Griselda Trailer - six-episode miniserie - Plot Synopsis: Starring Sofia Vergara, GRISELDA is inspired by the life of the savvy and ambitious Colombian businesswoman Griselda Blanco, a devoted mother who created one of the most profitable cartels in history. Blanco's lethal blend of unsuspected savagery and charm helped her expertly navigate between business and family, leading her to become widely known as "the Godmother."
directed by Andres Baiz
starring Sofia Vergara
release date January 25, 2024 (on Netflix)
directed by Andres Baiz
starring Sofia Vergara
release date January 25, 2024 (on Netflix)
00:00 You've thought about me a lot, haven't you?
00:07 I heard that you like my product.
00:12 We can make a lot of money together.
00:17 Who is the one in charge?
00:26 [MUSIC]