• 2 tahun yang lalu
El Rumi yang merupakan anak dari Maia Estianty dan Ahmad Dhani ini sempat diisukan dekat dengan Fujianti Utami alias Fuji hingga penyanyi, Bulan Sutena.
Namun, jangan bayangkan El Rumi sebagai 'artis drama' atau 'artis settingan'. Bagi El Rumi, karier dan kehidupannya di dunia hiburan jauh dari kategori seperti itu.
Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan awak media di Jakarta Selatan pada tanggal 7 April 2023, El Rumi dengan tegas menegaskan bahwa ia enggan menjadi "artis drama" yang selalu mengumbar konflik dan "artis settingan" yang menjalani karier hanya untuk popularitas semata.



00:00 Hello everyone, welcome back to Riau24 official YouTube channel.
00:04 This time we want to talk about El Rumi who is rejected by Fuji,
00:09 said he doesn't want to be a setting artist.
00:12 Before getting into the video, don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button
00:16 so you don't miss interesting info about Entertain.
00:22 El Rumi, who is the second child of Maya Estianti and Ahmad Dhani,
00:29 was once nominated close to Fujiyanti Utami, alias Fuji, to the singer Bulan Sutena.
00:36 But don't imagine El Rumi as a drama artist or a setting artist.
00:42 For El Rumi, his career and life in the entertainment world are far from that category.
00:48 In an interview with Awak Media in South Jakarta on April 7, 2023,
00:55 El Rumi firmly insisted that he doesn't want to be a drama artist who always causes conflict
01:02 and a setting artist who runs a career just for popularity.
01:07 "I don't want to be a drama artist, I'm sick, I have to be contained,
01:12 I meet there, I'm contained, I'm not that kind of person,"
01:15 said El Rumi to Awak Media in Mampang, South Jakarta a few days ago.
01:21 This firm statement is related to the often-thrown matchmaking.
01:26 Recently, El Rumi was reported to be matched with a singer from Bali
01:32 who is also active on TikTok social media, Bulan Sutena.
01:35 Although matchmaking can be an easy way to increase popularity,
01:40 El Rumi decided not to take advantage of it.
01:43 El Rumi realized that it could help his career in the entertainment world,
01:48 but he remains loyal to the principle of not being a setting artist.
01:53 "If I want to make money quickly, I just have to set up a match,
01:58 make content, advertisements here and there, it's easy for me to live," said El Rumi.
02:03 But once again, El Rumi insisted that it was not the path he wanted to take.
02:08 Refusing to be a "setting artist" in quotation marks,
02:12 El Rumi said that he was born from a family with a background in music.
02:17 Well, that's why he prefers to live his life without drama.
02:22 "I was born from a family of musicians, not content creators,
02:26 so our life without drama is happy," he said.
02:30 Well, about the matchmaking that has always been a media trend,
02:33 El Rumi considers it as a common thing.
02:36 He never really thinks about it or covers up the gossip that involves it.
02:41 El Rumi also insisted that his current status is still not dating anyone.
02:46 Even so, he insisted that he could still live happily.
02:51 "I'm still happy to be single and still happy,
02:53 the important thing is to be happy, live without drama content, "El Rumi said.
02:58 Well, that's the story of El Rumi's refusal to be matched with Fuji,
03:03 saying he doesn't want to be a setting artist.
03:06 Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe to Rial24 official YouTube channel.
03:11 See you!
03:12 [music]
