China VP warns at UN of 'strong will' on Taiwan

  • last year
China warns at the United Nations not to underestimate its "strong will" on Taiwan. Addressing the General Assembly, Vice President Han Zheng repeats Beijing's stance that Taiwan -- around which the communist mainland has staged repeated military exercises -- constitutes an "inalienable part" of China.
00:00 "China is determined to defend the sovereignty of the country and the integrity of the territory.
00:06 There is only one China in the world.
00:08 The government of the People's Republic of China represents the only legitimate government
00:14 in China.
00:15 Taiwan has been an inseparable part of China's territory since ancient times.
00:20 No one, no force, should underestimate the strong determination of the Chinese people
00:26 and the strong determination, determination, and strength of the territory."
00:32 "China opposes authoritarianism and authoritarianism, against monolithicism and cold war thinking.
00:42 Few countries have implemented illegal monolithic sanctions, which have seriously damaged international
00:48 relations and the harmony and stability of the country."
