OLD HENRY Official Trailer (2021)

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OLD HENRY Official Trailer (2021)
00:03 Why'd you settle here?
00:05 Up at dawn, working the crops, rain or shine,
00:09 you'll discover there's worse arrangements.
00:11 Calls a good man, why?
00:18 I ain't him.
00:20 Stop fretting about it.
00:21 You know I saw what's in the back of that closet.
00:29 I've done things I wish I could take back.
00:31 I best go look for the rider.
00:44 Is he alive?
00:45 Barely.
00:46 What do you think happened?
00:47 Some kind of shootout?
00:49 Stay here and keep an eye on him.
00:50 Who the hell are you?
00:56 My pa found you.
00:58 Go go fetch him.
01:01 [CRASH]
01:02 Where'd you put my gun?
01:03 My sachet.
01:04 I don't know what you're talking about.
01:07 You better think long and hard on what you got yourself into.
01:09 Funny, I was about to tell you the same thing.
01:14 Riders.
01:14 Ain't going to be three of them.
01:17 I'm Sheriff Sam Ketchum.
01:18 We've been scouting for a man on the run.
01:20 He's dangerous.
01:21 They ain't lawmen.
01:22 They've been robbers.
01:25 Your last name McCarty?
01:26 That's right.
01:27 First name, Henry.
01:30 Why they didn't shoot you dead?
01:32 I don't know.
01:33 I got this crazy idea.
01:35 There might be more to old Henry than meets the eye.
01:39 Some shaky old farmer?
01:41 He didn't hold that pistol like any farmer I've ever seen.
01:45 Listen to me.
01:46 What's going to happen, it'll happen quick.
01:48 You got a lot of fight for a farmer.
01:53 You have no idea the hellstorm you're
01:56 fixing to let loose.
01:57 Consider me properly warned.
02:01 Where'd you come from?
02:13 Every place on earth but this.
02:15 Who are you, Paul?
02:23 [GUNSHOT]
02:30 [AUDIO OUT]
02:33 [AUDIO OUT]
02:37 [AUDIO OUT]