少女拍信用卡照片传不法分子 母亲遭盗提3.4万

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 一名15岁的少女,点击了电玩游戏《王者荣耀》的不明广告链接,而被教唆偷取家长的信用卡资料,让不法分子盗提家长整整3万4千令吉的存款。(主播:梁宝仪、庄文杰)


00:00 The Internet has created contact-based convenience for people,
00:04 but at the same time it has also created fraud-free convenience for criminals.
00:08 Some victims were deceived by clicking on the ad link.
00:12 But the victim of this fraud case is not an adult who clicked on the link of a loan website.
00:17 It is a 15-year-old girl.
00:19 She clicked on the anonymous ad link of the game "King's Glory"
00:24 and was called to steal her parents' credit card information,
00:27 and the criminals stole the parents' 34,000-yuan savings.
00:32 The victims of this fraud case are definitely worthy of the parents' caution in front of the TV.
00:37 You really need to pay more attention to the content of the children's browsing on the Internet.
00:41 Because the trap of online fraud is now everywhere.
00:47 According to the report, the 15-year-old Chinese girl who is a criminal,
00:52 did not go to school after having an argument with her mother last Friday.
00:56 She was alone in her room,
01:00 and she logged into a group of people in the Facebook group.
01:02 She found a group of ads called "King's Glory"
01:07 The girl thought,
01:08 "If she can make some money,
01:09 how good it would be to make some pocket money."
01:11 So she clicked on the ad link.
01:15 Later, the criminals obtained the girl's personal information
01:18 and contacted her via WhatsApp.
01:20 And they used intimidation and intimidation.
01:23 They told her to take her parents' credit card and credit card.
01:27 Then they told the other party about the card number.
01:31 But the most ridiculous thing is that after the victim completed the task,
01:35 she told the criminal group,
01:36 "My mother already knows about the theft.
01:39 I can't steal the credit card and credit card anymore."
01:42 But the criminal group did not give up.
01:44 They threatened the girl,
01:46 "They have already got her personal information."
01:48 They also threatened her,
01:49 "If she doesn't do as she said,
01:51 she will face huge fines and jail time."
01:56 The criminal group even threatened the victim
01:57 to make a video of her naked.
01:59 But fortunately, the girl did not do as instructed.
02:03 The victim's mother this morning
02:06 filed a complaint with the Ulaanbaatar MP Wang Junwei.
02:09 When her daughter faced the intimidation of the criminal group,
02:12 she was only 15 years old.
02:14 We adults may be shocked to hear such things.
02:17 The child naturally did not know what was wrong
02:19 and dared not tell her mother about it.
02:21 In the midst of panic,
02:23 the girl was instigated by the criminal group
02:25 to steal her mother's credit card
02:27 and debit card to take photos
02:29 and then send them to the victim.
02:30 The mother said that
02:32 her credit card was stolen for 30,031 RMB within an hour.
02:37 In addition, her bank deposits were also stolen for 4,000 RMB.
02:41 Later, because of the rent,
02:44 a tenant informed her that he had paid the rent.
02:46 He investigated her bank account records
02:48 and found that all the money in the bank was gone.
02:52 The victim's mother revealed that
02:54 the criminal group shared a "earnings fast" ad
02:56 in the group's Facebook group.
02:58 In addition to the name,
02:59 those who are interested can earn
03:01 150 to 250 RMB per transaction.
03:05 The point is that they said
03:06 "welcome children to join".
03:09 So it can be seen that their goal is not adults.
03:13 Ulaanbaatar MP Wang Junwei revealed that
03:15 after the criminal group stole the money of the victim's mother,
03:18 they did not transfer the money to a bank account,
03:21 but saved it in the electronic wallet of two major brands.
03:26 Then they transferred the money from the electronic wallet to the real one.
03:30 Wang Junwei said that
03:31 the technology era is full of temptations,
03:33 especially for parents and children.
03:35 Now everyone should know that
03:37 everyone is using their own mobile phones,
03:39 and there is less and less communication at home.
03:41 Parents don't know what to do with their children's mobile phones
03:44 when they use them.
03:46 This will give the criminal group a chance to
03:48 "kill" teenagers and even children.
03:52 So he reminded that there are too many traps on social networks,
03:55 and parents and children lack communication and communication.
03:58 Children are actually easy to fall into network traps
04:00 without the supervision of adults.
04:03 So parents should pay more attention to
04:06 what the children are browsing
04:08 when using social media.
04:10 [Music]
