• last year


05:28 Rice to the beneficiaries will be returned in November and December.
05:33 CNN Indonesia news team.
05:35 There's another problem in the Kemarau this season.
05:41 For a week, the water pump used by the residents of RT 09 and RW 011, North Jakarta, is leaky and smells bad.
05:50 The Government of Jakarta has asked the PDAM to build a municipal reservoir so that the residents can still use clean water.
05:59 The clean water crisis is experienced by a number of residents of RT 09 and RW 011, North Jakarta.
06:11 For more than a week, the water pump that is commonly used by the residents is leaky and smells bad.
06:18 For the sake of consumption, the residents are forced to use tap water.
06:21 It's leaky, the color is gray.
06:26 Other than leaky, what else?
06:28 It's leaky, the color is gray, and it smells bad.
06:35 Does it emit sand?
06:36 Yes, it emits dust, dust, and it's soft like sand.
06:43 How long has it been like this?
06:44 It's been about 10 days since the water pump died.
06:49 The clean water crisis is also experienced by residents of Pegadungan, Kalider, West Jakarta.
06:57 Residents say the water pump does not flow to this area until the residents have to dig a deeper well by paying Rp 50,000 per day to buy clean water.
07:07 Residents added that on Thursday night, the water flowed, but the color was brown and smelled bad.
07:14 Residents were not able to use the water.
07:16 But did it ever flow?
07:22 It's hard for us to get water.
07:25 It's the same?
07:25 It's the same. If we wait for people to fill up, then we can get water.
07:30 Because in RW11, there are a lot of people who use the pump.
07:33 We hope that if we don't buy, we can get water from the well.
07:41 To anticipate the drought, the Governor's Office of Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono admitted that he has asked the PDAM to create a municipal reservoir.
07:50 The reservoir should be dug like this.
07:51 The reservoir is ready. It's in Marunda, and there are some in the West Jakarta area so that the people can get clean water or get clean water.
08:09 According to CNN Indonesia.com, the Director-General of PAMJAYA, Arief Nasruddin said that one of the causes of the clean water crisis is the suspension of the management of the city's forest water when Jakarta experienced a long drought.
08:24 The reason is that the quality of the water in the city's forest is declining.
08:28 As a result, the water of the reservoir does not meet the standards of the 492nd Permankesh in 2010.
08:35 Based on the Permankesh standards, the total water solid dissolved should be below 200.
08:40 Meanwhile, the TDS of frozen water in the city's forest reaches 2,000.
08:46 PAMJAYA will reallocate the number of points, distribute and maximize the free water supply for residents who are experiencing a water crisis.
08:56 Currently, there are 17 reservoirs in Jakarta that are experiencing a clean water crisis, including Penjaringan, Cingkareng Barat, and Tegal Alur.
09:05 CNN Indonesia coverage team.
09:23 This is the drummer of the Minister of the Cabinet of Indonesia Maju, Mr. Basuki Hadimulyono, or known as Mr. Bas.
09:31 Last night, Mr. Bas performed with the band Gigi at the Aplesiasi Nusantara night.
09:36 But it looks like he's very excited, right?
09:38 The drumstick is broken.
09:40 Well, wait for the complete story after the break.
09:52 Bye bye, see you next time!
09:56 New Dauny
09:58 Always gives a deep impression
10:01 With a drop of luxurious perfume
10:04 New Dauny Passion
10:06 The charming old-fashioned fragrance
10:09 New, only 500 rupiah
10:11 Hey, check your hair
10:15 Keep insecure with your hair
10:17 Wear Rejoice 3 in 1
10:18 Hair becomes soft, fragrant, and nutritious
10:21 Free, insecure, all day
10:23 Hair drama, new Rejoice 3 in 1
10:27 Don't have a cough among us.
10:32 Cough-proof, Siladex DME.
10:33 Cough-proof, Siladex Calendcold.
10:35 Cough-proof, Siladex Antitusift or Siladex DMP.
10:38 Siladex, active in curing cough.
10:41 Produced by Konimax.
10:41 [Music]
10:46 Wet armpits make you not confident and distant.
10:50 Head & Shoulders, effective against wet armpits.
10:54 Head & Shoulders, with new fragrance.
10:57 Cough-proof, can be a sign of cough damage
11:00 Because of a lack of Neurotropic vitamin B.
11:02 Neurobion, overcome cough damage to its source.
11:06 Stop coughing so it doesn't bother you anymore.
11:10 Neurobion.
11:11 [Music]
11:27 Look, it's warm.
11:28 Poor thing, can't play because of the wind.
11:32 Fix Vape Prop with Eucalyptus oil, menthol, and Kemper.
11:36 Give a warm sensation, help relieve 5 symptoms of wind and cough.
11:40 Fix Vape Prop.
11:41 As a mother, I always give optimal protection.
11:46 Nutrilion Royal, higher than Phosgos DHA and Omega,
11:50 support mothers to prepare them to be winners.
11:52 Winner is Lidl!
11:54 Nutrilion Royal, supplied to win.
11:56 [Music]
11:57 Oh, eh, smells like, ee, smells like sweat.
12:00 Don't come near, it's not yet the smell of daun.
12:03 Daun is floral pink, new, double-sticky fragrance against the smell of sweat.
12:06 Oh, wow, this is daun, double-sticky fragrance.
12:10 Fragrant leaves.
12:12 Usually, toothpaste with brush is not good and makes you want to throw up.
12:15 Now, we use Barakat new toothpaste.
12:17 The brush and brush holder brush the teeth more comfortably, clean and fresh.
12:22 Strong teeth, prevent cavities since one brush.
12:24 Baru Barakat, healthy teeth, sure Barakat.
12:27 Hmm, still sleepy, how?
12:30 Use Baru Pantene, formula with micro-provitamin that absorbs.
12:34 Stronger hair from the inside to 10 times stronger against sleepiness.
12:39 [Music]
12:40 Baru Pantene
12:41 [Music]
12:42 To get the best water source, LEMineral does hundreds of explorations.
12:47 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body,
12:51 new gallons and free of BPA.
12:54 This is the commitment of LEMineral.
12:56 [Music]
12:59 This is Adit from Bandung, winner of Mercedes-Benz,
13:02 Kapolapi, make the spirit billion.
13:05 Let's find the unique code and send it via WhatsApp.
13:08 [Music]
13:26 [Music]
13:43 LEMineral is very different, smoother, fresher.
13:46 LEMineral is indeed different.
13:47 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body
13:52 and also make the water taste fresher.
13:54 Even lighter.
13:55 LEMineral
13:56 [Music]
14:09 Choose two for free one.
14:10 Kopi Kopi, the expert of Kopi.
14:11 [Music]
14:13 Every 10 years, he looks for prey to fill his strength.
14:21 [Screaming]
14:23 KopiKirin is the solution to all problems.
14:25 What if something happens?
14:26 [Music]
14:27 A promise with love and respect
14:31 that will keep him alive forever
14:35 as a
14:36 Gunggul
14:38 [Music]
14:42 Become a disco because of wet armpits?
14:45 The problem is not just on the surface.
14:47 Move on to Head & Shoulders.
14:48 Just enter the fifth layer.
14:50 Defeat wet and itchy armpits.
14:53 Head & Shoulders
14:54 [Music]
15:02 We're back with information that could be your reference on your trip at the weekend.
15:06 There is a Flor & Fauna exhibition held again in Banteng, Central Jakarta.
15:11 Yes, and this is an exhibition that raises the theme of Jakarta's journey to Indonesia.
15:15 Visitors can enjoy it until October 16th.
15:20 [Music]
15:26 The 2023 Flora & Fauna exhibition follows 130 flora and fauna stunts from businessmen in the field of gardening
15:34 and the community of animal lovers and growers.
15:38 In addition to seeing green plants, these eyes are also adorned by the colors of flower plants.
15:44 Visitors can also buy various kinds of ornamental plants.
15:48 Such as flowers, fruit seeds, fertilizer, and pets.
15:54 Not forgetting the cactus plantations, succulents, and the Sansevieria group as a matriarch also draws attention.
16:02 The selling price varies from 20,000 rupiahs to hundreds of thousands of rupiahs per plant.
16:09 [Music]
16:11 The range is from 35,000 to hundreds.
16:17 What they buy is like a Bougainville, like aster, small plants that they just bought.
16:26 If the big ones, they haven't bought it yet.
16:31 [Music]
16:33 The 2023 Flora & Fauna exhibition can be a family trip choice at the end of the week
16:37 because it runs until October 16, 2023.
16:41 It's free and open from 8 am to 8 pm.
16:47 I like plants and there are quite a variety of plants here.
16:51 So, the collection is unique.
16:55 At first, I wanted to buy a cactus, but I saw the succulents, they were so cute.
16:59 So, I was interested in buying it.
17:01 How much did you buy and how much was the price?
17:03 I bought one and the price was 25,000 rupiahs, but for students, it was 20,000 rupiahs.
17:09 [Music]
17:11 The fauna stands are attractive for families who bring their children.
17:15 There are reptiles, sugar gliders, ghost birds, iguanas, ornamental fish, and even squirrels.
17:23 [Music]
17:25 I'm satisfied with enjoying the beautiful plants in Flora & Fauna 2023.
17:29 I will buy one to take home and plant it.
17:33 From Seri Tonang, Mario Oktober, Jakarta.
17:35 [Music]
17:37 Next, we will go to IKN.
17:39 President Jokowi Dodo is attending a music concert titled "Nusantara's Night of Appreciation"
17:44 which is also watched by the workers of the capital city of Nusantara and the surrounding community.
17:48 In his welcome, Jokowi thanked the workers of IKN who worked day and night to build IKN.
17:54 President Jokowi Dodo attended the "Nusantara's Night of Appreciation"
18:01 at the capital city of Nusantara, IKN, Penajam Pasar Utara, East Kalimantan, Friday night.
18:06 The event started with a traditional dance performance
18:10 which was performed by a number of artists, including Aureli Moremans,
18:14 [Music]
18:20 rapper Seikoji, and even Ben Gigi.
18:23 [Music]
18:31 When Ben Gigi appeared, the Minister of Public Works and Housing, PUPR Basuki Hadimulyono,
18:37 also appeared by playing the drums.
18:39 Because of his enthusiasm, he almost broke the drumstick.
18:45 Oh, it's broken, broken.
18:46 The stick was broken.
18:47 Oh, it's terrible, terrible.
18:49 Mr. Jokowi, it's broken.
18:51 Although so, in the next song, there was no more incident of broken sticks.
18:56 [Music]
19:02 The audience also applauded.
19:05 Meanwhile, President Jokowi Dodo also thanked the people around IKN
19:12 who have given support to the construction.
19:15 Jokowi said that the construction of IKN is a big job,
19:18 hoping that the ceremony on August 17 can be held at IKN next year.
19:24 Thank you very much to all the people around the capital city of Nusantara
19:32 who have given full support to the construction of our capital city.
19:41 Second, thank you very much to all the workers who are present tonight.
19:49 We are invited to return to the place.
19:52 After welcoming, President Jokowi took a photo or selfie with the people present.
19:58 Jokowi hopes that next year he can hold the ceremony on August 17 in the capital city of Nusantara.
20:05 [Music]
20:32 [Music]
20:35 President Jokowi Dodo planted a birch tree in front of the capital city of Nusantara,
20:40 North Market Square, East Kalimantan, early in the morning.
20:43 [Music]
20:47 The location of the birch planting on the ground of the capital city in this IKN area
20:52 will be used as the location of the ceremony on August 17, 2024.
20:57 [Music]
21:04 Previously, Jokowi also surveyed the office of the President behind the IKN State Palace
21:09 and symbolically installed a bow on the Garuda Hill.
21:13 [Music]
21:17 President Jokowi also laid the first stone or ground breaking national training center
21:22 in the capital city of Nusantara or IKN in early morning.
21:25 Jokowi is sure that with this training center, the Indonesian national football team will soon be world famous.
21:31 Jokowi appreciates FIFA for funding the construction of this national training center.
21:36 To the PSSI, FIFA provided a funding of 85.6 billion rupiahs
21:40 and the government allocated a funding of 95 billion rupiahs to help this training center.
21:46 In addition, President Jokowi also laid the first stone of the Abdi Waluyo Hospital in the capital city of Nusantara.
21:53 The hospital is the first hospital to be built in the IKN area.
21:58 We hope this will be an attractive force, not only for the people in the capital city of Nusantara,
22:06 but also will be able to attract patients from all over Indonesia and even from abroad.
22:17 That's what we hope.
22:19 The hospital will have about 400 treatment rooms and will be serviced by a sub-specialist treatment.
22:26 CNN Indonesia coverage team.
22:28 Let's go for a walk in the CFD, Renon Square and Bali Market.
22:38 Let's have breakfast there.
22:40 What is the special breakfast in Bali?
22:43 We will see it together in the breakfast segment.
22:45 Stay tuned in Good Morning.
22:47 [Music]
22:56 [Music]
23:01 [Music]
23:05 [Music]
23:16 Is it protected?
23:18 Since it was one year old, it has been protected by a dental exploration.
23:23 Now available with more content.
23:27 Still price.
23:29 Become a disco because of wet armpits?
23:34 The problem is not just on the surface.
23:37 Move on to Head & Shoulders.
23:39 Enter the fifth layer.
23:41 Beat wet and itchy armpits.
23:43 Head & Shoulders.
23:46 I want to eat outside.
23:49 Can't shop either.
23:51 Just cook.
23:52 What do you cook?
23:55 Just bango.
23:56 Only with Bango touch made from natural ingredients and quality.
24:03 Make simple dishes more special.
24:11 How?
24:13 Add more.
24:15 Because the taste never lies.
24:17 Oh, eh, smell, ih, smell of sweat.
24:20 Don't come close, it's not fragrant yet.
24:23 Downy Flora Pink, new.
24:24 Double stick fragrance against the smell of sweat.
24:26 Oh, wow, this is Downy.
24:28 Double stick fragrance.
24:29 Downy fragrance.
24:31 Not tasty.
24:34 Yes, like the sweet aroma.
24:36 Mineral oils are indeed different.
24:39 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals.
24:42 Which is important for the body and also makes the water taste fresher.
24:46 Le Mineral, new Downy.
24:48 Always gives a deep impression.
24:51 With a drop of luxurious perfume, Downy is a new fashion.
24:56 The charming old-fashioned fragrance.
24:59 New, only 500 rupiah.
25:01 Oh, Allah, I'm hungry.
25:05 Aha, just use the soap.
25:08 Extra soap, extra soap, extra energy.
25:12 Romomal Kiss, more flavor, more fun.
25:15 Now, three more.
25:16 In everything, we have to be all out.
25:19 Including when fighting with the sweat.
25:21 Rejoice 3 in 1 with the new formula, anti-sweat, refreshing and smooth.
25:27 Ready, all out.
25:29 Rejoice 3 in 1.
25:31 To get the best water source, Le Mineral does hundreds of explorations.
25:36 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals.
25:39 Which is important for the body, a new gallon and free of BPA.
25:43 This is the commitment of Le Mineral.
25:46 Coffee, sugar, sand, tastes like patent.
25:49 Makes everyone want it, the aroma is not a joke.
25:53 Only coffee, sugar, sand, tastes like a joke.
25:56 Coffee and sand are more patent.
25:59 These two are free.
26:00 Coffee, the expert of coffee.
26:03 Jeans is wet.
26:04 Your video is not on.
26:06 My face is wet.
26:07 This is Glow and Lovely Facial Foam with multivitamin.
26:11 Cleans the skin and pores on the face of the three stars.
26:14 I don't know.
26:15 This is Adit from Bandung.
26:21 The winner of Mercedes-Benz, Kapal Api.
26:23 Let's find the unique code and send it via WhatsApp.
26:28 Are you tired? Hurry up, there are still many prizes.
26:32 I just filled my stomach, it's empty again.
26:34 A little bit hungry.
26:35 I just ate, but I'm still hungry.
26:38 A little bit hungry.
26:39 Sarigandung, with white rice and delicious chocolate cream.
26:42 Make you full longer.
26:44 Sarigandung, as delicious as it is.
26:46 Save your money in Suzuki Day.
26:48 Multiple benefits.
26:50 Get the new XL7 Hybrid with light DP and CC.
26:53 New features, more exciting car.
26:56 Check the full details at www.suzuki.co.id
27:01 New innovations, SoClean Biometric.
27:03 Can be used for top and front load.
27:05 50% more economical, clean the bag, prevent sticking notes again.
27:10 Wash more, clean, soft.
27:13 SoClean Biometric.
27:15 Aqua believes in wisdom and natural miracles.
27:20 Aqua comes from the chosen mountains, not a place that is easily polluted.
27:26 Aqua is drawn by layers of protective coatings without the use of artificial.
27:30 Aqua contains natural minerals without the addition of hazardous substances.
27:35 So that the aqua feels cold without being cooled.
27:40 Explain, if not all water is aqua.
27:44 Aqua 100% pure.
27:46 Yeah, where is it?
27:48 Just point it.
27:50 Only the tip of the nose, from the tip of the choice.
27:55 Cheer up to face the challenge.
27:58 Make your day more exciting.
28:00 Pah Pucuk Harum.
28:01 Back again at Good Morning.
28:09 Well, if you go to Bali, don't just go to the beach, mountains or forests.
28:14 But also try to go to the city center in Denpasar.
28:18 There is a car free day here every weekend.
28:21 Same as in Jakarta and other cities.
28:23 Right, like now it's perfect.
28:25 In addition to exercising, locals can also hunt for culinary for breakfast.
28:29 So it's a great balance of calories.
28:31 What are the menu of Bali breakfast in Renon?
28:35 Let's see the information in the breakfast segment.
28:39 [Music]
28:46 Bali is not just a beach that is crowded with tourists.
29:03 In the center of the city, Denpasar, every Sunday morning,
29:06 some streets to the Niti Mandala Renon field are closed.
29:10 Local people gather and exercise.
29:13 But that's not all.
29:15 Yes, there are three reasons people come to the Niti Mandala Renon field during the car free day.
29:21 The first, of course, they want to exercise.
29:24 Then they want to recreate with their family while enjoying the green environment and fresh morning air.
29:30 And the third, of course, they want to enjoy or hunt for culinary.
29:35 And I combine the three.
29:37 Bali chicken porridge and tipad kuah become the staple menu of the locals here as a breakfast menu.
29:48 Unlike chicken porridge in Jakarta, which is special to Cirebon,
29:51 Bali chicken porridge has its own uniqueness.
29:56 Each portion is made from young coconut,
29:58 urap vegetables consisting of beansprouts and long beans,
30:02 and of course, the shredded chicken.
30:06 Don't forget there's coconut milk, tofu, tempeh, and egg.
30:11 There's also the crunchiness of the chicken skin.
30:15 Mmm, complete!
30:18 A portion of Bali chicken porridge and tipad kuah is sold for only 10,000 rupiahs.
30:25 Curious about how it tastes?
30:27 Let's try it before it's gone.
30:30 The porridge is still warm.
30:36 And it tastes like coconut milk.
30:41 There's shredded chicken, and it's served on top of the porridge.
30:53 It's easy to digest, and it's a reason why the locals love to have porridge for breakfast.
30:58 After doing the day-to-day, and eating porridge, it's lighter.
31:02 It's still early, so the body can't handle the hard work.
31:09 The menu for those who want to lose weight after exercising is also found here.
31:21 Sold by the local traders with grobak, a traditional drink from Bali,
31:25 it's the perfect choice.
31:27 At first glance, it looks like a cincau.
31:30 But the locals here call it daluman.
31:34 Besides the thick ice cubes and daluman,
31:37 they also add palm sugar as a natural sweetener.
31:40 Don't forget to add coconut milk.
31:44 A glass of daluman ice is sold for 5,000 rupiahs.
31:47 Curious about how it tastes?
31:50 (Balinese chicken porridge)
31:54 It's very soft, and the palm sugar is very flavorful.
32:01 The Balinese chicken porridge is done, and the daluman ice is also done.
32:09 Now, the Balinese specialty that must be tried as a breakfast cover is the lumpia sayur.
32:15 Those who have been to the beach in Bali must have seen this delicacy.
32:19 The seller of lumpia sayur is also very easy to find in the Renon area.
32:23 There are 25 traders here during the free day.
32:28 If it's not on Sunday, sometimes there are 50 lumpia.
32:34 On Sunday, there are sometimes 70 lumpia.
32:37 A portion of lumpia containing these two fruits is sold for 5,000 rupiahs.
32:43 Lumpia sayur can be asked to be cut into pieces or left in a bowl before pouring the spice.
32:49 The addition of fresh green chili can be as you like.
32:53 And this lumpia is only filled with beansprouts.
33:00 Which is then coated with a fried flour.
33:06 And it's very suitable if we don't want too much breakfast.
33:13 Two pieces of lumpia already make your stomach full.
33:17 But don't forget, the initial destination is Renon.
33:21 Don't let the intention of burning fat with exercise become a way to accumulate fat with an extra breakfast.
33:28 CNN Indonesia coverage team and Bali market.
33:32 There is still culinary reference.
33:36 Enjoying culinary with a beautiful view.
33:38 You can give it to yourself.
33:40 Enjoying the fish with a beautiful view of Mount Muriah in Central Java.
33:44 Not only to get rid of hunger, but also to get rid of tiredness.
33:49 It's a healing.
33:51 Speaking of healing, if you want to heal from the hot weather,
33:55 this is a great choice.
33:57 In Surabaya, there is an innovation of ice dawet with fruit toppings.
34:02 It's going to be more refreshing.
34:04 Let's see the information.
34:06 14 km from the city center of Pati, Waduk, Selor Mogembong is located at the foot of Mount Muriah in the district of Pati, Central Java.
34:19 The natural scenery that adorns the clear water and the green hills make it an ideal place to relax.
34:28 However, the beauty of nature is not the only thing that can be enjoyed here.
34:33 In a food shop next to the waduk, visitors can enjoy fresh betutu fish served with red chili sauce.
34:41 In the process of processing, the betutu fish or what is commonly called mountain fish is marinated with spices, then fried until cooked.
34:53 The fish is also served with warm rice and fresh lemon.
34:58 Betutu fish is a specialty of Waduk, and it tastes very delicious.
35:10 The owner of Endang shop, who has a hard time finding betutu fish in the waduk of Selor Mogembong,
35:17 makes the stock of betutu fish only a little.
35:20 So the presence of betutu fish is highly anticipated by visitors.
35:24 The price of one portion depends on the size of the fish.
35:27 For betutu fish, the small size is priced at 10,000 rupiah, while for large size, the price is 25,000 rupiah.
35:34 Next, for the fresh, there is a dawet ice from East Java, Surabaya.
35:47 Dawet ice usually contains dawet mixed with coconut milk, ice cubes, and brown sugar.
35:54 However, this one ice dawet is added with alpugat, nangka, tampe, and milk.
36:00 Although it is a five-foot shop, this Cak Minding dawet shop is always crowded,
36:05 visited by the public and traditional culinary lovers, especially in hot weather.
36:11 I know from food bloggers that I want to come here.
36:19 The dawet ice is delicious, different from the usual dawet ice.
36:24 Usually, the dawet ice is just dawet, but now there is alpugat and nangka.
36:28 It's fresh and delicious.
36:30 One portion of dawet ice topped with fruit is sold for 8,000 rupiah,
36:34 but if topped with alpugat, the portion becomes 12,000 rupiah.
36:39 Every day, there are 100 to 150 portions that are sold.
36:44 This is reported by CNN Indonesia.
36:49 It is suspected that due to extreme heat, a cow jumped into a well within 10 meters.
36:58 For more information, stay tuned on Good Morning.
37:01 [music]
37:13 Surprise! Let's go!
37:15 [music]
37:17 Hey, where are you from?
37:35 From my sister's wedding.
37:38 Liar! You ate squid, right? With sauce, right?
37:42 That's why, guys. After eating, kiss first.
37:45 Kiss! Aroma and fragrance after eating.
37:48 [music]
37:52 Wet ketombe makes you not confident and distant.
37:55 Head & Shoulders, effective against wet ketombe.
37:59 Head & Shoulders, with new fragrance.
38:03 I think all mineral water is the same.
38:05 Mineral glue is different.
38:07 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals,
38:10 which are important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:14 The freshness!
38:15 Mineral glue.
38:16 Oh, eh, smell, ih, smell of sweat.
38:20 Don't come close, it's not fragrant yet.
38:22 Downy Floral Pink, new.
38:24 Double stick fragrance against smell of sweat.
38:26 Oh, wow, this is Downy.
38:28 Double stick fragrance.
38:29 Fragrant Downy.
38:31 I want noodles.
38:34 Please.
38:35 Please.
38:36 Be careful, kids always ask for noodles.
38:39 Don't worry, there's Oven Noodles, healthier choice.
38:42 The product is in the oven, not fried.
38:44 The boiling water is clear, the noodles are chewy.
38:47 The wet seasoning makes it more delicious.
38:49 I want it too.
38:51 [music]
38:54 Hmm, delicious.
38:56 More.
38:57 Okay.
38:58 As long as Oven Noodles, the noodles are straight, healthier, and more delicious.
39:02 Downy Perfume.
39:04 Long days are finally over.
39:06 But the soft fragrance is still here.
39:09 With natural essential oil, 4 times more fragrant.
39:13 Downy Adorable Bouquet.
39:15 Fragrant for a long time, only 500 rupiah.
39:18 To get the best water source,
39:20 Lemineral has done hundreds of explorations.
39:23 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals,
39:26 which are important for the body.
39:27 Always new gallons and free of BPA.
39:30 This is the commitment of Lemineral.
39:33 [music]
39:35 Hey, why are you here?
39:36 I got this situation where I need your help.
39:39 Terrorists have taken possession of nuclear missiles on a cargo ship off the coast.
39:44 [music]
39:45 If these babies go off...
39:47 [music]
39:57 Is that the biggest one you've got?
39:59 [music]
40:01 [music]
40:02 I want noodles.
40:03 I want noodles.
40:04 Please.
40:05 Don't worry, the baby keeps asking for noodles.
40:08 Don't worry, there's Oven Noodles.
40:10 The choice is healthier.
40:11 The product is in the oven, not fried.
40:13 The boiling water is clear, the noodles are chewy.
40:16 The wet seasoning makes it more delicious.
40:18 I want it too.
40:20 [music]
40:23 Hmm.
40:24 Delicious.
40:25 I want more.
40:26 Okay.
40:27 As long as it's Oven Noodles, the noodles are straight, healthier, and even more delicious.
40:32 Oral-B. Choosing the wrong toothbrush can cause plaque problems.
40:36 Choose Oral-B Cross Action.
40:38 Cut the brush into the inside, clean up up to 90% of the plaque.
40:41 Oral-B. The choice of cleanliness is my teeth.
40:43 New Oral-B 3 in 1 Action, only Rp 3,500.
40:47 Sure.
40:48 The most important black sediment.
40:49 The content of the sediment is more important.
40:51 ABC soy sauce.
40:52 The most sediment, the authentic soy sauce.
40:55 The appearance is appetizing.
40:57 The rich taste makes the family.
41:00 ABC soy sauce.
41:02 Hey, check your hair.
41:06 Always be insecure with your hair.
41:07 Use Rejoice 3 in 1.
41:09 The hair becomes soft, fragrant, and nutritious.
41:12 Be insecure all day.
41:14 Buy a hair drama.
41:15 Rejoice 3 in 1.
41:17 Hey, don't spray it.
41:19 You don't spray it.
41:20 You don't spray it.
41:21 The best instant coffee in Indonesia.
41:23 There is a version of Tubruk.
41:25 Top coffee, milk, and sugar.
41:26 Tubruk.
41:27 The combination of coffee, milk, and sugar.
41:29 Crazy.
41:30 The coffee is smoother, brother.
41:32 It's not just a milk coffee.
41:34 The coffee is so good.
41:36 It's so rich, boss.
41:37 I want more.
41:40 Top coffee, milk, and sugar.
41:42 Tubruk.
41:43 The tubruk is so good.
41:44 The sugar is so good.
41:45 From Linkstreet.
41:46 The best.
41:47 There is nothing too difficult for the best.
41:49 Sunlight with the formula is quick.
41:51 Just one drop.
41:52 Clean the fat 10 times faster.
41:54 Even on plastic.
41:56 So I can continue to the next challenge.
41:58 We can always be more.
42:00 New Sunlight.
42:02 [Commercial Break]
42:17 The evacuation process of a cow that fell into the well attracts the attention of the people.
42:27 Because it's so dramatic.
42:29 One male orangutan that was about to be drowned can be saved.
42:33 After being cared for, the orangutan will be released to the original habitat.
42:38 A female cow fell into the well of Kelurahan Celu Kecematan Tanete, Riatang East, Borneo on Friday.
42:50 The BPBD officers helped the evacuation process from the well which is 10 meters deep.
42:55 The process was dramatic because the cow was angry.
42:59 A tasker must go down to the bottom of the well to tie the cattle which was then lifted by a number of officers using a trolley.
43:08 It is not known for sure the reason why the cow jumped into the well.
43:11 But it is suspected that the cow was stressed due to the extreme heat.
43:24 The other animal evacuation process was done in the village of Kuncen, Kelaten, Central Java on Friday night.
43:31 A stray goat fell into the well when looking for food.
43:35 The tasker who helped the evacuation managed to save the goat which was 4 months old from the well which is 12 meters deep.
43:42 The evacuation process went smoothly even though it was done at night.
43:51 According to the story from the city of Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan,
43:54 a male orangutan who was the victim of wild animal abduction was saved.
44:00 The orangutan's name is Logos, he is 1 year old.
44:04 Logos was abducted by a sea ship from Trisakti Banjarmasin Port, South Kalimantan
44:09 to Tanjung Perak Port, East Java, with the cost of 800.000 rupiah.
44:15 But the rare individual was returned by the tasker of East Java KSDA to Central Kalimantan BKSDA for rehabilitation.
44:25 And later he will be released to his original habitat.
44:29 CNN Indonesia coverage team.
44:31 A citizen's motorcycle was crashing into a patient at Puskesmas Pamarayan, Serangbanteng, Raib, Gondol, Maling.
44:43 At that time, a man was recording a security camera
44:48 and he stole a mobile phone in a laundry shop.
44:51 And from the CCTV footage, the perpetrator's identity was identified as a local resident.
45:08 A man was recording a security camera and he stole a mobile phone in a laundry shop in East Jakarta, West Jakarta, in Raibusian.
45:15 And from the CCTV footage, the perpetrator's identity was identified as a local resident.
45:21 According to the victim's statement on Friday afternoon, the perpetrator admitted his actions after being found by the victim.
45:26 The perpetrator finally returned the mobile phone of the victim.
45:30 CCTV recorded a motorcycle thief who was acting in Puskesmas in Pamarayan, Serangbanteng.
45:37 Both of them came with a motorcycle.
45:39 When the security guard entered Puskesmas, one of the perpetrators got off the motorcycle and broke the motorcycle's ignition key and immediately took him away.
45:46 The victim, who was visiting his family who were being cared for, was surprised to see his motorcycle missing and immediately reported to the security guard and conducted a CCTV check.
45:54 The head of Puskesmas who was found on Thursday explained that the theft took place on Tuesday afternoon afternoon.
46:00 With CCTV footage, the victim reported this incident to the police.
46:06 The theft of mobile phone in a mobile phone theft in a food stall in the Mampang area of ​​South Jakarta on Thursday.
46:14 From the CCTV footage, it can be seen that the perpetrators, who are estimated to be a total of 4 people, are sitting right behind the victim.
46:20 Then the perpetrator, who acted as an executor, immediately handed the victim's bag to his accomplice.
46:26 After the incident, one by one, the perpetrator left the food stall carrying the theft bag.
46:31 The victim just realized that his bag was missing when he was making payments in Kasir.
46:35 According to the police statement at noon, the perpetrator has checked the CCTV footage and CCTV footage to identify the perpetrator.
46:42 CNN Indonesia coverage team
46:45 Welcome to the rainy season in Luzhou, Guangxi, China.
46:53 There are beautiful and sunny views, namely the reddish-yellow padang rumput muhli.
46:59 The information of the victim's presence remains in Good Morning.
47:01 Don't have a cough among us.
47:20 Cough that is not cough, Siladex DME.
47:22 Cough that is not cough, Siladex Calm & Cold.
47:24 Cough that is not cough, Siladex Antitucift or Siladex DMP.
47:28 Siladex Antituft.
47:31 Kepala Pi
47:33 This is Adit from Bandung, the winner of Mercedes-Benz Kepala Pi.
47:37 Let's find the unique code and send it via WhatsApp.
47:42 I'm bored, I want to join. There are still many prizes.
47:45 Sarimi
47:47 New! Sarimi beef and cream meat, price Rp. 2,500.
47:52 It must be delicious!
47:53 Sarimi beef, ready to eat!
47:58 The beef is so tender and savory.
48:00 Sarimi beef and cream meat, the taste is so good.
48:06 The taste is so good, price Rp. 2,500.
48:12 Sarimi beef and cream meat, the taste is so good.
48:15 Oh, eh, it smells like, it smells like sweat.
48:19 Don't come near, it still doesn't smell like Daun.
48:22 Daun New Flora Pink, new!
48:23 Double stick fragrance against the smell of sweat.
48:25 Oh, wow, this is Daun New, double stick fragrance, Daun New fragrance.
48:30 Don't come near, it still doesn't smell like Daun.
48:32 Top Coffee, Milk, Sugar, Aran, Tubruk.
48:34 Combination of Tubruk coffee, milk, and sugar.
48:36 Crazy!
48:37 The hampas is smoother, brother.
48:39 The hampas is delicious!
48:42 Top Coffee, Milk, Sugar, Aran, Tubruk.
48:44 From Wings Food.
48:45 It's not that big.
48:49 Siladex FlexiVibe, with a flexible head, so it's not that big.
48:54 Sat Sat Sat Sat.
48:55 Sat Sat Sat Sat, make it cool without any hassle.
48:59 Siladex FlexiVibe.
49:00 Wow, Irfan, I'll help you.
49:07 Help, help, help.
49:08 Hey, put the key in the pocket.
49:11 I'm proud of you, active and caring brother.
49:14 But, the hair is yellow.
49:16 Don't worry, there's a new Rinso formula.
49:19 With Smart Clean System, effectively remove dirt and lift the yellow hair.
49:23 Rinso Anti-Dirt, Free Dress, Yellow Hair.
49:26 In everything, we must be all out.
49:29 Including when fighting a cat.
49:31 Rejoice 3 in 1, with the new formula, Anti-Cat.
49:35 Refreshing and soft.
49:37 Ready, all out!
49:39 Rejoice 3 in 1.
49:40 Every 10 years, he's looking for a victim.
49:46 To be filled with his own blood.
49:50 To be filled with his own power.
49:54 You think this is the solution to all problems?
49:59 What if something happens?
50:00 Beep.
50:01 A promise with the hot-blooded genie.
50:05 That will make him live forever.
50:09 As a...
50:10 Gunggul.
50:12 Don't forget to drink Yakult.
50:17 I protect my family with love.
50:19 Don't forget the Yakult, Dad.
50:21 Like a good battery in Yakult, protecting your intestines.
50:24 Love your intestines.
50:27 Drink Yakult everyday.
50:30 To get the best water source,
50:32 LEMineral does hundreds of explorations.
50:35 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals,
50:38 important for the body,
50:39 a new gallon,
50:41 and free of BPA.
50:42 This is the commitment of LEMineral.
50:45 Dauny Perfume.
50:46 Long days are over.
50:49 But the soft scent is still here.
50:52 With Awami essential oil,
50:54 it's 4 times more fragrant.
50:56 Dauny Adorable Bouquet.
50:57 Long-lasting fragrance.
50:58 Only 500 rupiah.
51:00 I'm confused.
51:01 What should I cook?
51:02 If you want to cook deliciously,
51:04 use the special black sesame soy sauce.
51:06 Really?
51:07 Only 1,000 rupiah can cook deliciously.
51:09 Wow, there's a chevy's special bonus.
51:11 Let's cook.
51:13 Now, the special black sesame soy sauce is more.
51:16 The black sesame is more dense.
51:18 1,000 rupiah can make you eat a lot.
51:20 Try it.
51:22 It's delicious.
51:24 The special black sesame soy sauce is delicious.
51:26 1,000 rupiah plus bonus recipe.
51:28 Buy 2 plans, free of charge.
51:29 From Wings Food.
51:30 This is the proof of our energy,
51:36 that we should always try to live more.
51:38 With Keratingdeng,
51:41 we revive energy.
51:43 Until finally,
51:44 it can be a blessing.
51:46 Be a hug on the right and left.
51:48 And be a pride that we will never forget.
51:54 Keratingdeng.
51:57 This is my energy.
52:07 The forest fire hit the area of Colombia and Bonito, Brazil.
52:11 Hundreds of hectares of land were burned,
52:13 and hundreds of officers were called to extinguish the fire.
52:15 Meanwhile, there was a fire extinguisher who died
52:17 when extinguishing the fire that burned a golf equipment factory in Taiwan.
52:21 The fire and explosion destroyed a golf equipment factory
52:29 in the Pingtung area of Taiwan on Friday.
52:31 In addition to destroying the factory,
52:33 the car parked around the location was also badly damaged.
52:36 According to the local government,
52:37 10 people were reported missing.
52:39 Almost 100 people were injured due to this incident
52:41 and a fire extinguisher died when extinguishing the fire.
52:45 It is not yet known for sure the cause of the fire.
52:47 The search and rescue process is still ongoing until now.
52:51 Hundreds of fire extinguishers must work hard
52:59 to extinguish the fire that burned the forest
53:02 in the Altos de Menang hill, Colombia on Thursday.
53:06 The fire extinguishing effort was carried out for more than 10 hours on Thursday at the same time.
53:10 According to the officers on Friday,
53:12 the fire could be controlled so that it did not reach the house of the surrounding residents.
53:17 The local authorities are also still investigating the cause of this fire.
53:21 The fire also burned about 357 hectares of forest in the city of Bonito, Brazil.
53:32 Although the access to extinguish the fire is quite difficult to reach,
53:35 the fire extinguishing effort is still carried out by local officials on Thursday.
53:39 This fire was caused by a lightning flash
53:42 that occurred during hot weather in the middle of the cold season.
53:45 The local meteorological center said
53:47 the temperature in the last week of the cold season
53:49 could exceed the maximum average temperature in history.
53:52 Next, we go to the phenomenon of salt floods
53:57 that welcome the fall season in Liuzhou, Guangxi, China.
54:00 Beautiful and charming scenery,
54:02 namely the reddish mulberry grass.
54:04 Meanwhile, the water in the northern coast of Thailand
54:07 changed color to green and smelled.
54:09 The phenomenon is also suspected to have occurred due to the explosion of plankton.
54:12 This is the fall season in Liuzhou, Guangxi, China,
54:20 where tourists and locals enjoy beautiful scenery
54:25 from the reddish mulberry grass fields
54:28 which are located on a land of 50 hectares.
54:31 Many visitors come to say
54:34 this beautiful scenery is like the Red Sea of Youth.
54:37 Not only that, they also take the opportunity to take pictures.
54:42 It is known that the reddish mulberry grass
54:45 is an eternal herb plant that grows in the warm weather,
54:49 its height reaches 30 to 90 cm and is 60 to 90 cm wide.
54:56 Reddish mulberry grass usually blooms from September to November every year.
55:03 The water in the eastern region of Thailand's Konburi changed color to green.
55:11 Not only did the color change,
55:14 the water in the area became thicker,
55:16 slippery and smelled of grass and dead fish.
55:20 That is the impact of the plankton explosion.
55:24 The research team is still making sure
55:26 whether the plankton explosion has anything to do with weather patterns
55:30 and climate change like El Nino.
55:32 The reason is that in other parts of the world,
55:35 hot sea bubbles have caused thousands of dead fish
55:38 in the United States of Texas to be stranded on the beach.
55:42 And the British Academy of Sciences warned against the explosion of plankton along the beach
55:46 due to sea temperature rise.
55:48 And that's all for today's Good Morning Edition.
55:54 Don't miss the latest information from CNN Indonesia 24 hours
55:58 on Transmission and Indie Home TV.
56:00 I'm Rizky Haris Nanda.
56:01 And I'm Daniar Ahri.
56:03 Goodbye, have a good weekend, stay happy and healthy.
56:05 See you.
56:06 [Music]
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58:11 It's not just the rich cultural heritage that becomes the root of the people's lives.
58:17 This time we will talk about the world-famous legendary salt,
58:24 namely Kusamba salt.
58:26 The original salt is made organically
58:33 with 100% use of natural ingredients.
58:37 [Music]
58:39 We will follow the story of Mrs. Ayan,
58:47 one of the few salt farmers in Kusamba
58:50 who still survives until now.
58:52 You just calm down, this will be really exciting.
58:56 I have an appointment with my mother here, her name is Mrs. Ayan.
59:00 Oh, there she is, Mrs. Ayan.
59:02 [Music]
59:05 [Music]
59:07 Come here, come here, help me, Ayan, make salt.
59:14 But why do you make salt?
59:16 She said she wants to take a bath.
59:17 She said she wants to take a bath, she will take a bath later, in the afternoon.
59:21 Make salt first.
59:22 Okay, I'll help you, Mrs. Ayan.
59:24 Yes, you help her.
59:25 We have to take the sea water directly
59:32 using this traditional tool, brother.
59:34 [Music]
59:35 It's not as easy as it looks, brother.
59:38 Each container holds up to 15 liters of water.
59:41 So imagine, once you lift the sea water,
59:46 Mrs. Ayan and Mrs. Ketut have to lift about 30 liters.