Moment Taylor Schabusiness sentenced to life for decapitating boyfriend in meth-fuelled murder

  • last year
Taylor Schabusiness has been given a life sentence for decapitating her boyfriend.Source: Law & Crime Network
00:00 At this time, given all the factors that I have to consider,
00:03 it's the decision of this court and the judgment of the law
00:08 that Ms. Chabisnas be sentenced as follows.
00:11 As to in 22 CF 363 count one,
00:17 that's the first degree intentional homicide as a repeater.
00:20 It's a class A felony.
00:21 Going to impose life imprisonment without the possibility of extended supervision.
00:26 I believe that's appropriate in light of the findings that I've already made.
00:30 As far as count two, mutilation of a corpse as a repeater, a class F felony.
00:36 I'm going to adopt the recommendation of the pre-sentence investigation writer.
00:39 7.5 years of initial confinement followed by four years of extended supervision.
00:44 That'll be consecutive to count one.
00:45 As far as count three, third degree sexual assault as a repeater, class G felony.
00:52 I'm going to impose three years of initial confinement followed by four years of extended supervision.
00:59 That will be consecutive to count two and count one.
01:03 Any other record?
01:04 >> Your Honor, the 581 days credit for time served.
01:08 >> Any objection to that?
01:09 >> No, and there's an additional 60 days on the revocation case.
