Josh Eilert 2023-24 Preseason Press Conference

  • last year
00:00 >> Well, Josh, I mean, I guess just start with the last three months for you.
00:05 What have they been like?
00:06 You start with the recruiting, re-recruiting of the old players,
00:10 the new recruiting, how'd all that go?
00:13 >> It was a balancing act.
00:15 I think I spoke about it several times with numerous amount of media folk.
00:20 I mean, you certainly didn't wanna bring somebody into your roster and
00:25 especially with, you're trying to build a foundation, right?
00:30 And you got a certain amount of kids you think you can rely on,
00:33 it's gonna stick around.
00:34 But you never know bringing someone in during that 30 day period,
00:38 well, whether they're gonna upset the boat and
00:41 rock the boat a little bit with somebody you already have on the roster.
00:44 So it was a very delicate situation.
00:47 First and foremost, I wanted to figure out who was all in and I wanted to back them
00:53 and let them know that they're part of the foundation moving forward.
00:57 And then slowly but surely as those 30 days came to a close,
01:01 we start moving forward and putting those other pieces together and
01:05 bring those pieces in.
01:06 >> What transport pieces do you feel, and a freshman too, so
01:10 how do you feel good about what you got?
01:11 What were you looking for, I guess?
01:13 >> I mean, we were backed up against the wall in a lot of ways because
01:18 the majority of schools out there,
01:22 they might have one scholarship left, two at most that late in the summer.
01:27 And we had what, five, six, seven spots to fill.
01:31 So yeah, we were backed against the wall and
01:35 had to kinda get creative in which direction we went recruiting wise to
01:41 figure out how we can best piece this roster together and
01:46 put a competitive product out there so we can compete in the Big 12.
01:49 >> Sean, you're kinda playing catch up here.
01:56 A lot of the guys, you didn't really have the opportunity to have open gym.
02:00 A lot of your guys are either playing overseas or doing things.
02:03 How do you catch up to get to where you need to be?
02:06 >> Yeah, I mean, I thought about that right off the bat when school started.
02:12 And we certainly didn't even have 13 guys when school initially started.
02:18 We were still waiting on Jesse and Cook came in late.
02:22 So if you had one guy banged up, you barely had 10 to go.
02:28 So as soon as we got 10 on campus and
02:32 could operate a good practice five on five, that's what we did.
02:38 A lot of teams during the preseason, they'll do a lot of individual work and
02:42 focus on that with their coaching staff.
02:45 But I said, let's go team from the jump.
02:48 So we started official practice yesterday, but
02:52 it felt like we just turned it up a notch.
02:56 I felt like we started official practice back in mid-August when we started
03:01 those workouts.
03:03 >> You've got a young staff, but those guys are still young enough to be able to
03:06 get out on the floor a little bit.
03:07 Was that helpful to get you through until you got everybody back?
03:11 >> Yeah, that was fun.
03:12 I mean, I think, yeah, Noah's first day of practice,
03:17 I think he had a little culture shock with the weight room that day.
03:22 And he started cramping up.
03:24 I didn't notice he was cramping up, but I looked down the floor and
03:27 that was one of those days when we had 10, right?
03:29 And so if one went out, somebody had to replace him.
03:33 And I looked down and Dramar Johnson, Coach Johnson,
03:37 started sprinting down the floor and I had no idea that Noah even went down.
03:42 So yeah, we got a young, vibrant coaching staff eager to get on the floor every day.
03:47 Eager to put that individual work with those guys in every day when we have that
03:52 extra time.
03:53 And so it's been fun and we sit down and meet every morning and
03:57 get on the same page.
03:59 And but yeah, I think the guys and
04:02 the players we got on our roster really feed off that.
04:05 >> You too, right?
04:06 You've been on the floor a little bit.
04:07 >> Yeah, I try to limit myself.
04:09 I keep hearing all these stories about the blown Achilles and
04:12 I feel like that's gonna happen eventually.
04:15 I don't, I'd rather push that down the road.
04:17 I'd rather those guys blow one out and I'd rather myself.
04:21 >> What were you looking for?
04:24 I mean, you've got guys with a lot of connections, but still, what'd you want?
04:27 >> Three of the four guys that are on the floor every day, I mean,
04:31 they've wore the jersey.
04:33 They've wore the old golden blue and they know what it means to the state and
04:37 these people.
04:38 So, first and foremost, they have equity in the whole process.
04:44 They wanna represent us the right way.
04:47 And so I mean, that's huge.
04:52 That's huge.
04:52 I mean, when we go out and go through the blue lot with recruits and
04:57 I didn't realize how hard it was gonna be for a group of us just to travel.
05:02 As soon as Dashaun gets done signing an autograph and
05:07 taking a picture with some fans, Jordan gets pulled off and
05:11 then Alex gets pulled off and then shoot DJ played in the league for eight years.
05:16 So he's a celebrity himself.
05:17 So we got a good group and I think not only is that our guys
05:23 on our roster gravitate toward them, I think in the recruiting,
05:27 they really gravitate towards them as well.
05:29 >> Jesse, was that a big key for you early?
05:35 >> Yeah, I think he really was that fulcrum in terms of balancing act.
05:39 It was really something we could build off of and
05:44 we didn't really have a backup at that point.
05:46 So, and that was certainly something we tried to shore up at the end of
05:51 the summer that we probably, there wasn't a lot out there to back him up.
05:56 So yes, he was probably the critical piece that we wanted to make sure we
06:01 maintained throughout the summer and we could build off.
06:05 Anytime you look at championship teams, they have a really good point guard and
06:09 they have a really good big and then they have a lot of good pieces around them.
06:13 So that was my main concern, keeping Jesse and
06:17 keeping Kerr and having those guys to build around.
06:22 >> Josh, along those lines, Kerr did put his name in the portal, came back.
06:28 Jose put it and came back.
06:30 Others put it in and went elsewhere.
06:32 What were the resonating things there, the differences between the guys who did go in
06:36 and came back and then the guys who did go in and went elsewhere?
06:40 >> I think the timing in a lot of ways.
06:42 I mean, several of them went in before I got the job.
06:47 That whole week was critical and I think some of them would have left anyway.
06:52 Certainly during the course, even before everything went down, Coach Huggins,
06:57 I mean, we were looking at bringing certain pieces in to really load up the roster.
07:01 But I had my concerns that certain guys would leave if we could brought those
07:05 pieces in anyway.
07:07 And you really had to look at the guys that are graduating.
07:12 Those guys that were graduating and have immediate eligibility,
07:15 you wonder if they're gonna take that chance and
07:18 whether they're just being patient and wait until the end of the summer to throw
07:22 themselves out there.
07:24 Because really, like I said earlier, a lot of these teams are being very,
07:28 very patient.
07:28 And so they're waiting till the end of the summer to get that piece that really
07:34 puts them over the top.
07:35 So they might go all out for that piece and
07:38 that gives the players a lot of leverage.
07:41 >> The situation then with Kerr and Jose going in and
07:44 then coming back to West Virginia, what were those situations like?
07:48 Did you kind of expect that or just, I mean,
07:51 I wasn't gonna hold it back by any means.
07:54 So each school has different philosophies on how quick they put them in.
07:59 I think there's a certain time period that they have to have to,
08:03 if the player comes in, signs the paperwork, and
08:06 they have to put their name in the portal officially.
08:11 And they asked me, and I said, if that's their wishes, put them in.
08:14 I'm not trying to hold anything back.
08:16 So if West Virginia is where they wanna be, ultimately, I'll re-recruit them.
08:22 I'll go back after them and sell them.
08:24 And the fact that we have a vision here, we have a foundation here we're building,
08:28 and we're gonna do things the right way, and we're gonna have a special year.
08:31 >> There aren't many people who have been in situations quite like you find
08:36 yourself in, from replacing a Hall of Famer to getting a job
08:41 without applying for it, really, never having coached a game.
08:45 I mean, what kind of pressure is there being an interim,
08:50 yet you can't be an interim in a situation?
08:54 >> Right, and I don't look at it as an interim.
08:57 I have a big picture on my wall from the press conference, and
09:01 there's a huge interim tag in the background, and I stare at that every day.
09:05 But I look at it as a challenge.
09:08 And from a personal standpoint, I think I can provide a lot of growth for
09:14 myself by staring at that every day and understanding, okay, I am the head coach.
09:20 I'm the head coach for ten months, and that's the way I look at it.
09:23 So I have the opportunity to prove myself and
09:26 build this program to where it needs to be.
09:29 Now, is there a lot of pressure?
09:30 Absolutely, there's a lot of pressure.
09:32 But I'm excited to take it on and excited to take on that challenge.
09:36 >> How long did it take you to battle the battle you had to fight within yourself,
09:42 as to whether to take that?
09:44 You'll be guaranteed a lot of money for ten months, but just ten months?
09:49 >> Through the week process, I didn't really think it like,
09:53 I was thinking more of how do I take care of the guys that we have on our roster?
09:58 That was my job.
09:59 I was an assistant coach here at West Virginia under Coach Huggins.
10:02 Their foundation got crippled, and I did everything I can during that week to
10:09 build that foundation up for them and be that support system for them.
10:12 So everything happened so fast, and you look back and how I got the job.
10:18 And I looked at a lot of different, there's no case study for this.
10:24 I couldn't go back and look, okay, who's been through this?
10:28 Who can I call?
10:29 There really wasn't that case study to where I could make that phone call and
10:33 get some guidance.
10:35 I did talk to several people that went through similar situations.
10:39 I mean, Joe Mazzuolo presented a great amount of perspective,
10:44 but his situation certainly wasn't like mine.
10:48 Rodney Terry went through it, but they were halfway through the season.
10:51 His situation certainly wasn't like mine.
10:53 And you said, yeah, I've never been a head coach, but
11:00 I'm taking this thing day by day, and we're learning, and we're growing, and
11:04 we're figuring this out together.
11:05 >> How did you get the job?
11:07 I mean, what, did they call you and out of the blue or?
11:13 >> Well, the first day, I mean, when all the turmoil was going on, and
11:18 Ren met with the team, he met with the staff.
11:24 I was coming back off the road recruiting and
11:27 trying to get back as soon as I could because everything was off the table.
11:33 Everybody's headed back.
11:34 It was during a recruiting period.
11:35 I got home after those meetings.
11:38 I was a little bit shell shocked as to where everything's gonna go.
11:42 Certainly trying to do everything I could with my family to figure out how we,
11:46 I put them in a good place mentally.
11:48 And I got a phone call from Ren.
11:50 And he said, if you don't mind, Coach, if you haven't left,
11:54 please stop by my office.
11:56 And I said, I'll be there in 20 minutes.
11:58 So we sat down and he looked at me for leadership during that week
12:04 to provide that guidance for the guys and keep everything in working order.
12:09 And I always say, do the best you can at the job you have.
12:13 That's what I did.
12:13 I was still under contract for another nine, ten days, if I remember right.
12:18 So I was gonna do everything I could to keep everything together and
12:23 keep that transition smooth, however that transition went.
12:26 I did, during that time frame, I said,
12:29 can I get my opportunity to interview and sell myself?
12:35 And 100%, he said, throughout this process, you'll get that chance.
12:39 I'll give anybody on the staff that wants that chance, that chance.
12:43 And he 100% pulled through on that and
12:46 had several different interviews throughout the week.
12:48 And yeah, I tell people a lot of times, he put me through the ringer.
12:55 He made sure I was the man for the job and made sure I was ready for it, for sure.
12:59 >> Scott, the photo on your wall, if I can go back to that, your idea,
13:05 someone close to you, or did you just happen to notice it because someone gave
13:08 you this nice picture and you can't ignore that?
13:10 >> Well, I mean, I certainly wanted to, there's a lot of wall space in that office.
13:14 I'm a mentalist in a lot of ways, I don't like clutter.
13:20 So I didn't have a lot of things to put in the office when I moved in and
13:24 it was a little bit awkward moving in for the first time.
13:27 Because I've sat in that office so many times from across from a Hall of Fame
13:31 coach that gave me the opportunity 17 years ago.
13:35 So I stared up at that blank white wall and
13:39 figured what the heck, what am I gonna put up there?
13:42 So I reached out to Dale Sparks and I said, hey, I'm a big family guy and
13:48 it was great to have my family at the press conference.
13:51 And I knew he was there taking pictures and I said, hey,
13:54 can you make me a collage?
13:56 I don't think he intended to put that big interim tag up there.
14:02 But if you look at it, it's a side photo, profile photo in the background on the TV.
14:08 It just had a big interim graphic.
14:11 And when it came in and he put it on the wall,
14:16 I looked up there and said that's gonna be great motivation every day.
14:20 >> Along the same lines, everybody's kind of fixated upon the portal and
14:24 the work you guys have done.
14:26 But you crowd transfer, excuse me, freshmen for this year.
14:29 But also some of the, I can't talk specifically, but
14:31 some of the future recruiting you're doing.
14:32 That's what somebody's gonna be here for a while probably plans to do too.
14:36 Is that integral for- >> Yeah, I don't think anybody would be
14:40 doing themselves a disservice if they didn't look at the macro side of things.
14:46 I mean, I'm put in place to be a leader at West Virginia basketball.
14:51 So I'm gonna do what's best for West Virginia basketball.
14:54 That's first and foremost.
14:56 So I'm not gonna leave, if things go south with Josh either here at the helm,
15:04 I want it to be put West Virginia in the best place possible.
15:09 So yeah, I'm gonna recruit for the future.
15:11 And there's a couple pieces on the roster now.
15:15 Like Noah can't play this year, but he's gonna help us every day.
15:19 And scout team and next year he's gonna be prepared to make a big statement for
15:24 the Mountaineers, so he's gonna help in the future here whether I'm here or not.
15:30 And I fully intend to be here.
15:31 >> Josh, as of today, what does this team do well?
15:35 And what do you expect them to do well?
15:37 >> We're really good.
15:40 Our offense is really coming along.
15:42 Defensively, every time I sit in a staff meeting, we drill defense and
15:49 we drill defense and we drill defense.
15:51 And I worry that every time we get to five on five,
15:54 we probably don't do as good a job of carrying all those things over.
15:59 So that's probably my biggest concern, carrying some of those things over.
16:05 And because you look at these rosters, it's such a revolving door.
16:11 So all these guys have their, I think we got four fifth year guys.
16:16 They've all come from different defensive backgrounds.
16:19 So trying to figure that out and think it's gonna happen right away, it's not.
16:22 Jesse sat in a zone, a 2-3 zone at Syracuse for four years.
16:28 So, and like I talked about earlier,
16:31 we don't have a whole lot of depth there at the five.
16:33 So one of my main focuses is trying to keep him out of foul trouble.
16:37 I need him on the floor.
16:41 Offensively, I think we're really getting there.
16:44 Each and every day we're making progress.
16:46 And now I got a little more time to work with him every day and
16:50 can slow things down with myself and the assistants.
16:53 I think we're gonna get there.
16:54 But we're excited about that and we're trying to play as fast as we can.
16:58 Really push the ball and get the playmakers involved and
17:05 keep Kerr in a decision making mode because he's a pass first guy and
17:09 he's gonna get everybody involved.
17:11 So that's exciting.
17:12 That's exciting to me.
17:14 But yeah, I have my concerns on the defensive end, but
17:17 we're day two of practice today, so we're gonna get there.
17:20 >> What about this specifically offensive, you wanna spread the floor?
17:24 What's your philosophy in terms of offense?
17:27 >> Well, my philosophy is, DeSean Butler and
17:32 I sat down from day one and he's been a great influence on myself.
17:37 And then he spent time in the NBA.
17:39 So we've done a lot of things with our spacing and keeping corners filled and
17:45 keeping the ball in the right hands.
17:47 And we've put in a lot of sets so far.
17:49 Now we're looking at trying to put in some continuity so
17:51 we can flow in out of the sets into the continuity.
17:55 And like I said, it's not the prettiest thing right now, but
17:59 hopefully in a month's time, it'll be a well-oiled machine.
18:03 >> Without going too far, give me a look at individually what each of them has done
18:09 so far, what do you- >> Who you wanna start with?
18:12 >> Still the forwards, or frontcourt.
18:15 >> I mean, Jesse, like I said earlier, I mean, he's certainly gonna have his
18:19 challenges trying to figure out how he transitions from two, three zone mentality
18:23 to man to man mentality, and we're doing some different things ball screen coverage
18:28 wise to protect that and not get him and put him in positions where he's gonna be
18:34 in foul trouble, but he's as long a rim runner out of a pick and roll as we've ever had.
18:40 So those guys that handle the ball and can throw that up to him,
18:45 I mean, it's gonna be easy to rack up some assists with him,
18:49 putting that pressure on the rim.
18:51 But also, you put guys around him like Raekwon and Seth that can make shots.
18:56 I mean, all that helps gonna have to sag back in with Jesse and
19:01 open up all those shots on the perimeter if we can maintain our spacing.
19:04 >> Coach, I've been very, very pleasantly surprised with him.
19:11 He shot the ball really well in practice thus far.
19:14 He's got a good looking shot.
19:15 His numbers in the past haven't really proved it, if you look back at his previous
19:20 years, but I think he's gonna make shots consistently.
19:23 Probably, I look to him to make his shoes as high a percentage as he has in his
19:29 career, and I'm gonna try to instill that confidence in him.
19:34 But probably his best attribute is on the defensive end.
19:37 He's so active.
19:39 He's so active.
19:40 I think he's gonna be able to protect the rim for us and
19:43 give us that depth of the five man if we have to and slide him down.
19:46 >> [INAUDIBLE] >> Pat's gonna have to play some four or
19:51 five.
19:52 I think he naturally feels like he's a four, but
19:54 there's a lot of opportunity to back up the five.
19:57 So he's one of our biggest, strongest guys that had been in the program a few years.
20:03 So he should know what we expect, but we got good depth at the four with
20:08 Quinn and a cook and a cook being able to slide to the five.
20:13 So he's just gonna have to realize where his opportunity is, Pat will.
20:18 And once he figures that out and embraces that, I think we're gonna be just fine.
20:22 Josiah's been good.
20:25 He's probably been our most effective offensive rebounder at this point.
20:32 He's really crashing the glass and I keep telling these guys day in and
20:38 day out, if you're gonna rebound and
20:43 crash the glass, you're gonna stay on the floor.
20:46 Because that is a concern of mine, rebounding.
20:48 I mean, in the past, our spacing wasn't the best, but
20:53 some of our best offense was a missed shot.
20:56 So it's a give and take in terms of when you're changing your offense and
21:01 you develop that type of space and
21:02 you're probably not gonna get the type of offensive rebounds you did in the past.
21:07 >> [INAUDIBLE]
21:09 >> Start with Kerr and
21:11 just go through.
21:12 >> Kerr, we're gonna have to beg him to probably be a little more aggressive and
21:16 try, in terms of looking to take a shot, because he really is a pass first guy.
21:21 Trying to get everybody involved and run the show.
21:24 And from a coaching standpoint, you love it.
21:27 You love to have that pass first point guard that can just run the show and
21:32 get everybody in the right place.
21:34 But he's gonna have to, like I said, be a little more aggressive and
21:38 try to take those open shots when he gets them.
21:40 >> Ray Kwan, and how is he, and do you have any idea of his waiver status yet?
21:46 >> It's still ongoing.
21:48 So it's in their hands and there's been some communication back and
21:51 forth to get the information they need on some follow up issues.
21:55 But we've been getting that to him in a timely fashion.
21:58 I look forward to getting an answer in the coming weeks.
22:01 So Ray Kwan's special.
22:04 He really is special.
22:05 Probably, I'm not even gonna say probably,
22:10 he's probably our most natural athlete.
22:14 And he really scores the ball well.
22:16 He can get his own shot.
22:17 But defensively, he'd be one of those guys,
22:20 if you go back to the press Virginia days, he would fit right in.
22:24 Because he's so smooth and so athletic and so
22:27 quick twitched compared to everybody else on that floor.
22:30 >> Josh, I'm just in here kind of browsing the schedule that came out.
22:36 The two quick turnaround games are both on the road, so
22:41 that kind of helps travel wise.
22:43 There doesn't seem to be a ton of late night, weekday games.
22:48 So just your thoughts, I know you probably had a chance to look at it maybe a little
22:52 bit more than I have.
22:53 >> I mean, I've been pleasantly surprised with the times.
22:57 You always as a coach, and especially with an outlier and
23:01 geographically in a conference, you look at the times and try to figure out,
23:04 can you get home in a decent time?
23:06 Can you get that rest you need to prepare for the next game?
23:10 So yeah, it's a give or take.
23:12 I mean, the best time slots are gonna be the ESPN Plus games,
23:19 and the worst time slots are gonna be the national TV games.
23:23 So it's a give or take in terms of pick your poison on what you want.
23:27 You wanna be on national TV or do you wanna get that rest and
23:30 be able to get back at a decent time?
23:33 So there's four more schools that we're working with and
23:38 there's a lot less time slots.
23:40 So naturally, we're probably gonna be on ESPN Plus a lot more than we
23:45 have been in the past, and every school will have to be.
23:50 Just the nature of where it's going and I think years ago when we started,
23:56 when we got on ESPN Plus, there was a lot of certainly paying for
24:01 that and not being a part of your cable package, I get it.
24:05 But we're evolving, I mean, that's the way things are going in this society.
24:10 So everybody's pretty much streaming their games these days.
24:14 I think even Meshly cut the cable and got some streaming TV too.
24:19 So we're going in the right direction.
24:21 >> You mentioned that you went to a lot of people to get some advice or
24:26 whatever, like what's the single most memorable piece of advice you got from
24:31 someone and who was it if you wanna say?
24:35 >> I think Joe Mazzullo is probably the one who said,
24:38 look and just look at it as just the greatest opportunity of your life.
24:42 I mean, in a lot of ways you're playing with house money and I am.
24:47 I mean, I got a chance to show myself, prove myself, and
24:53 be a leader of this organization.
24:55 And he said, there's gonna be a lot of challenges and
24:59 certainly control what you can control.
25:02 And that's helped me sleep at night when I'm staring at the ceiling trying to
25:05 figure out how I navigate this challenge or that challenge.
25:09 And a lot of it is out of control.
25:11 And you bring a great attitude to work every day.
25:15 And you carry on as a leadership and leadership as an organization.
25:21 I look at myself as a CEO of the basketball program and
25:25 put people in the right position to succeed.
25:27 And I think everybody's pulling in the right direction and
25:30 we're off to a great start.
25:32 >> You mentioned memory, but I'm also looking here too.
25:37 You've got a lot of size in the backcourt.
25:40 Was that by design?
25:41 >> Yeah, I mean, it certainly was.
25:45 I love long athletic guys.
25:48 We didn't have a lot of, we were kind of backed against the wall in terms of
25:52 recruiting, so we couldn't be real picky in terms of what we were getting.
25:59 Certainly, Jesse was handpicked early.
26:01 A cook, it was a nice surprise late to really give us that depth.
26:06 Ali came in and he's gonna give us great minutes every day on the floor.
26:15 I mean, Jesse is gonna be challenged every day because of that size he's
26:19 gotta go against every day.
26:21 So he's gonna be a nice piece for us every day in practice and shoot,
26:24 we might throw him out there and he might help us in a game if need be.
26:29 So Jeremiah, you mentioned him.
26:32 I've always loved big long guards, athletic guards.
26:38 Kerr's not big and athletic and long, but he's a pass first guy.
26:43 And to have some type of one-two punch and bring somebody in.
26:48 If Kerr can't guard a specific guy or a really athletic guy,
26:53 you got somebody with long athleticism to counter punch.
26:57 So Jeremiah's come along, but he hasn't played a bounce of college basketball.
27:03 So he's got a long ways to go and
27:05 hopefully we can get him there sooner than later.
27:07 >> I'm wondering now, now that practice has started,
27:12 you don't have to worry about the portal anymore or scheduling or distraction.
27:20 It's just about basketball now, it would seem like.
27:22 Is that in a sense a big sense of relief?
27:26 >> It is, it really is.
27:28 I mean, every morning you wake up and figure out how we put ourselves in
27:32 the best position to win and grow and develop as a team.
27:38 One of the biggest concerns I had was chemistry.
27:41 I mean, you look at the beginning of the summer, you're thinking you're going to
27:45 Italy and you're building chemistry and getting six games under your belt and
27:48 spending two weeks with each other and that wasn't the case.
27:53 So like I said, the revolving door of the roster,
27:57 some of these guys just got here a few weeks ago.
28:01 So we're trying to do everything we can as a team and build that chemistry.
28:05 And you could have the best pieces in the world, but
28:10 if they don't work together and mesh, it ain't gonna work.
28:14 So it's certainly something that I've been concerned with and
28:18 trying to be cognizant of as we move forward to build that chemistry.
28:22 >> I'm kind of curious about, like you were talking about,
28:24 you said you were talking about with Mazzola.
28:26 His situation was obviously a little different, but
28:30 he still had to go through the sense of the unknown until it became official for him.
28:35 Did you talk to him about that, the unknown part of it, dealing with it?
28:39 >> Yeah, I don't think he dwelled on that whatsoever, and
28:42 that's not really his personality.
28:44 And he kinda, he forced that on me,
28:48 he's like just control what you control and go every day, attack it.
28:55 Attack it and figure out how you do best by your guys and
28:59 do best by the organization and things will work out.
29:02 >> You mentioned some of this, but scheme wise, what do you keep,
29:06 what do you change?
29:08 >> In terms of defensively?
29:09 >> Both, offense and defense.
29:11 >> Offensively, we've just kinda just scrapped everything and kinda started over.
29:16 So everybody's starting, they have zero foundation of what we're doing, so
29:22 nobody's ahead of the ball game.
29:24 We have four or five returners, if I'd have kept everything,
29:28 they'd have a little more to go off of.
29:32 But I told everybody from the beginning in team meeting,
29:35 I said we're starting over fresh.
29:37 So you gotta put, you returners even have to put just as much time,
29:41 learning everything and understanding everything.
29:43 So everybody's starting from the same starting line.
29:46 >> How much, keep how much you change?
29:50 >> Defensively, I'm trying to keep as much as possible.
29:53 But knowing there are certain challenges and we'd had the same challenges regardless
29:58 of different guys and how they did things differently.
30:01 I mean, with four or five fifth year guys and they all have their own philosophies
30:05 that they're carrying with them, trying to get them all on the same page has been
30:08 a challenge, but that's something we'll continue to fight and drill and
30:13 drill each and every day to get to the point that we're working together and
30:16 doing things, we can read off each other defensively.
30:19 >> Roster versatility, do you think you have enough for
30:25 guys that can maybe play multiple positions so
30:27 you can maximize it and help your depth a little bit?
30:29 >> I think so, I think so.
30:32 I think we have enough.
30:36 I feel good about eight or nine guys right now trying to get that 10,
30:40 11th guy in the fold and be able to, you try to go through these challenges in
30:45 your head, figure out if there's an injury or if someone's in foul trouble.
30:51 I mean, how do you fill those holes?
30:57 So schematically in your mind, you try to do that ahead of time.
31:03 But we really haven't got to a point in practice where I'm separating
31:09 what I consider probably are likely starting five to our scout team.
31:16 So I'm trying at this point to mix and match as many combinations as possible and
31:22 balance the team so we have very, very competitive practices.
31:26 And everybody plays with each and everybody and we're really doing a good job and
31:30 Tyler changed an excellent job of feeding me all the information in terms of
31:34 the lineups and who's the most effective lineup and
31:39 what combinations together are giving me the best plus minuses.
31:43 And so I've been using a lot of that data to kind of sort through it as I plan
31:48 practice each and every day.
31:49 >> [INAUDIBLE]
31:52 >> Yes and no.
31:53 I certainly put a lot more into it than what probably Coach Huggins did.
32:00 So I'll use it and I try to utilize Tyler Chang as much as possible because some of
32:05 that information you got to take with a grain of salt but others you can really do
32:10 some good things with it and help yourself put yourself in a position to be
32:15 strategically have that advantage.
32:19 >> I guess similarly, not changing things because they were one way and
32:25 you want to do it your way, but you talked about rest.
32:28 There's different things people do for when they live, how often they live.
32:32 More modern, I guess.
32:33 >> Yeah.
32:33 >> The things like that that you've sought to put in,
32:36 maybe don't want to do too much too fast.
32:38 >> Yeah, I'm 100% more mindful of that and always have been.
32:42 I'm not old school in those ways.
32:46 I'm gonna utilize all the information we have to try to maximize and
32:51 Sean Brown's awesome at this.
32:53 So we have an open line of communication.
32:56 We're in each other's office every day trying to figure out how we build up.
33:00 We're not to that point right now.
33:02 Right now we're to a point where we're just trying to be
33:05 as conditioned as possible and ready to play a game.
33:10 And so it's the dog days of practice really.
33:13 But when we get closer to time, we're competing, we're gonna try to maximize
33:17 our legs and use some of that information to our advantage to where we're
33:21 competing at the highest level possible.
33:23 >> What's James Dickey brought to the staff so far?
33:27 >> He's been awesome.
33:29 He's been, I like to consider him the ultimate glue guy in a lot of ways.
33:34 He's that role guy that has zero ego that can provide a lot of wisdom.
33:38 He's been through the trenches in college basketball,
33:43 whether it be as an assistant, whether it be a head coach for
33:45 decade plus at the power five level.
33:49 So having him being able to mentor each and every one of us,
33:55 he has a lot of wisdom to share and has zero ego about it.
33:59 He just wants to help in any way possible.
34:01 And he's just been a breath of fresh air for everybody in the organization.
34:05 >> Will he be on the bench and involved in game strategy?
34:08 >> Yeah, yeah, he's on the floor and he sees things differently and
34:12 is always taking notes.
34:13 And whether it be for myself or whether it be for our assistant coaches and
34:17 how they operate.
34:18 I mean, they're all new assistant coaches to a degree.
34:21 I mean, DJ's got a half a year under his belt, but
34:25 everybody else is their first year as an assistant coach.
34:28 It's my first year as a head coach.
34:30 And for him to be able to provide that guidance to them as well as myself and
34:36 be that calming force for everybody.
34:39 I think it's gonna be absolutely wonderful having him around each and
34:43 every day and it has been so far.
34:45 >> How will you do in terms of your staff, will you continue to have multiple guys,
34:50 the scouts and work ahead?
34:52 Or I know some people now are having one person do it.
34:55 >> No, I mean, I want those guys to all be involved.
34:57 I have four assistant coaches that are on the floor
35:03 actively working with our guys every day.
35:05 You've mentioned Coach Dickey, he's kind of in that advisory role that kind of
35:11 floats.
35:12 But I got four guys that do the scouting and we've already broke down the schedule
35:17 and worked through each and every responsibility for
35:21 each one of those assistant coaches, but they'll all be involved in scouting.
35:25 And I have full faith in each and every one of them and
35:29 they have a great attention to detail and they're eager to take the scouting world
35:33 on and really dive into their opponents and get started.
35:37 And that's really helpful when you look at,
35:41 there's 13 opponents as compared to nine.
35:45 And so we have a lot more we gotta dive into, so
35:51 having dividing that by four instead of three is a lot easier.
35:55 >> Well, you have input because I know that was your deal.
35:57 You did a lot of the scouting.
35:58 >> Yeah, and in the first couple weeks, so we dove right into all that stuff and
36:04 how I see things.
36:06 And a lot of the things we did in the past had a lot to do with my presence as
36:11 a video coordinator, how we did that scouting since day one,
36:15 when we got on campus in 2007.
36:18 So I made sure they knew that I wanted them to really
36:25 focus heavily on scouting our opponents and making sure we're to a point where we
36:29 could take things away and really disrupt everybody's offense defensively.
36:35 So I think that's as important as anything we do.
36:37 >> If you weren't sitting here talking to us,
36:42 you were sitting here talking to the fans right now,
36:45 what message would you give them about the way they approach this season?
36:50 You know, maybe whether patience for
36:56 you or patience for the team or what to expect expectations.
37:01 >> I wouldn't say patience whatsoever.
37:03 I'd say, give us your full support.
37:06 I think you're gonna be very pleasantly surprised.
37:09 We're gonna play with a chip on our shoulder and
37:12 the state's always kind of operated with a chip on their shoulder.
37:15 So I would say to them, give us your full support and
37:20 I think we'll feed off of it and
37:22 you're gonna see things that you probably didn't realize you're gonna see.
37:26 We're gonna come together and we're gonna work each and every day and
37:30 we're gonna try to grow as a team, as a unit, as a coaching staff.
37:36 And I'm gonna keep these guys together and
37:39 we're all pulling in the right direction and we're gonna do it the right way.
37:43 And we're excited about that and we're excited about representing this university
37:46 and this state and where it's gonna go from here, we don't know.
37:50 But I promise you we're gonna pour our heart into it.
37:53 >> A lot's been made about how this has been kind of an unconventional beginning
37:59 for you, I would imagine it's also kind of an unconventional type of preseason for
38:05 the players as well.
38:07 Do you see anything with that, I mean, their reactions to the situation and
38:13 how everything went down over the summer and how everything's going now?
38:17 Do you see them just kind of bouncing off of that and moving on or?
38:24 >> I think trust had to be rebuilt with them.
38:26 I mean, they're 18 to 24 year olds, so certainly their foundation was crippled.
38:33 And everything they thought they came here for, so
38:37 trust doesn't happen overnight.
38:40 It has to be built and cultured and respect.
38:45 And so all those things that come together and it doesn't happen overnight,
38:49 it just has to be each and every day, it's a build up.
38:53 So we're getting to the point where everybody's starting to look at each other
38:58 and can rely on each other and trust each other.
39:01 But just because we're only, how long has that been, 70 days?
39:07 So 70 days, that stuff doesn't happen overnight.
39:12 So it's coming along very nicely, it really is.
39:16 But we gotta understand how far are we from first competition, 39 days.
39:22 It's coming fast.
39:22 >> Josh, just curious in your opinion, and I know this is only one component of it.
39:29 But do you feel like you've got a big 12 caliber talent on your roster right now?
39:35 Middle, upper, for what you're able to get?
39:38 >> I'm not too concerned about that right now.
39:39 That's a ways down the road.
39:42 Of course, the conference schedule came out and you dive into it and
39:47 you look at the teams and you look at the coaches you're gonna face and all that.
39:50 But we gotta worry about today, getting better today.
39:54 And tomorrow we gotta worry about getting better tomorrow.
39:57 And keep making that progress each and every day.
40:00 So we can't get the cart before the horse.
40:03 I mean, that's coming certainly down the road.
40:05 And we're gonna meet those challenges when we get there.
40:07 But we gotta win the day, so to speak, each and every day.
40:12 And get to the point where we can compete and win those early games.
40:16 >> Just in terms of talent, what you're able to do in the time that you've
40:20 been here, do you feel like you've got a roster that can compete with
40:24 the team during the schedule?
40:26 >> Sure, if we can get them all, that waiver certainly looms over our head.
40:31 It's something I'm very concerned about.
40:33 And that would hurt our cause drastically,
40:38 because he is a special player.
40:42 But yeah, I think our top seven or
40:46 eight guys can really compete night in and night out with a big 12.
40:50 Certainly, I worry about some of the depth pieces in terms of whether I have
40:55 the right pieces, and you got into that a little bit earlier in terms of,
40:58 can you fill some of those holes?
41:00 That's to be determined.
41:01 Certainly, some guys will have to step up at the backside of the roster and
41:05 get us to the point where we can be competitive with the top ranked teams
41:10 each and every night.
41:11 >> Any injuries yet or anything?
41:15 >> A few guys banged up and we had some x-rays and MRIs, but
41:19 everything came back clear, nothing crazy.
41:23 So that was more preventative just to make sure, give people peace of mind.
41:28 But we've knock on wood, we've avoided all injuries thus far.
41:33 >> So far, so good.
41:34 >> So far, so good.
41:36 >> You're gonna send gift baskets to all the referees this year, right?
41:39 >> A lot of people ask me that question,
41:41 it's like how are you gonna handle the referees?
41:43 It's like, well, I felt like I've been the mediator for 16 years.
41:48 So I was the guy between the two guys.
41:53 I was asking about how the wife and kids are doing and
41:56 trying to maintain that relationship.
41:59 So hopefully I get a few calls based on those relationships of being that
42:02 mediator throughout the years.
42:04 >> All right.
