• 2 years ago

The man from this story caught his daughter painting her black doll's face white.

The girl explained that it was her kindergarten teacher who told her to do it.

After that, the concerned father decided to pay the teacher a visit...

No teacher should not be discriminating her own students and anybody based on their skin color. Everyone should be treated equally and not being treated badly

I felt her pain. No one should ever feel ashamed of their skin colour

This is another hard hitting video from DramatizeMe. Thank you for producing this video episode and bringing this issue to the forefront. A child's self image is so crucial to their success in school. We need to instill confidence and acceptance in each and every child for them to grow up to be productive members of society. As one famous woman wrote, it takes a village to raise a child. Kudos and Great Job!

My daughter is mixed race, and her father was abusive to us. As a small child she hated her appearance because she looked so much like him. She hated her “race” because of him. We worked hard to encourage her to see the positives of her genetics and be proud of the history on her father’s side, and to not let one person colour her view of the world. She is one of the most beautiful, talented, kind, brave… and also anxious… people I have ever met. I know that the self hatred will plague her all her life, and it hurts my heart. It didn’t help that the kids at school kept telling her she was adopted because she did t look like me. I ended up telling the kids that I sometimes have blue hair so don’t judge families based on appearance, but ended up dying my hair brown to try and match more to hers.

Little girl being told to paint the face of her favorite doll - breaks my heart. Before the episode begins, the child already has been given the message that the tone of her (and her doll's) skin was something to be ashamed of. Don't judge people by the color of their skin, but on the content on their character.

In 1992, I was 3 years old when I asked my mother why the teacher said I had "poop colored skin". Mom is white, father is mixed native, white and black american. She called the director immediately and decided to catch the teacher in the act. So, the next day, my mom dropped me in class as if nothing happened, went to get the director and spyied the teacher. She was particulary nasty that day. I remembered that another colored kid and me had it rough. We were about to cry when my mom barged in the classroom like a hurricane, swooped us up and glared at the teacher. "You're the turd", mom called her -first and best insult I remember. The kid and I were placed in another class. This was in Austria. The year after, we went to South Africa, which is a story for next time.
This brainwashing goes on in real-time throughout American schools and probably the globe. Great skit and actors/actress; love the music that goes along with every scene. Children are a blessing from
