Greg Heister on why last season's Gonzaga Bulldogs team was his favorite of all time

  • last year
ROOT Sports commentator Greg Heister talks about his favorite Gonzaga men's basketball team of all time, his career as a commentator and passion for fly-fishing
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Zag fans, you're watching Gonzaga Nation.
00:10 I'm your host Dan Dickow, here with the one, the only,
00:13 the voice that is buttery, silky smooth
00:17 when you listen to him on Rootsports KHQ,
00:21 none other than Greg Heister.
00:23 - Buttery what?
00:24 What did you, I don't know.
00:26 - Buttery smooth, you've never heard of it.
00:26 - I'm not even sure I agree with that.
00:28 - Well, it's been described in multiple ways
00:31 that you have a voice of the gods.
00:33 - Well, it's great to be here, Dan.
00:34 - Yeah.
00:35 - It's good to see you.
00:36 - Well, I mean, I'm just saying,
00:38 I've heard many people describe that voice.
00:39 - I always know when summer's over
00:42 because I got a call from Dickow saying,
00:44 "Hey, can you come do something with me?"
00:47 So I know the season's getting close.
00:49 This is like my way of knowing.
00:52 So it's good to be here.
00:53 And sorry for the hair.
00:55 The haircut's coming actually after this.
00:58 Dan could have scheduled it after the haircut,
01:00 but no, he wanted the wilderness look.
01:02 So here we go.
01:03 - Well, you spend--
01:04 - This is the best I got for you.
01:04 - Well, I mean, I think what we kick off our partnership,
01:08 our work together October 7th
01:09 with Craziness in the Kennel.
01:11 I believe that's gonna be on tap again on TV,
01:14 but you spend the majority of your summers away,
01:17 which is one reason you and I don't communicate much
01:20 until this time of year.
01:22 What is it that people don't know about you
01:24 that you are passionate about?
01:26 - Well, I have a fly fishing show
01:28 that airs on Discovery Channel every Sunday
01:30 called Seasons on the Fly.
01:31 So we travel the globe shooting episodes.
01:33 So I'm gone a lot doing that.
01:34 And then I own a fishing lodge in Alaska.
01:37 So the month of June, a bunch of August,
01:40 I'll be going up there in a week or two.
01:42 And then the end of October is spent there
01:44 opening it up, closing it up, and of course fishing.
01:48 - How'd you get into that?
01:50 Because obviously people see you on TV
01:54 with Gonzaga basketball.
01:55 They see you on Pac-12 Networks doing different things,
01:58 but they don't probably know you
01:59 as the voice of a fishing show or a world-class fisherman,
02:03 or even one of your other interesting propositions
02:07 that you're a part of is the Iditarod.
02:08 - I didn't know this was gonna be about me today.
02:11 - Well, we have to--
02:12 - It's about, you think they really care about me?
02:15 - It's gonna be about your thoughts later on.
02:16 - Okay, my thoughts.
02:17 Okay, good.
02:18 Well, I grew up in the outdoors.
02:20 I had a family that lived in the outdoors
02:22 and I've been fishing since I was a boy
02:24 in Tine Flies and fly fishing.
02:26 So I grew up a big fan of Kurt Gowdy
02:29 and it was in reruns at the time.
02:34 It was a show called "The American Sportsman"
02:36 hosted by Kurt.
02:37 And he was one of the great play-by-play voices of all time.
02:41 And was a Hall of Famer, did Super Bowls, NBA titles,
02:44 Final Fours, did it all.
02:46 He hosted the show, so it was Kurt Gowdy that I wanted to be.
02:49 I wanted to do outdoors television
02:51 and be a play-by-play announcer.
02:53 I read a book in high school called
02:56 "So You Wanna Be a Sportscaster?"
02:58 And it was written by Ken Coleman,
03:01 who was the voice of the Boston Red Sox
03:03 and the old Cleveland Browns with Jim Brown
03:05 and things in the '50s.
03:06 Also a Hall of Fame play-by-play announcer.
03:11 My first job out of college was in Cleveland at WJW TV
03:16 working with a guy, the sports director's name
03:18 was Casey Coleman.
03:19 It was Ken Coleman's son.
03:22 And I ended up covering Craig Elo,
03:24 who was playing for the Cleveland Cavaliers.
03:26 And then you zoom forward all these years later,
03:28 and Elo, I ended up working Gonzaga games
03:31 with Elo all those days.
03:32 So it was this really crazy circular motion.
03:36 I don't know, we got a little off the subject,
03:39 I think there, Dan, I'll blame you for that.
03:41 But the outdoors thing too,
03:43 it was just kind of a natural progression.
03:45 I'm a storyteller.
03:46 One of my first jobs was in Anchorage.
03:48 We were the official station
03:50 of the Iditarod sled dog race.
03:51 So that created a love.
03:53 I'm out there covering dogs, chasing dogs
03:57 for three weeks in the month of March.
03:59 So I miss the NCAA tournament every year.
04:02 Most of it, I get time.
04:04 If the Zags get to the Sweet 16, the Elite Eight,
04:07 I'll be there.
04:08 I am every year.
04:09 But I've cut teeth as a storyteller out on the trail.
04:14 That event and those people are the greatest stories
04:17 in all the sports.
04:19 And it blossomed a passion and a love
04:23 that still lives in me today.
04:25 It's a great, great, great event.
04:27 - Well, you talk about storytelling for the Iditarod.
04:31 I'm sure there's some storytelling to a certain extent
04:33 with your fishing shows.
04:34 But people know you as the voice of the Zags
04:37 with the TV games.
04:38 And you were able to paint a picture a lot of times
04:42 about different things that are going on.
04:45 What is it about Gonzaga basketball
04:47 that has made you want to keep staying involved
04:50 in calling those games?
04:51 Besides the fact that we get a front row seat.
04:54 - Yeah, like they're all my friends.
04:56 Like Dan Dickow and Richard Fox are all my friends.
04:58 And it should be pointed out that I do like to tell stories
05:02 during the games, but it's only when Richard and Dan
05:04 give me time to do that.
05:06 - When Richard gives you time.
05:07 - Which is not very often, to be honest with you.
05:09 - Richard gives you time.
05:11 - But no, like they're all my friends.
05:13 I mean, Coach Few is one of my dear friends.
05:15 There's a lot of boosters around the program.
05:19 There's a bunch of those season ticket holders over there
05:21 that I've known now for over 20 years.
05:23 They're friends, we fish together, we hang out together.
05:26 And really it's not about Gonzaga.
05:31 It's about the people that I have become really close to
05:35 and entwined with over all these years.
05:37 And it's hard not to root for friends to be successful.
05:42 Right? Like there's a lot of guys that want the Gonzaga.
05:45 There's a lot of gals that want the Gonzaga.
05:47 So they're fans of the program.
05:50 For me, I mean, Mike Roth is one of the best people
05:52 I've ever, ever known in my life.
05:55 Same with Coach Few.
05:57 And we've become great friends over the years.
06:00 And then, you know, the program and calling these games,
06:05 Dan, has just put me in contact with people like yourself
06:08 and a Craig Elo and all of the people
06:11 that I've called games for,
06:12 for other networks over the years.
06:14 It's just led to a lot of different things.
06:16 So, you know, I'm getting to the age now
06:19 where you get a little melancholy and reminiscent
06:21 and I've been doing it enough years where you look back
06:24 and you're like, holy hell, what a ride.
06:28 - Yeah.
06:30 - What an opportunity it's been to be associated.
06:34 And it just keeps getting better and better and better.
06:40 It's one of the most crowning jewels
06:44 of my career these days.
06:46 And you have no idea when you get the phone call
06:48 20 whatever years ago, do you want to call games?
06:52 You know, Coach Few and I weren't even fishing together
06:54 at that time.
06:55 You just don't know, right?
06:58 You don't know what it's going to blossom into.
07:01 - So you've been calling games, you started with radio,
07:04 you morphed into TV.
07:06 So you've been calling games for that long.
07:08 - Yeah.
07:09 - Is the excitement at this stage of the year
07:11 where end of August, early September,
07:15 where the focus starts turning to college football
07:18 and the true basketball fans,
07:20 they're looking up stuff every single day online.
07:22 Has the excitement for you changed in the last 20 years?
07:27 - No, no, no, no, no.
07:28 No, I mean, people laugh at me all the time
07:32 and I was telling you, November, December, January last year
07:36 that was my favorite Zag team of all time last year.
07:39 Because you just never knew.
07:41 - You did not know last year.
07:43 - You did not know.
07:44 And they had this ability to allow people to stay close
07:48 and then they just ripped up hearts out of guys.
07:52 And I mean, remember at BYU?
07:56 Those fans were starting to trickle down the aisles, right?
07:59 'Cause they were going to storm the court.
08:01 And then the Zags ripped their hearts out.
08:03 Like, I don't know how you can't be excited about that.
08:06 That was one of the greatest things I've seen
08:08 in all these years around this program,
08:10 NCAA tournament or not.
08:11 Like, it was fantastic when these guys rose
08:16 to those occasions.
08:17 They kept doing that over and over and over.
08:19 And of course, LMU got them at home.
08:21 It didn't happen.
08:22 Drew had a shot, Julian had a shot.
08:24 It just didn't go in.
08:25 But it happened throughout the season
08:28 where they just allowed guys, teams to stay close
08:31 and then they ripped their,
08:33 I'd like to throw a few words in front of that, heart out.
08:36 - Yeah.
08:37 So can you put your finger on it,
08:39 exactly what it is for a team one year versus another?
08:42 'Cause there's been some talented teams
08:43 that I don't want to say they didn't reach their potential,
08:46 but they didn't have maybe the don't say quit
08:49 mantra that last year's team had.
08:52 Is there something you can put your finger on?
08:54 - Well, but you can probably do that better than I can.
08:57 'Cause you've been on so many teams
08:59 and you've played the game for so long.
09:01 I mean, Drew Timmy was an alpha dog.
09:05 Like he was an absolute alpha dog.
09:06 And I don't think he's cut out of the cloth.
09:09 When you think of an alpha dog on a basketball court,
09:11 I don't think he's cut out of that cloth.
09:13 And I probably don't think that the fans of the game
09:17 really understood his desire to win
09:20 and how deep it ran, right?
09:22 So can you put a finger on it?
09:26 I don't know if anybody can.
09:27 It's about chemistry.
09:29 It's about love of one another.
09:30 It's about playing together.
09:32 It's about all that stuff.
09:33 And at the end of the day,
09:34 I think you gotta have that one guy.
09:36 And maybe there were years
09:37 they just didn't have that one guy.
09:39 - They're hard to find.
09:40 - Yeah, totally.
09:41 Yeah, totally.
09:42 You had it.
09:43 I hate to admit that.
09:44 (laughing)
09:46 - I didn't ask you to say that.
09:47 - No, you know, and honestly,
09:49 like this past year was my favorite year.
09:52 You're, and I, well, I'll just say it.
09:54 Your year was absolutely my favorite.
09:57 Besides last year.
09:59 It was my very first year doing games
10:02 and Dan Dickow was the craziest thing
10:04 that I'd ever been close to in my life.
10:06 Just hitting shots.
10:09 And you had that will.
10:11 You did not want to lose.
10:12 And you weren't gonna allow your teammates to lose and stuff.
10:15 So I think that's what continues to draw me
10:18 to these games, to these teams and these programs
10:23 is just these young people
10:25 that are just going to the edge for one another.
10:27 It's pretty cool to witness.
10:29 - Well, we've gone on for quite some time.
10:31 We're gonna have to do this again.
10:33 We're also gonna have to do it
10:34 bringing in our partner, Richard Fox, one of these days.
10:37 - Oh, it'll get fun then.
10:38 - Yeah, I wanted, the other thing at some point,
10:41 I wanna hear some of these stories about fishing.
10:45 - Oh, yeah.
10:46 - 'Cause I'm not a good fisherman.
10:47 I wish I were better.
10:50 - Well, we just need to go, Danno.
10:51 - You know, the one thing I am frustrated about
10:54 with our chat today,
10:55 and I'm gonna give you one last chance before we wrap,
10:59 is that you or Coach Pheu as the better fisherman,
11:03 you realize he affects my employment.
11:06 (Danno laughing)
11:09 - But if he's,
11:10 (both laughing)
11:11 gotcha, all right.
11:12 So I guess, listeners,
11:15 you kind of come to your own conclusion, but last chance.
11:18 - He has an impact on my employment.
11:21 - Are you saying you let him catch the bigger fish?
11:26 - Oh, no, that's definitely happened.
11:28 No, that has definitely happened.
11:30 I'll tell you one story.
11:31 So we're up on the Naknek River in Alaska,
11:34 and we're swinging for trout,
11:35 and it's just a spectacular river known for its big fish.
11:39 And he, of course, he goes into the run first,
11:42 then he starts fishing down,
11:43 and I get behind him, and I get in the river,
11:45 and I start swinging.
11:46 My fly's coming right down at his feet,
11:49 and I got a boom, right?
11:51 And I reel it in.
11:51 It's like a 27-inch beautiful trout.
11:55 And I release it, take some photos,
11:58 and we're yucking it up.
12:00 And I go right back out there,
12:01 and I start swinging again,
12:02 like three casts down, literally right at his feet.
12:05 Boom, right?
12:06 Like a 30-inch trout.
12:07 (laughs)
12:09 And I get the photos, and I go,
12:11 I'm like, that's it, I'm done.
12:13 I go over on the bank, and I sit down,
12:15 and just kind of lay down.
12:16 I probably got the thermos out.
12:18 And he starts yelling at me, like a heister,
12:21 like in some expletives in there.
12:25 And I'm like, you know,
12:27 and it's kind of an image of him.
12:32 It's an insight into the guy.
12:35 And he says, heister, what are you doing?
12:36 And I said, I just caught two
12:37 of the greatest trout of my life.
12:40 I don't need to catch another one.
12:41 And he's like, the bleep, you don't.
12:44 You should get in here and catch 10 of them, right?
12:47 I mean, that's why he's been so good for so long,
12:49 'cause he's so competitive.
12:50 But I think, in my own way,
12:52 that kind of answered your question.
12:53 - Gotcha.
12:54 - Okay.
12:55 - Gotcha.
12:56 - I didn't see where the rest of that was going,
12:58 but great start.
13:00 - I'm sure he doesn't remember that.
13:02 - Well, Greg, I know we chatted a little bit
13:04 throughout the process of this sit down about your hair.
13:08 Well, we do have these new Gonzaga Nation hats.
13:12 Wanted to share with you.
13:13 And had I thought about this sooner,
13:15 we would have had you wear that.
13:16 - Wait, wait, wait, hold up.
13:18 - Is it big enough?
13:18 - Yeah, that's it.
13:19 We're gonna see.
13:20 We're gonna see.
13:21 Don't go away.
13:22 We're gonna put this on the last little button here.
13:25 And let's see.
13:26 This is the magic moment right now.
13:28 - It fits!
13:29 - Nice job, Dan!
13:30 - There we go!
13:31 - Nice job.
13:32 It's on the very last one, though.
13:33 Good.
13:34 - There you have it.
13:35 So for today's guest, Greg Heister,
13:38 myself, Dan Dickow, Gonzaga Nation,
13:40 thanks, you, Greg, for joining.
13:42 - A parting gift.
13:44 (upbeat music)
13:46 (upbeat music)
