Tripped Up Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Aspiring chef Lizzy sets off with her three best friends in tow to compete in the prestigious Saucy Food Festival. What begins as a calculated career move quickly turns into a madcap misadventure full of food, fun and female bonding, where the girls learn that struggle can be the secret ingredient to success.
Directed by Shruti Ganguly
Starring Leah Lewis, Ashley Moore, Ariel Winter
Directed by Shruti Ganguly
Starring Leah Lewis, Ashley Moore, Ariel Winter
Short filmTranscript
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:01 - Guys, honestly, I don't know what I'm gonna do.
00:04 Work is a nightmare, my boss hates me,
00:06 and I'm this close to exploding.
00:10 This close.
00:11 - I mean, honestly, it just sounds like
00:12 you really need to get laid.
00:13 - All right, everyone repeat after me.
00:17 Fun and female bonding!
00:19 - Fun and female bonding!
00:21 - What brings you and your gang up here?
00:24 - Just cooking at a food festival.
00:25 - This is so fancy!
00:28 - Did you book a cabin or a dollhouse?
00:31 - It's what it says.
00:32 - At least we have shutters.
00:34 - The girls took me away for the weekend.
00:37 - Did you ask if I was okay with this?
00:38 No?
00:39 - Mary, you can't let him speak to you like that.
00:41 - He's really upset.
00:42 You know, we had plans this weekend.
00:44 - Like what, sucking his teeny peen
00:46 and making him steak, boo!
00:47 - This festival's a pressure cooker.
00:52 - Can you guys just get it together for five minutes?
00:56 - Why don't we try some pranayama breaths, okay?
00:58 - Do you know the only reason we are here is for you?
01:01 You are so far up your career's ass
01:04 that you can't let anyone else in.
01:06 - Struggle is normal.
01:08 It's part of life.
01:09 You have to show up for the people around you
01:13 and trust that they've got your back.
01:16 ♪ Every time I fall I get back up ♪
01:19 ♪ I get back up ♪
01:21 ♪ I get back up ♪
01:24 ♪ Every time I fall I get back up ♪
01:28 ♪ I get back up ♪
01:29 ♪ I get back up ♪
01:32 - Okay.
01:37 ♪ Every time I fall I get back up ♪