ArchWell Health Annual Enrollment Period

  • last year
ArchWell Health, a national company providing primary care services to individuals on Medicare Advantage plans, is helping seniors navigate the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period – AEP for short. To find out more visit
00:00 Welcome back to the show.
00:01 Archwell Health, a national company
00:03 providing primary care services
00:06 to individuals on Medicare Advantage plans
00:09 is helping seniors navigate
00:11 the medical annual enrollment period,
00:14 that's the AEP for short.
00:15 Welcome Lauren Maxim.
00:17 Thanks for being here.
00:18 Okay, give us the lowdown.
00:20 This is an enrollment time
00:22 and people who are 65 and older
00:25 need to consider this time very carefully.
00:27 - Correct, so if you're on a Medicare plan
00:29 annual enrollment is the one time a year
00:32 that you can look at your plan
00:33 and decide if you wanna make a change.
00:36 So it runs from mid-October to early December.
00:39 So it's really important to look at what benefits
00:42 your plan is offering you
00:43 and then look at some other plans
00:45 that may be out there
00:46 that may offer different benefits
00:48 or something that makes more sense for your healthcare.
00:51 So this is an important time.
00:52 - It sounds pretty complicated,
00:55 because I know when I look at anything insurance related
00:57 my head starts to spin, right?
00:59 'Cause you think, well, what, you know,
01:01 I'm weighing various factors against each other.
01:04 And for some seniors, maybe their situation's different
01:06 than it was last year.
01:08 - Exactly, so finances change, living situations change.
01:12 At Archwell Health, we have connections in the community
01:16 and we have members of, you know, Archwell
01:19 that can help you navigate this process.
01:21 So they can connect you with someone in the community
01:24 that can help you compare plans.
01:26 But also we're encouraging people during this time
01:29 to come to the Archwell Health Centers,
01:31 take a tour, see what Archwell Health has to offer.
01:34 We think we have a few things that make us unique
01:37 compared to other senior dedicated centers in the community.
01:41 - So basically this is where you go for primary care
01:45 if you're on Medicare.
01:47 But it's, these institutions specialize
01:51 in working with seniors
01:52 and they know how to help you
01:53 make these kind of Medicare choices.
01:55 - Correct, so Archwell Health is a national company,
01:59 but in Arizona we have 13 centers.
02:01 We're in Phoenix and in Tucson.
02:03 And we have a few things that make us different.
02:05 So one is we have same day appointments.
02:08 So we know sometimes when you're not feeling well,
02:10 you call your doctor and they may say,
02:12 "Well, we don't have anything available for,
02:14 "you know, three weeks."
02:15 We have same day availability for all of our members.
02:18 And then all of our centers also have an activity room
02:21 where we host arts and crafts.
02:23 We do puzzles, we do bingo nights, we bring in entertainers
02:27 because we know that sometimes for seniors,
02:29 social isolation can be a big factor
02:31 that plays into their health.
02:32 - Huge, and I'm gonna get Brad Perry
02:34 to show up and do karaoke night.
02:35 - Sure, we'd love to have him. - He'll do it.
02:36 Once he comes out of his shell, he'll be very,
02:39 I love all this.
02:39 So it's more than just where you go to see your doctor.
02:42 It's a community event
02:43 where you can make social connections,
02:44 which if we've all seen the Blue Zone documentary
02:46 or read the book, that's very, very important,
02:49 that emotional wellbeing.
02:51 - Yeah, absolutely.
02:52 At Archul Health, we really believe that social,
02:55 emotional, physical health all play
02:57 into how you feel overall.
02:59 So we really encourage our seniors to be active.
03:02 We have exercise classes.
03:03 And it's not just your primary care provider.
03:06 We have a team of people that are there to take care of you.
03:09 We have people that can help you with referrals.
03:11 We have social workers.
03:13 So we really try to take that holistic approach
03:15 to your healthcare.
03:16 - I really love that.
03:18 And Lauren, if someone's struggling with this
03:20 during the enrollment period,
03:21 and they just need someone to hold their hand,
03:23 they can come schedule a visit, get some help.
03:25 - Absolutely.
03:26 We can connect them with resources
03:27 and we'd love to have them stop in.
03:29 - Thank you so much.
03:30 We really appreciate it.
03:31 Stick around.
03:32 We'll be right back.
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