Dallas Wings' Satou Sabally Named WNBA Most Improved Player of Year

  • last year
Dallas Wings star Satou Sabally spoke to reporters after being named the WNBA Most Improved Player of the Year.
00:00 All right, welcome to today's press conference featuring the 2023 Kia Most Improved Player
00:08 Satu Sabli.
00:10 We'll take questions on Zoom.
00:12 I ask that you please use the raise your hand function to ask a question.
00:17 We'll go in the order those questions were asked.
00:21 And we'll get going.
00:23 So right off the top, we'll start with Jordan.
00:27 Jordan Grice, go ahead.
00:28 Hi, Satu.
00:30 First off, I just want to say congratulations on winning Most Improved Player with an amazing
00:35 accomplishment.
00:36 So just talk about the process for this year, because I know earlier in your career, you
00:43 struggled with injuries and stuff.
00:44 So what was your mindset going into this year?
00:48 Can she hear me?
00:54 They can hear me though, right?
00:58 Yep.
00:59 Am I already live?
01:00 Yes.
01:01 Oh.
01:02 Go ahead and go ahead, ask your question.
01:04 Sorry.
01:05 Okay.
01:06 Can she hear me?
01:07 Yep.
01:08 Sorry.
01:09 We're good now.
01:10 Go ahead.
01:11 Okay.
01:12 First off, I just want to say congratulations on winning Most Improved Player, amazing
01:13 accomplishment.
01:14 Just talk to me about what your mindset was going into this season.
01:18 Like what was your main goal?
01:21 My main goal was obviously winning with the team and just showing what I can do.
01:25 I feel like I had a lot of trust in my abilities coming into the season.
01:29 And I just wanted to show that, you know, I wanted to be out there and help support
01:33 my team in any type of way.
01:36 Thank you.
01:37 Christos, you're next.
01:38 And guys, we're gonna do one question at a time.
01:41 If we have time to come back to you, we will.
01:43 But please use the raise your hand function one question at a time for Satu.
01:47 Hey, Satu.
01:48 Congratulations, first of all.
01:49 I would like to ask you, you mentioned several times that your main goal was to be consistent
01:55 in this league, this season especially.
01:57 So how tough was it to be consistent night in and night out in such a demanding league
02:03 like WNBA?
02:04 I think it was okay because I had a routine going.
02:09 And even if I felt like I had a tired game or like an inconsistent game that was not
02:14 really high performing in my opinion, I could rely on what I did in the previous games and
02:21 I could rely on what I will do in the next game.
02:24 So I didn't really stress myself too much on that, if it was hard or not.
02:28 I just kind of did it.
02:29 Obviously, the season is hard, but everyone has to kind of go through it.
02:32 But finding having just the comfort in my routine was good for me.
02:38 Thank you very much.
02:40 Isaac.
02:41 Hey, Satu.
02:43 Congrats on the award.
02:44 What does it mean to have this level of recognition from the league on your improvements this
02:49 year?
02:50 I'm grateful.
02:51 I think it just shows that I did something great, that I was better than the previous
02:57 year.
02:58 So it's some type of acknowledgement that I really cherish.
03:00 But obviously, I'm like, I really appreciate it.
03:03 But right now, my focus is just so on the game.
03:06 So I just take it with me and I'm taking it with gratitude.
03:09 But my focus is just not on that right now.
03:12 So it's really hard for me to actually indulge in a moment too much.
03:18 Next we're going to go to Siobhan.
03:19 Got to unmute Siobhan, please and thank you.
03:28 All right, Siobhan.
03:31 Okay, go ahead.
03:34 Okay, I'm here.
03:38 I'm here.
03:40 Okay, Satu.
03:42 Congratulations.
03:43 And I want to know at one point this season, at what part of the season did you kind of
03:48 have that aha moment as far as like, hey, I can play with the best of them and be the
03:54 best in this league?
03:57 I would say the first game.
03:58 I don't know.
03:59 I just came in and I was ready.
04:01 And I feel like every team, every single team in this league is good.
04:04 And I respect every single team.
04:06 So I feel like once I came out really strong, I knew this is what I can do.
04:10 And yeah, just keep it going.
04:13 All right, next we're going to have one from Miss Dorothy.
04:17 What does most improved player mean to you?
04:19 And how do you embody that definition?
04:24 It shows growth.
04:25 So obviously, it's an acknowledgement of my growth and what I've done in this league and
04:30 how I've contributed, you know, to also improving the league.
04:34 I think this is like an overall thing for women's basketball.
04:37 It means a lot for German basketball, actually, to get a significant prize like that is really
04:43 cool.
04:44 And I'm really happy about that.
04:46 So it means a lot for like, I think the overall thing that I stand for, which is international
04:51 basketball and, you know, basketball in general for women.
04:54 So obviously, having my name on there and carrying that with me means a great honor.
04:59 All right, next, we're going to go to Aya.
05:02 Pardon me if I'm-
05:03 You got it right.
05:04 You need to go for the first time.
05:05 So Satu, congratulations on winning the most improved player of the year award.
05:10 And you became the first player in WNBA history to increase their score average by at least
05:15 five points, their rebound average by at least three, and their six per game by two compared
05:21 to last season.
05:23 So which players and coaches do you give credit for, for going through this process?
05:27 All of my teammates, my coach, MT, is right here too, smiling.
05:34 So yeah, I give credit to my coaches.
05:36 I give credit to my teammates.
05:37 Obviously, you know, it helps if you have a good team around you.
05:41 My assists would not be assists if my teammates don't make the basket.
05:45 I cannot rebound as freely if I don't have a TRM account in the paint or Kalani Brown,
05:50 you know, it's like a lot of things that come with the increasement of stats.
05:54 And I think we just increased our whole level of the team.
05:58 And the numbers show that I think all throughout.
06:00 So I'm obviously grateful that I can be one of those people, but all credits go to my
06:05 team for sure for this season.
06:07 Thank you.
06:08 Next, we'll go to Hayden.
06:09 Hey, Satu, can you hear me?
06:12 Hey, well, greetings from Eugene.
06:15 We miss you up here in the Pacific Northwest.
06:18 But I was curious to know, what's it been like having Mark Campbell back in the Dallas
06:24 Fort Worth area?
06:25 I noticed he's been going to games.
06:27 And has that been nice just seeing some more familiar faces in the area?
06:30 Yes, it's really refreshing.
06:33 It's always nice to see like a face that you're comfortable with.
06:36 I mean, I spent so many years with him and his family and seeing his young girls grow
06:40 up, you know, TCU being in connection with the women's basketball team too, that's in
06:46 the collegiate level is really good, just to stay in touch with the growth of women's
06:49 basketball.
06:50 And he really symbolizes that he supports the Dallas Wings, he comes to the games and
06:55 even brought out TCU girls to our game.
07:00 So it means a lot.
07:01 And it just shows that he truly continues to pave the way forward for young women like
07:05 me.
07:06 I hope to see you at a Ducks game this year.
07:09 For sure.
07:10 I hope I can make it.
07:11 Mr. Tholen, sir, go ahead.
07:12 Congratulations, Satu.
07:13 We are all so super proud of you.
07:14 Thank you.
07:15 Take us back to November.
07:16 At the press conference, you and Enrique showed up when Coach Trammell was named head
07:28 coach and you were sitting back there and then you got together with Coach Trammell.
07:33 What is the one thing you told her at that point and just the relationship you formed
07:39 with her?
07:40 I think we just kept saying like, we're good, like we're gonna get them next year.
07:46 And just that we're really excited to work together.
07:49 I think it was really fresh air, fresh energy.
07:53 And I could tell them from day one.
07:57 So just having her around was obviously great and getting to know each other.
08:00 I think we were eating tacos.
08:01 So it was super organic.
08:02 And you were able to build a relationship first before you get to know each other on
08:07 the court.
08:08 And then, yeah, we built a relationship on the court as well.
08:11 So to this day, it's really cool.
08:14 All right.
08:15 Next, we're going to go to Grant.
08:18 Satu, when looking at your production this season as a scorer, it looks like you've utilized
08:26 more ball screens.
08:28 You've posted up frequently and you've been very efficient.
08:31 And you've played out of off ball actions very effectively.
08:35 What parts of your game overall do you think have improved as being named the most improved
08:40 player compared to last season or recent seasons?
08:43 Well, I think you just named all the factors.
08:46 But I would say one thing that I'm proud of is my defense.
08:49 And I think that has actually improved the most.
08:52 So I'm just going to take this as my little defensive prize, actually.
08:57 Just because I feel like I've improved a lot in that category.
09:00 And I just wanted to be-- I think it's hard to transition from the forward position to
09:04 outside and defending wings and running around and fighting through screens.
09:10 And I take a lot of pride in that, that I can do that.
09:12 So that was an improvement for me.
09:16 All right.
09:17 And it looks like we have one more.
09:19 Please utilize the raise your hand function if you'd like to ask Satu a question.
09:23 We'll go to Orin.
09:24 Hi, Satu.
09:25 Congratulations on the award.
09:26 You said earlier how you're kind of just focused on the playoffs and what's ahead.
09:34 So I want to ask you about that.
09:36 With this series against the Aces coming up, what is your level of confidence individually,
09:41 especially after winning this award, but also just as a team, how confident are you guys
09:45 going against such a good team in the Aces?
09:49 I think we have a great baseline.
09:51 And on that baseline, we're going to build on.
09:53 I don't think there's-- obviously, there's confidence in what we do and what we can do.
09:58 No one is going to know what's going to happen in these games.
10:01 But I know that our coaching staff will prepare us.
10:03 So that's going to make me confident going into the game.
10:06 I know that I'll be prepared.
10:07 I'll get my rest.
10:08 I'll work.
10:09 So I'm really relying on these factors.
10:11 And then I know that I can go into the series.
10:14 And whatever the outcome may be, I know that I did everything for that.
10:17 All right.
10:18 Time for a couple more.
10:19 Christos, go ahead.
10:20 Sato, I would like to ask you about Dirk Nowitzki.
10:23 He said earlier today, he sent a message, and he said how proud he feels of you.
10:29 So what kind of advice he gave to you and you kept from him?
10:33 And how motivated you felt when he met you getting better and bring your best version
10:39 this season especially?
10:40 Yeah, great guy.
10:41 I'm super happy he made it to the game and brought some people along from the Mavs.
10:46 So shout out to them.
10:47 That was really nice.
10:48 I don't know.
10:49 We were talking a little bit about me getting trapped of pick and roll.
10:52 So just picking his game a little bit on that and talking other basketball things after
10:57 the game.
10:58 It's always great to have a brain like him as a resource, something that I definitely
11:03 make use of.
11:04 So I'm definitely grateful for that.
11:07 Isaac.
11:08 Sato, I wanted to take you back to one of your better games this season.
11:13 It was the 40-point game against Indiana.
11:16 Just kind of talk to me about what that performance meant as you were one of the main reasons
11:22 this team clinched a playoff berth this year.
11:25 That's always so hard.
11:27 I mean, if you have a game like that, you're hot and people were feeding me.
11:32 I wouldn't-- yeah, OK, main reason, but we really have great players on our team.
11:38 So I really contributed to that.
11:40 You cannot win a game alone.
11:42 Truly, like, Enrique has been doing amazing things this season.
11:47 And that game in Indiana, I was hot, but they feed me.
11:51 So I think it just clicks in the right moment.
11:52 And anyone can go off like that on our team, and that is what really makes us special.
11:58 Thank you, Sato.
11:59 Good luck on Sunday.
12:00 Thank you.
12:01 Christian.
12:02 Hey, Sato.
12:03 Congrats on the award.
12:04 Also a great season in general.
12:07 Thomas, actually, was really been your most favorite part of your game.
12:11 This season in particular has been arguably one of the best that Dallas has had since
12:15 they relocated to North Texas around 2016.
12:19 What has been your difference as far as the past three years and this season?
12:26 I think we finally laid the good foundation for good culture here in Dallas.
12:31 I think we worked through a lot of things that had to be worked through to be able to
12:36 be a championship level team.
12:38 You know, I think you really have to, I don't know, I have this quote, like, you have to
12:42 go through the mud to be a Lotus.
12:44 And I think we kind of left the mud behind us.
12:47 So now it's time to move.
12:49 Thank you again.
12:50 You can't get in there.
12:51 All right.
12:52 That's all the time we have today, guys.
12:55 We appreciate you.
12:56 Thanks for jumping on and let us know if you have any more questions.
12:58 Thanks, Sato.
12:59 Y'all better get this Lotus 12.
