Yunior Menendez vs Ricardo Miramontes Hernandez (04-08-2023) Full Fight

  • last year



00:00 (speaking Spanish)
00:03 (bell ringing)
00:29 (crowd murmuring)
00:32 (crowd murmuring)
00:35 (crowd murmuring)
00:38 (crowd murmuring)
01:05 - And there Menendez go right into Bam Bam territory
01:09 with a nice combination to the head.
01:11 Starts with a jab, ending with a left hand.
01:17 There Bam Bam trying to reach out with the long arms.
01:24 Nice job there from Menendez.
01:28 Like you said, they just starting to know each other.
01:33 - They start to feel each other out.
01:34 That's what it looks like, yeah.
01:36 Menendez is putting, and feinting a lot,
01:39 using his lead hand to get him to over commit to something
01:43 and see the opening.
01:45 - Yeah, he's kind of looking for that opening
01:48 to come in hard with that left hand.
01:50 I mean, he's got six knockouts in seven fights,
01:53 so it says that he's a heavy puncher.
01:56 - 1000%.
01:57 And Bam Bam, he obviously knows that,
02:00 and he doesn't want to roll the dice I think too soon.
02:04 - Wow, that was a good straight cross down the middle.
02:06 - Absolutely, absolutely.
02:08 Bam Bam just, you know, he missed with the right
02:11 and his defense went down.
02:13 Oh, that was a wicked jab right to the nose.
02:17 - Hard stiff jab.
02:19 - Yep.
02:20 - Another hard stiff jab.
02:23 - I'm noticing that Bam Bam is missing a lot
02:26 with the right and he's open,
02:28 right into the left hand from Menendez.
02:32 He's coming in hard with a combination of left and right.
02:36 There it is, missing again with the hard right hand.
02:41 Bam Bam.
02:42 - I like what Menendez is doing.
02:44 He's landing these big shots,
02:45 but he's always staying very composed at the same time.
02:48 He's not overthrowing and he's not overreacting to anything.
02:52 He's very controlled even when he's landing.
02:54 - Yeah, that tells you that he is in control
02:56 of the first round.
03:01 - Wasting too many punches.
03:03 There's that jab again.
03:04 Bam is standing still in front,
03:10 trying to make a case of his own
03:12 with that cross left.
03:14 Receives that wicked right hand again to the face
03:18 and this round is 10 seconds over.
03:21 Strong.
03:27 - Complete control by Menendez.
03:31 100% took that round.
03:32 - Yeah, Menendez was in control.
03:36 I think he was just gauging his distance.
03:40 Bam Bam looked a little bit out of distance in my opinion.
03:43 - Bam Bam just has to put something out there
03:47 to let him know, to make Menendez respect him.
03:51 'Cause he's just walking straight in
03:52 and throwing what he wants to throw.
03:54 He's basically doing what he wants to do
03:56 in the ring right now.
03:57 - Yeah, the first round went completely to Menendez.
04:02 So how would you score this first round?
04:09 - It's Menendez round, 10-9.
04:11 - 10-9, absolutely.
04:13 The cleaner shots, the stronger shots.
04:16 Bam Bam missed a lot of right hands.
04:20 (announcer speaking in foreign language)
04:25 Here we go, the second round of this fight
04:32 in the light heavyweight,
04:34 second round, Junior Bronco Man Menendez.
04:44 According to Arnold, he won the first round 10-9
04:49 and Arnold suggests for Ricardo Hernandez
04:52 to do a little bit more on the ring.
04:54 He's gotta be more active.
04:56 - He's gotta get his respect.
04:57 I feel like Menendez doesn't respect
04:59 anything that's coming back right now.
05:01 He's walking very comfortably in
05:03 and he keeps landing that hard step jab.
05:06 - Yeah, I like that job that he's,
05:08 you know, whenever he gets it,
05:09 it's like a hard punch right on the face of Hernandez.
05:14 Hernandez is relying too much, in my opinion,
05:17 he's relying too much on that cross right hand
05:20 that he throws.
05:20 He kinda announces when he's gonna throw it, you know?
05:25 - Correct.
05:26 - Nice defense there from Hernandez,
05:29 blocking that steady jab.
05:31 Again, the same story from the first round.
05:36 Menendez taking the initiative of the fight.
05:41 Hernandez standing still.
05:44 (crowd murmuring)
05:47 Yeah, we have, this fight is Menendez.
05:53 Menendez is on the black and gold trunks.
05:56 Bam Bam Hernandez, not Miramontes.
05:59 Bam Bam Hernandez is on the blue and gray,
06:04 blue and plated trunks.
06:12 There's that jab from Menendez again.
06:15 Very educated, controls the face.
06:19 - Very relaxed there, lead hand.
06:21 Has a really good lead hand.
06:23 So just from a jab to a hook,
06:25 that's only gonna get that straight left hand
06:28 to land straight down the middle.
06:30 - Which is what he's looking for
06:32 and he kinda did it there.
06:33 Didn't quite catch Hernandez fully,
06:37 but he kinda announced that that's what's coming
06:41 later this round or in the next round.
06:43 - Hernandez has gotta do something to make him respected.
06:50 But this is not gonna go even, there's no way.
06:52 - Yeah, see.
06:55 - It's coming across.
06:56 - Yeah, that cross right hand was perfectly landed
07:00 when Hernandez threw that cross right,
07:03 he missed and his defense went down.
07:10 Again, it's ooh.
07:11 I think Hernandez got kinda, they bumped each other.
07:15 - Found to happen, right hand orthodox
07:19 fights a southpaw.
07:20 Lot of head and head clashes.
07:23 - Yeah.
07:25 - Not stepping on each other's foot.
07:27 - Very common for that to happen.
07:29 There goes the second round.
07:31 A little bit more of the same of the first round.
07:34 Hernandez not doing much,
07:36 just standing there in front of Menendez,
07:40 whose right jab and then the powerful left hand.
07:44 But in this second round,
07:46 he didn't land that powerful left hand as much as--
07:50 - He didn't, but he still did a very good job
07:52 of controlling the ring,
07:54 bringing that action to Hernandez
07:56 and using that educated lead hand
07:59 that he has, the right hand, you know, the southpaw.
08:00 So he's too old right now for Menendez.
08:06 So I take it then, you take it again, 10-9 for Menendez.
08:10 - Correct.
08:11 - Yeah.
08:11 - If he wants to stay in this fight,
08:17 if Hernandez wants to stay in this fight,
08:18 he has to show something.
08:19 He has to come out there
08:21 and make Menendez respect him a little bit.
08:24 'Cause by now he hasn't landed anything
08:26 that's gotten his attention, not one bit, yeah, so.
08:29 - Absolutely, absolutely.
08:30 Neither of the power punches from Hernandez
08:33 has landed in the anatomy of Menendez so far
08:38 in the first six minutes of fights.
08:40 We're in the third round,
08:40 third round from the Palazzo Policeo de Combates
08:44 in Panama City, Panama.
08:47 Dino Hurtin along with Arnold Gonzalez.
08:50 Good stuff.
08:54 Five, six punches thrown by Menendez,
08:58 who's in control of the fight from the first get-go.
09:02 There's that right hand again.
09:04 - That hard, stiff jab, yep.
09:05 Hernandez seems like he's trying
09:11 to hold his ground a little bit more.
09:13 - But hold it to win.
09:16 - Let's see what that leads up to.
09:18 That might be something good or something really bad,
09:20 'cause it puts him in a position to get countered
09:23 with a big shot.
09:24 - Yeah, he appears to be a counter puncher,
09:27 but he's not throwing any punches.
09:29 And he's receiving a lot of them.
09:31 The idea of boxing is to hit and not get hit.
09:35 And that's the opposite that's happening with Hernandez.
09:38 - 1,000%.
09:39 - Again, Bronco man is not being that much
09:46 of a Bronco right now, but he's in control of the fight,
09:50 handling the movements and doing what he's at ease,
09:56 I would say, right now.
09:58 - He knows he's winning the fight.
09:59 I think he's just looking for Hernandez
10:02 just to slow down a little bit more,
10:04 and then he'll go for the knockout.
10:06 At least that's what I predict.
10:08 - One thing from Junior, though,
10:12 he's focusing his attack all to the head, no body shots.
10:16 I think if he focuses a little bit on some body shots,
10:20 we might have a slower Hernandez,
10:23 slower than he is right now.
10:24 - 1,000%.
10:25 Invest a little bit more downstairs
10:27 and get him out of it in the later rounds.
10:29 'Cause he's tough.
10:31 Hernandez took some big shots already.
10:34 He showed that he could do something,
10:35 and now he's coming alive.
10:36 He's trying to counter back, which is good.
10:39 He's feinting more, he's trying to counter.
10:41 Looks like he's waking up a little bit.
10:45 - Nice interchange of blows.
10:47 Yeah, Hernandez got the best out of it,
10:50 but Hernandez finally landed some powerful shots
10:54 on the anatomy of Hernandez there.
10:57 - Yeah, he's getting a little bit more confident.
10:59 - Maybe gaining a little bit more confidence.
11:02 There you go, that's another right from Hernandez,
11:04 but he was countered by Hernandez with a right hand.
11:09 Contrary to Menendez,
11:14 Hernandez is going body shot and then to the head.
11:17 Left, right, left, right.
11:20 That was a wicked left hand there.
11:23 - A wicked left hand from Menendez to the chin of Hernandez.
11:28 And the third round is gone.
11:32 A little bit more action in this third round.
11:36 - It seemed like Hernandez was coming to life,
11:39 countering, and he landed some shots,
11:41 but that's definitely still a round for Menendez.
11:45 Another 10-9 round, I believe.
11:47 I don't see how much longer
11:50 he's gonna be able to take those shots.
11:51 - I don't think Hernandez is gonna hit by long.
11:53 He's gotta show some type of defense there.
11:56 - Yeah, maybe Menendez's plan is to go,
12:01 carry the match maybe to the sixth, seventh round,
12:06 because all his fighting has won by KO,
12:09 so he needs some rounds to gain some more experience
12:13 on the ring.
12:14 - 1,000%, might need more rounds,
12:16 but I feel like he should go more into the body as well,
12:18 you know, to slowly slow him down,
12:21 because Hernandez is not a pushover.
12:23 He's a tough guy.
12:24 He takes big shots.
12:25 So invest a little bit more downstairs,
12:27 and then he'll be ready to go into the later rounds.
12:29 (bell rings)
12:31 - We are in the fourth round of a flight heavyweight.
12:36 The first fight of the night coming to you
12:39 via ESPN Knockout.
12:41 Dino Curtin along Arnold Gonzalez.
12:43 We're having Junior Bronco Menendez in black and gold,
12:48 and Ricardo "Bam Bam" Hernandez in the blue and silver.
12:52 If you're just joining us,
12:55 Menendez has landed the bigger shots.
12:58 Menendez has controlled the first three rounds.
13:01 What exactly are you seeing from Menendez
13:06 that is making him dominate this fight?
13:09 - He has a really good stiff jab.
13:11 I think that stiff jab is taking away
13:15 all of Hernandez's confidence,
13:17 because getting hit by a stiff jab like that,
13:19 you can only think about what the cross has behind it.
13:22 So it kind of takes your confidence away.
13:24 He's winning the battle of the jab,
13:26 and I feel like he's in the ring generalship.
13:30 He's controlling the ring more than Hernandez is.
13:33 - Okay, throughout the fight, you have mentioned that,
13:36 yeah, like-- - Oof, that was low.
13:38 - Bam Bam has to do something to gain respect,
13:41 like throw more power punches, you think?
13:44 - Correct, I think he tried to do that the last round.
13:47 He tried to counter more,
13:48 but that just opened him up a lot,
13:50 even more for him to get countered.
13:53 So he kind of seems to counter with big, loaded shots
13:56 instead of being compact with his shots.
13:59 Like, just like that.
14:00 He tried the right hook to the body
14:02 and just got countered by like a full piece.
14:04 - Oh yes, four shots all to the head by Menendez,
14:09 the last one being a right cross
14:12 right to the left side of Hernandez's face.
14:15 That was a wicked left hand.
14:17 Hey, Bam Bam just landed a good one there
14:20 on Menendez, a left hand.
14:22 - He just does not move his head at all, Hernandez.
14:29 His head is right in the middle.
14:31 Just like that, he keeps getting touched by that big jab.
14:34 Starting to get swell up under his right eye.
14:38 - Yeah, he's starting to swell on the right eye.
14:41 Little bit of blood there.
14:43 That's mainly where Menendez has focused
14:46 his offensive prowess.
14:50 And again, I think Menendez is just taking it slow
14:54 to gain more minutes, more rounds.
14:57 'Cause I believe if he stepped on the gas,
15:00 he could take Bam Bam down at any time.
15:03 Bam Bam now jumping a little bit,
15:11 trying to move a little bit more.
15:12 - Yeah, exactly following what you were saying.
15:15 But he's gotta throw more shots.
15:16 He gotta throw more shots.
15:18 - Thing is that every time he throws shots,
15:22 he gets countered, so that takes all his confidence away.
15:26 And that jab is, he has a nice, good jab.
15:28 He keeps using it throughout the fight.
15:30 Here it comes.
15:32 - There goes the fourth round.
15:34 - It's a shutout so far by Menendez.
15:38 Going into the fifth round?
15:40 - We're going to the fifth round.
15:41 - The fifth round, yeah.
15:42 - So midway through, it's 40-36 in your scores.
15:47 - First time here in Panama,
16:05 it seems like the people love boxing here.
16:08 Everyone's very into the fight, you know?
16:12 'Cause there's some places where the crowd goes to fights
16:16 and they like socialize with each other
16:18 and they're doing other activities.
16:19 I feel like everyone here is very locked in into the fight
16:22 and actually enjoying what's going on inside the ring.
16:26 - Tell you what, if there's one sport Panamanians like
16:29 and understand, that's boxing.
16:31 - Correct, that's what I'm learning right now.
16:34 - We go to the fifth round.
16:36 Menendez leading the fight.
16:39 It's a shutout, as Arnold says.
16:42 It's all Menendez so far.
16:44 Hernandez has to come up with something big,
16:46 try to be a bit more aggressive, throw more shots in,
16:51 try to change his pattern.
16:54 - If Hernandez wants to win this fight,
16:55 he's just got to roll the dice more.
16:57 Now, we're on the fifth round, he's down.
16:59 He's down on the cards for sure.
17:02 If he actually is trying to win this fight,
17:04 then he's got to like go bullseye and just roll the dice
17:06 and try to seek a knockout, you know?
17:10 - Yeah, just put everything in.
17:14 Like we say in Spanish,
17:17 poner toda la carne al asador.
17:19 You know, through everything, through all the ingredients.
17:23 - All the sazon.
17:24 - All the sazon, all the seasoning,
17:26 all the ingredients like he's doing right now.
17:29 - He's trying, he's trying to figure it out.
17:32 So far it's been a clean fight, you know?
17:35 - Yeah, no headbutts, no low blows,
17:37 no bumping into each other,
17:38 which is uncommon to see when an orthodox fights a southpaw.
17:42 I feel like there's, most of, majority of the time,
17:45 there's something along those lines that happens.
17:48 - Yeah.
17:49 Fight continues.
17:52 I'm a little bit more active,
17:53 trying to take the fight to Menendez.
17:57 - Right, he's controlling the ring,
17:58 but he's got to do it with punches now.
18:00 You know, like he's in front of him, he's walking him down,
18:04 and now he's just got to put something behind him.
18:06 - On the other side, Menendez is taking it easy,
18:10 and this round throwing fewer punches
18:12 than the previous rounds.
18:14 Just, you know, letting Hernandez come and attack
18:19 and then throw him back,
18:21 and maybe counter-punching a little bit.
18:23 - Looks like he's just trying to wait
18:24 for Hernandez to fall into some lean,
18:27 over-commit and just counter him with a big shot.
18:30 'Cause when he punches, he really over-commits Hernandez.
18:34 (crowd cheering)
18:35 - Yeah, right there.
18:37 Trying to come with a body shot,
18:39 blocked, partially blocked by Menendez.
18:42 Ooh!
18:43 (crowd cheering)
18:44 And that was a one-two combination meeting with that jab,
18:48 and then the left hand right to the face
18:52 and down to the canvas went Hernandez.
18:54 - Yeah, that was a very good move by Menendez.
18:57 Very good patience by Menendez.
18:59 He let him, like, keep walking towards him
19:01 the entire round.
19:02 He was just waiting for that big counter.
19:05 - It's the fifth round.
19:06 You think Menendez should go for the kill at this one?
19:09 - Why not secure--why not secure the money,
19:12 secure the bag, man?
19:13 Like, come on.
19:14 It's boxing.
19:15 You never know what can happen two rounds after this.
19:18 - Yeah.
19:19 - You have the chance to get him out of there.
19:20 Get him out of there just like that.
19:22 Go ahead.
19:22 (bell dinging)
19:23 - And that's it.
19:24 That's the end of the round.
19:25 - That's it.
19:26 - It's up to you.
19:27 Nine seconds to go in the round.
19:29 Apparently, Hernandez is gonna survive this one.
19:31 - It's a complete one-sided fight.
19:34 (bell dinging)
19:37 The only thing that's keeping Hernandez this fight
19:41 is his pride, you know?
19:42 Like, he's not wanting to--
19:43 It's completely one-sided.
19:45 We'll see what his corner tells him.
19:47 - Absolutely.
19:48 - What he's gonna let come out.
19:51 (crowd cheering)
19:53 That was a really nice combination there from Hernandez.
19:57 - Very fundamental, straight down the middle.
20:00 - Yeah.
20:01 See, there's the left hand.
20:03 Again.
20:07 - There you go.
20:09 He overcommitted with the right hand.
20:11 Straight down the middle, one-two.
20:13 - Exactly, the face right there.
20:15 Overcommitting, as you said,
20:17 and then the target was just, you know,
20:20 waiting for Menendez just to land the punches.
20:24 That was a 10-8 for Menendez.
20:32 So at this point, Hernandez needs to knock out
20:39 to win the fight.
20:41 There's not a way he could win.
20:43 - And if he tries to go for that knockout,
20:49 that's probably gonna open him a lot more
20:51 to him getting knocked out.
20:53 So it just depends on what he wants out of this fight.
20:56 Like, roll the dice, try to get the win, or sheesh.
21:01 - Yeah, he'd miss that.
21:03 If that right hand had landed,
21:07 that would have been over, you know?
21:09 I think Menendez is going for the shot today.
21:14 Of this round, yeah.
21:16 He's gonna look for it.
21:18 You know, he's had a couple of rounds already.
21:20 He accumulated more rounds.
21:23 He's just got seven fights,
21:25 so he's, you know, adding some rounds to his resume.
21:29 I think he's going for all in this round.
21:32 That's a right hand again.
21:34 - Very good patience, very good patience.
21:37 He's just waiting for him to,
21:38 he knows Hernandez is gonna try to,
21:40 that's his only shot to counter with, big, big wide shot.
21:43 He's waiting for that shot so he can counter him
21:46 and just get him out of there.
21:48 - Yeah, Menendez fully focused on Hernandez's face.
21:53 Nobody shots, but still has been able
21:57 to put Hernandez uncomfortable,
22:02 making uncomfortable in the ring
22:04 when he landed those big shots.
22:06 There you go again, right hand, left hand combination.
22:15 That ease when he pleases.
22:18 - Yeah, but I haven't seen no body shots
22:19 from Hernandez at all.
22:21 That's the only downside.
22:22 Maybe, you know, that's something maybe he can learn
22:25 from this fight and go back to the gym and work on.
22:28 - Yeah, I'm sure when he goes back and watch the video,
22:31 he'll notice that he didn't land any,
22:33 but there's the first body shot there, a big right hand.
22:37 - Should go back downstairs.
22:38 That'll open up those hips.
22:40 That's a low shot.
22:41 - Yeah, a little bit low.
22:44 Open left, open left again.
22:47 Anytime he overcommits, there comes the left hands.
22:51 But that's what Hernandez gotta do.
22:53 Gotta throw punches and try to see
22:57 if he can catch off guard Menendez.
23:01 Cuban very patient and throwing just hard punches now.
23:14 Nice body shots.
23:15 Now he's listening to us and he's throwing more body shots.
23:18 That left hand was right on the abdomen of Hernandez.
23:22 - The ref is starting to look into it very closely.
23:27 He's not really doing anything, Hernandez.
23:30 He's just receiving shots.
23:31 Two rounds left.
23:33 (bell rings)
23:34 I don't think he's going to win this one.
23:36 - Yeah, this round was total domination again.
23:40 A bit more body shots from Menendez.
23:44 I thought he was going to come to the end on this round,
23:49 but he was patient again.
23:52 Two virtues from Menendez.
23:55 His patience and that educated job that he's got.
23:59 On the other side, he needs to throw more body shots.
24:09 Maybe he hasn't worked on that
24:11 and when he throws the body shot,
24:12 he might be getting off guard.
24:15 There we go, the repetition.
24:16 That was the first body shot,
24:18 the right hand on the ribs and the big left hand.
24:23 (whistle blows)
24:26 (bell rings)
24:35 We go to the seventh round.
24:37 Coliseo de Combates, Panama City, Panama.
24:40 Right next to the Roberto Duran Arena,
24:43 Dino Hurtin along with Arnold Gonzalez.
24:46 A loop sided fight so far.
24:50 Menendez in total control.
24:52 Wearing the black trunks and gold.
24:55 Hernandez wearing the blue and silver.
24:57 And now the fight is heated.
25:00 And plenty of punches.
25:04 And this is what Hernandez had to do.
25:08 He's down, he's under on the scorecards.
25:13 He's gotta throw shots and go for the kill or get killed.
25:17 But there's no other way he's gonna make it this time.
25:20 - Hernandez naturally, defense is to punch back.
25:24 So every time Menendez tries to engage,
25:27 and Hernandez just naturally just bites down
25:31 and punches right back.
25:32 That's the only defense he knows.
25:37 But he's tough, he's taking some big, big, big shots.
25:40 - Yeah, he's tough, he's tough.
25:42 And he's been a good opponent to see what--
25:47 - Giving him rounds for sure.
25:48 - Exactly, what exactly Menendez got
25:52 on this light heavyweight division.
25:54 Oh, that was a wicked left hand straight to the face.
26:01 - He's gotta go downstairs, man.
26:03 He can take those shots upstairs all day.
26:06 He's already proven it.
26:07 - The jab again, trying to come with the left hook,
26:12 missed it.
26:13 Hernandez is right, oh, he got hurt with that left hand.
26:18 Now Menendez has gotta throw more punches.
26:25 - Yeah, if he wants to get him out of here,
26:28 he's gotta step up the gas.
26:30 - He's got it on the corner, right there.
26:34 Body shot, left hand to the face,
26:36 countering with a left hook.
26:39 - The ref is looking extremely close.
26:41 He might jump in at any time.
26:43 - That was a nice combination a while ago there
26:48 from Menendez.
26:49 - Nice body shot, those are two big shots.
26:54 - Two big shots, yeah, absolutely.
26:56 They're right here in front of us,
26:59 in front of the cameras.
27:01 Menendez throwing everything to the body
27:04 and then coming, following up with a big left hand
27:08 to the face.
27:09 But I tell you what, Hernandez is a tough cookie.
27:13 He's gotten a lot of big shots and still standing.
27:16 With 15 seconds to go in the seventh round, he's still there.
27:22 Nicely blocked.
27:26 - Close.
27:27 - His pride is keeping him up.
27:28 He does not want to get stopped.
27:30 He wants to finish this round, this fight on his feet,
27:33 which I respect.
27:34 - Absolutely, much respect to Hernandez.
27:38 He might be a bit limited in regards to arsenal of punches,
27:43 but he is a tough cookie.
27:45 From Panama City,
27:51 Policía de los Deportes.
27:54 We got four exciting matches.
27:56 This is the first one.
27:58 Here's the repetition, that big left hand there,
28:02 right to the face, countering with the right hand
28:05 and that nice exchange that they had.
28:07 Hernandez kind of landed that open, wide left hand,
28:14 but for every each power punch that Hernandez landed,
28:19 Menendez landed like six.
28:23 So that's not a good bargain, I would say.
28:28 - If he wants to get him out of here,
28:30 he's gonna have to really step on the gas.
28:32 - Hernandez knows he's gonna come after him.
28:35 He should still be defensively responsible
28:39 because one big punch can change everything.
28:41 So just don't go out there and let it roll out.
28:44 - The composer of Menendez is like
28:51 if he was fighting the first round, same,
28:55 you know, leading with the left,
28:57 I'm sorry, with the right.
29:00 Oh, that was a nice left hook to the chin of Hernandez,
29:05 but Hernandez still standing.
29:07 - Right in front of him.
29:08 - I gotta tell you, he can take punches.
29:10 He can take really hard punches like that one,
29:16 that right hand.
29:17 It's been steady throughout the first seven rounds
29:20 and now in the eighth and final round.
29:22 (crowd chattering)
29:25 - Menendez kind of waiting for an opening
29:36 to land that big left.
29:38 - He doesn't got much time if he wants to get him out of here.
29:45 Minute and 50 seconds, he's gotta let his hands go.
29:48 He's gotta let his hands go right now.
29:50 - Ooh, just like that.
29:51 - Yeah. - Jump back on him.
29:53 - Yeah, maybe in two occasion I've seen Menendez engaging
29:59 in more than a two or three combination shots, you know?
30:04 Other than that, it's been like one, two punches
30:08 and then two big punches and then waiting
30:11 for Hernandez to throw.
30:20 One minute 15 to the match to end.
30:24 - He's gotta put something together to get him out of here.
30:28 - Hernandez trying to do some attacking there.
30:33 - This guy came, yeah.
30:34 - All blocked, good defense by the Cuban.
30:39 Now he's throwing the jab again.
30:47 - Menendez looking for that final shot.
30:51 Got the left hand in.
30:52 - But why is he giving him a break?
30:54 He should've jumped right back on him, he had him hurt.
30:56 - Yep, well, we commented a while ago.
30:59 Lands a big shot and then he breaks, he takes it slow.
31:02 He doesn't go for the match.
31:13 - Hernandez apparently is gonna survive
31:16 the whole eight rounds.
31:17 There goes the mouthpiece, mouth protection.
31:22 Left hand by Menendez, good right hand from Hernandez.
31:38 Nice closing for this match.
31:42 Hernandez was overmatched, but at least
31:45 he went down swinging.
31:47 - Those are good eight rounds for Menendez.
31:53 You know, in the bag experience,
31:54 sometimes you need those rounds.
31:55 - Yep. - Grow from there.
31:58 - Absolutely, from here he goes back to the drawing board,
32:01 watch the video, check what are the punches that he missed,
32:05 what are the punches that he didn't throw.
32:07 - I think the main thing for Menendez is,
32:10 he didn't invest on the body, you know,
32:13 from the very beginning.
32:15 - Exactly.
32:16 - He did a good job of, he had a really good jab,
32:18 good job of landing upstairs,
32:20 but barely, barely landed any body shots.
32:23 So maybe that's something he can focus on
32:28 when he goes back to the gym.
32:29 - Absolutely. - Shout out to Hernandez.
32:32 That guy's tough.
32:34 - Yeah, yeah, shout out for Hernandez, I agree.
32:37 The guy, you know, he didn't have many weapons to work with,
32:42 but he had a big heart and he withstood
32:47 all what Menendez threw at him.
32:49 So that's in his favor.
32:53 Junior Menendez then goes to eight and O with six KO's.
33:02 Ricardo Hernandez is now two wins,
33:07 three defeats and one draw.
33:11 It's a matter of waiting for the judges.
33:21 It should be an easy 80 to 71 maybe,
33:31 because of the 10 to eight in the fourth round.
33:35 Are we like on air right now or just?
33:44 Are we on air right now?
33:48 - Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the eighth round
33:56 of action, you go to the smoke, Domicile.
34:00 - We have a minute of highlights in between fights,
34:03 so we can comment on the highlights.
34:04 - We have a unanimous decision.
34:06 [speaking Spanish]
34:10 - We get a unanimous decision, of course.
34:13 [speaking Spanish]
34:18 - Whoa, 79.
34:21 - And judges Victor Simons and Eliezer Perez,
34:25 [speaking Spanish]
34:29 - For the fight 80 to 71.
34:31 [speaking Spanish]
34:34 - Wow.
34:34 - The three of them in favor of the winner
34:36 by unanimous decision.
34:38 [speaking Spanish]
34:58 - Well, you heard it.
35:00 The judges saw Menendez win,
35:03 but there was one scorecard who scored 79.
35:06 What do you think about that, Arnold?
35:08 - Yeah, yeah.
35:11 To me, it was a complete shutout.
35:12 I don't see how that.
35:15 - Exactly, 79.
35:17 We even had a knockdown.
35:19 - Correct.
35:20 - You know?
35:21 But anyways, Menendez with a good win.
35:24 You know, he's improving his record.
35:26 Still undefeated.
35:28 And he's gonna move on to bigger fights, I guess.
35:33 Opponents that would bring more fight to him next time.
