• 2 years ago
Follows two Indian families who must learn to get along despite some amusing mistakes and turmoil along the road. The fa | dG1fQVhtMlk4TGNaTHM
00:00 Is she giving me a grandchild?
00:02 Yes, my daughter's having a baby.
00:04 I'm praying for Jodi's looks.
00:06 She's such a beauty queen.
00:08 He's a doctor.
00:09 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Mauritius.
00:12 Becoming a parent for the very first time.
00:15 They say it's all happiness.
00:17 When they come into the picture, it's like one roller coaster ride.
00:21 It's such a blessing to have you guys here.
00:24 My name is Mutu, and I'll be your guide for the next few weeks.
00:28 How do we do this?
00:29 Maintain a peaceful and calm atmosphere at all times.
00:32 Thank you, Mutu.
00:34 This is not a holiday, huh?
00:35 It's not a holiday.
00:36 Everything's been booked and paid for.
00:38 My unmentionables.
00:41 Oh.
00:41 Our first grandchild is here and they expect us to go sightseeing.
00:44 Hey, that's what I came here for.
00:46 What's my mother and Mutu up to today?
00:48 You don't think?
00:50 No.
00:51 How is the baby?
00:52 The image of my son.
00:53 My beautiful daughter.
00:54 What a surprise.
00:56 She's got more baby time than us, Jen.
00:58 I know.
00:59 Can't you see they deliberately tried to shut us out?
01:02 I breastfed him till the time he was five years old.
01:05 Now that you're a dad,
01:07 you must start pretending that you're losing your hearing.
01:10 What?
01:10 Exactly.
01:12 Because...
01:13 Holy moly.
01:20 Hock-a-moly.
01:21 You guys are five minutes away.
01:25 Exactly, son.
01:27 Can you calm down?
01:28 Don't tell me to calm down.
01:30 Why are you getting so worked up?
01:31 I'm a grandmother now.
01:32 So, Judy, exactly how much breast and how much bottle are you giving?
01:38 Say 50-50.
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