Al Franken Tells Us Who Is The Funniest Senator, And We Didn’t Expect This Answer

  • last year
00:00 I mean, I'd come from comedy where pretty much everyone is trying to be funny and most
00:06 people are funny.
00:08 And then in the Senate, there are some people, you know, very often people ask me, who is
00:14 the funniest senator?
00:15 I say Lindsey Graham.
00:17 And people get really mad or at least, you know, liberals do.
00:23 But Lindsey is very funny.
00:25 And there are a few a few senators who are funny and then a lot who weren't.
00:28 I had some that were completely humorless.
00:31 Wow.
00:32 I thought you were going to follow up by saying that Lindsey Graham was unintentionally.
00:36 No, no, no, no.
00:39 He's got a really, really good sense of humor.
00:42 I'll see.
00:43 I'll give you an example.
00:45 In in 2016, he's running in the Republican primaries for president.
00:53 You remember, Trump was that was and Lindsey was just way behind.
00:59 And it was early on before he dropped out.
01:02 So I said, I'm in the Senate back standing next to him.
01:06 I say, Lindsey, if I were a Republican.
01:12 I'd vote for you in the primaries.
01:15 And he said, that's my problem.
01:18 Well, that's not bad at all.
01:21 Now, is it?
01:22 Yeah.
01:23 Yeah, that's right.
01:24 I care if I'm voting for you.
01:28 You're screwed.
