বেন্নু গ্রহাণু কি পৃথিবীতে আঘাত হানবে?  সেই বেন্নু থেকেই নুড়ি পাথর নিয়ে ফিরল নাসার রিটার্ন ক্যাপসুল

  • last year
বেন্নু গ্রহাণু কি পৃথিবীতে আঘাত হানবে?  সেই বেন্নু থেকেই নুড়ি পাথর নিয়ে ফিরল নাসার রিটার্ন ক্যাপসুল
00:00 Will the earth be destroyed?
00:02 Will a planet of a diamond shape fall on earth?
00:07 Will humanity be destroyed?
00:09 These questions are heard in the middle of the month.
00:12 Scientists are suspecting that the planet can attack this blue planet.
00:17 After another 100 years, a huge planet will be in the face of the earth.
00:22 There is also a discussion about the diamond planet called Bennu.
00:26 And from that planet, NASA has assembled the Nuri stone.
00:30 Not only assembled, NASA's return capsule has also returned to earth.
00:35 Yes, another scientist in the world's orbit was kept close to the American Space Research Center.
00:41 Scientists have been conducting research for a long time on this Bennu incident.
00:46 In that research, NASA's activity will play a major role, scientists believe.
00:53 On the eve of the Indian time, at 8.22 pm, this return capsule landed on earth.
01:00 This return capsule landed on the American orbit.
01:04 NASA scientists were excited about this incident because NASA has created a milestone.
01:10 Nuri stone was collected from this planet.
01:13 That amount is not less.
01:15 250 grams of Nuri stone returned from the return capsule Bennu.
01:20 NASA has been watching this planet for a long time.
01:24 NASA was looking for carbon here.
01:27 Then a scientist named Osiris Rex sent NASA.
01:32 The scientist started his work on Bennu.
01:35 By arranging Nuri stones near various research centers, Osiris Rex's return capsule has now returned to earth.
01:44 Now it's time to examine all the Nuri stones.
01:48 But what is so bad about this planet?
01:52 Scientists know that this planet can be seen for the first time in 1999.
01:58 This planet is hidden in the dark of the solar system.
02:03 Research has been going on for a long time, but it is not visible.
02:07 Scientists have seen this huge black planet in the dark of the solar system and have been watching it.
02:17 But why is this planet not visible?
02:20 Scientists know that a small amount of solar light is emitted from this planet.
02:25 This planet is located 39.3 crore kilometers from the earth.
02:31 That's why it is hidden in the darkness of the solar system.
02:36 But why do scientists keep an eye on it?
02:40 It is known that this planet can cause fear, worry and anxiety on earth.
02:46 Yes, scientists are guessing this.
02:49 It can come close to the earth while going in a dark path.
02:53 And if it comes within the reach of the gravitational force of the earth, it is a disaster.
02:57 Because it is so massive.
03:00 It is the only mass to destroy the human body.
03:03 Such is the opinion of scientists.
03:06 In 2135, this planet can attack the earth.
03:14 Before that, this planet must be destroyed or its orbit must be changed.
03:20 NASA has collected the Nuri stone.
03:23 Now we can get detailed information about this planet.
03:27 This first large-scale sample was collected from the planet.
03:31 Before that, Japan had taken samples from other planets.
03:35 But it was not of such a large size.
03:42 Bureau Report, Waningja, Bangla
