pathetic worms that go out into the world and treat strangers like NPCs
00:06 to spit on and use as props for their content.
00:09 And one of the biggest goofballs in this category of content is named Johnny Somali and he was
00:14 just arrested in Japan.
00:16 Which is the most unsurprising news of all time.
00:18 The only shocking thing about this story is that it hasn't happened sooner.
00:22 Johnny Somali is a name you might have heard a couple of times over the last few months
00:25 because he has said himself that he will do anything necessary to achieve clout and the
00:30 path he's chosen for that is to go to Japan and just harass everyone by spamming racist
00:35 shit at them and a lot of deplorable garbage.
00:39 It's a mystery how he hasn't been deported or killed.
00:43 He actually flirted with death one time on stream not too long ago actually where he
00:47 was barking up the wrong tree and was nearly sent to meet his maker.
01:05 Absolutely beautiful haymaker delivered there complete with like a viking screech there.
01:26 Like a primal guttural yell as he delivers the most telegraphed hook I've ever seen in
01:33 my life.
01:34 But these two goobers didn't react to it at all.
01:37 They just ate it like it was a bowl of cereal.
01:40 And I also love the timing of that donation because it played that Mario coin sound effect
01:45 so it actually felt like he had just got the coins beat out of him by this guy.
01:49 And I love that we also have another camera angle here to capture the aftermath because
01:53 they tried to play it off like it barely hit them but you can actually see one of them
01:57 pooled blood a little bit on the ground because they got knocked out like briefly.
02:02 So everything about that just felt amazing to watch.
02:05 It's very hard to root for someone committing a public assault but when they're instigating
02:10 and the entire purpose for them being in Japan is to instigate conflict like this, it's hard
02:14 not to at least pump your fist and cheer when they finally get what they deserve.
02:17 And man once again, very impressive delivery of this wallop.
02:21 It was a wombo combo.
02:23 He blasted both of them.
02:25 Fucking Johnny Somali watched his friend get clobbered and then he said "Excuse me, what
02:29 about second breakfast?
02:30 May I have one?
02:31 I want what he's having."
02:32 And then he also gets blasted too.
02:34 Like he did nothing to prevent it at all.
02:37 He just sat there and took it.
02:39 The camera angle where we can see what happened after they get dropped and like all of their
02:44 like belongings are scattered.
02:45 I guess their fanny pack blew up when they fell over.
02:48 It actually seems like they got the loot beat out of them in Diablo.
02:51 Like when you defeat a mob and there's like loot left on the ground.
02:54 That's what happened here.
02:56 And they completely deserved it.
02:57 They started that whole thing.
02:58 That clapping really sums up this whole situation.
03:01 When these two goofballs got dropped, everyone who witnessed it clapped.
03:06 They celebrated.
03:08 Like they had just watched their favorite sports team win a big game.
03:11 They were happy to see them finally get dropped.
03:14 Now I'm not here just to go through memory lane of all of Johnny Somali's worst moments.
03:18 There's plenty of videos that go over his history on why he's just an absolute degenerate
03:22 loser.
03:23 But he has now been arrested and that's what I want to talk about because that is a huge
03:27 W.
03:28 It's long overdue.
03:30 So he got arrested because he broke into a construction site on stream and there's footage
03:34 of him being arrested because he films everything that happens there because it's all content.
03:39 And this might actually be the happiest moment of his life because he knows this is another
03:42 article about to be written about him.
03:44 Which means maybe a couple extra viewers there to point and laugh at him like the clown he
03:48 is.
03:49 You can see his eyes light up.
04:13 He is loving it.
04:15 Even the handcuffs thrown on him, it's all being captured on stream.
04:19 This is better than Christmas for him.
04:21 He got the ultimate gift here.
04:23 Santa Claus was real nice to him.
04:25 And he got like a 72 hour ban on kick which was lifted because obviously kick doesn't
04:30 ban anyone for fucking anything.
04:32 Someone can go on kick live right now and execute a man in cold blood and they'd probably
04:37 just ban him for 24 hours and be like well he's probably learned his lesson by now.
04:40 But anyway, even as Johnny was being arrested he did not go quietly into the night.
04:45 He made sure to deliver more high quality gut busting comedy that he's become known
04:50 for by mentioning nuclear disasters.
04:54 Because that's all he fucking says there.
04:56 He mentions the nuclear bombs during World War 2 and the Fukushima nuclear power plant
05:01 disaster as jokes.
05:04 That's the joke he likes to make.
05:06 He's literally just an edgy bot.
05:08 There's barely even a brain left in his skull.
05:11 He's just been programmed to say the most generic edgy shit that he can muster up in
05:16 order to jingle keys in front of his pathetic chat that supports him.
05:20 So as of right now there's no new updates on the status of Johnny, whether he's still
05:25 in custody or if he's even going to be allowed to stay in Japan.
05:29 Hopefully he won't be allowed to stay in Japan unless it's staying in a prison.
05:33 Because he's just been terrorizing Japan.
05:36 And after months of documented evidence of his behavior and the deplorable shit he's
05:40 done over there, I don't understand why they'd let him stay there with no problem
05:43 at all.
05:44 But I guess we'll see.
05:45 I want to give you a bonus clip though.
05:47 Give you a little dessert here on top of all this because there's another public nuisance
05:51 streamer who just found himself in some hot water, with his life flashing before his eyes
05:55 off of problems that he created for himself.
05:58 He's sitting right over fucking there and no one's paying attention.
06:01 You know why?
06:02 Because of racism.
06:03 That's not funny.
06:04 It's funny.
06:05 No.
06:06 It's very funny.
06:07 Why is that funny?
06:08 Because I just want to.
06:09 Alright.
06:10 You and me, Central Park, tomorrow.
06:11 Don't be late, motherfucker.
06:12 You know we're gonna wait.
06:13 What happened?
06:14 What happened?
06:15 Who could have possibly predicted this outcome?
06:31 Are you trying to tell me a guy like this is a coward?
06:34 Say it ain't so.
06:35 I just, I don't believe you.
06:36 I don't believe what I'm seeing here.
06:38 So full disclosure, I don't know who this guy is.
06:40 It seems like he's just another one of those revolting ooze douchebags that just instigate
06:45 conflict.
06:46 But in this case, the person that he's starting all the hoopla with actually just calls him
06:50 out on it and he's like alright, then we'll fucking fight.
06:52 The streamer point blank challenges him and tells him to meet him in Central Park tomorrow.
06:57 Obviously he's being very vague on purpose because he has no plans of engaging in any
07:00 kind of pugilistic combat here.
07:03 And then when the stranger's like, no, why wait?
07:07 We can just settle it now.
07:08 Which is such a badass line and the second he unzips his jacket, you can almost hear
07:13 the streamer's heart skip a beat.
07:16 He's getting palpitations and fight or flight kicks in and you know he's not fighting.
07:21 So he just bolts out.
07:23 I have no doubt that is the fastest he's ever run in his entire life.
07:27 Alright, I hope he doesn't chase me because I don't want to fight him.
07:43 My pussy beta?
07:45 Perhaps.
07:46 But, I don't know.
07:49 I'd legitimately feel bad for him if he wasn't such a scumbag.
07:58 You can hear the sighs of realization where he comes to terms with actually just being
08:03 a fucking loser.
08:05 He couldn't even cobble together some kind of loose defense of his actions here.
08:11 He goes, am I a pussy beta?
08:13 Perhaps.
08:14 But, I don't know.
08:17 He's starting to get some self realization here at the pathetic specimen that he's become.
08:22 You can also tell from the chat what kind of community he's fostered over there.
08:26 So, not exactly someone to feel really bad for here.
08:30 The only one to feel bad for is the guy that was being harassed because he didn't even
08:33 get the closure of being able to get a few good shots in on this fucking loser.
08:37 But anyway, I just wanted to share all this information with you.
08:39 Great news with Johnny Somali being arrested.
08:42 Great news with this guy having a very embarrassing clip of him being a coward come out.
08:46 And yeah, that's really about it.
