• 2 years ago
Over 60,000 people gathered in Marseille's velodrome stadium in France, to listen to the pontiff give mass.


00:00 Thousands gathered in the French city of Marseille's Velodrome Stadium on Saturday to hear Pope
00:04 Francis`s mass before his return to the Vatican.
00:08 Local authorities counted more than 50,000 people in the building, while 100,000 others
00:13 lined the streets to witness the heavily guarded Popemobile`s tour.
00:18 In the presence of the French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife, the pontiff called on
00:22 European governments to open their ports and do more to help people fleeing hardship and
00:27 poverty.
00:51 Before leaving, the Pope condemned the widespread acceptance of abortion and euthanasia in many
00:55 European countries, saying human life was being discarded through the rejection of immigrants,
01:00 unborn children and the elderly.
01:02 (whooshing)
