The Most Intense Match of the Writer Cup | Dave Portnoy & Riggs vs. Frankie & Kirk

  • last year
El Presidente
00:00 Last one on the range, huh Frankie?
00:03 Last one here?
00:04 I was in there, we had lunch at 11.45, we got told.
00:07 I was just asking.
00:09 Very easy to get in his kitchen.
00:13 In my kitchen?
00:14 Yeah, that's true.
00:17 I don't know if you saw, but Dave has clearly the best and most legitimate warm-up routine.
00:24 Is this you?
00:25 I'm trying to simulate the whole walk from the car.
00:27 Oh, okay.
00:28 I didn't see you up here.
00:30 No, I was.
00:31 You were too busy chirping my teammate.
00:32 No, I was going to the cart to simulate a real game environment.
00:35 I think maybe if you're here to practice, you practice.
00:37 I'm setting a real environment.
00:40 No, I get it.
00:41 Whatever you need between each shot, especially earlier, he was going from the cart out here before you'd hit,
00:46 because nobody in the world of golf just stands there and hits 17 shots in a row.
00:50 Anywhere?
00:51 I'm getting a whole mental like...
00:55 Aggressive swings to conservative targets.
00:58 What are we doing going back and forth like this?
01:00 Well, I feel like a lot of people in the driving range, they just drop, drop, drop, drop.
01:04 What does that do? How is that real golf? It's not.
01:06 So what I'm doing is simulating driving up on the cart, taking my tee out, re-teeing, one shot.
01:12 That's far better practice.
01:14 It's elite practice, actually.
01:16 I'll be around the play.
01:17 It's elite. It's elite practice.
01:43 He also took pain meds, I believe, for his shoulder.
01:46 So all those things are pointing really, really in our direction.
01:50 It's crazy. A little change that I made has radically changed what I'm doing.
01:55 What'd you do?
01:56 I moved the ball just slightly back in my stance.
02:00 I had it forward, I moved it back, and now everything's...
02:04 I mean, that chip shot that Frankie had, my drugs rain on that.
02:08 Frankie, what club was that?
02:10 Nine Iron.
02:11 Yeah.
02:12 Why?
02:13 Like 160?
02:14 No, it was good.
02:15 Why?
02:17 Frankie gets very excitable.
02:21 So he had a couple moments yesterday where I had to talk him down.
02:24 He's very hot and cold.
02:26 He's so cold, I didn't think he was coming.
02:29 He's having lunch right now. I mean, I think he had a 12-course meal.
02:32 I'm just weighing him down.
02:34 He's like, "I'm just weighing him down."
02:36 We're going to be good. We're going to be fine.
02:40 [music]
02:49 Whoever tees off on the first hole will tee off on all of the odd holes and 2-4-6-8 by their partner.
02:56 Please welcome to the tee, from Team Big Cat, partnered with Kirk Minahan from East Meadow, New York, Frankie Borelli.
03:03 Let's go, Frankie.
03:05 [applause]
03:09 Oh, yeah, Frankie.
03:11 Here we go, Frankie.
03:13 Oh, that's beautiful, Frankie.
03:15 Come on!
03:17 Let's go, Frankie. Let's go.
03:19 Come on!
03:20 [laughter]
03:23 Please welcome to the tee, representing Team Portnoy and playing with Dave Portnoy from St. Charles, Missouri, Riggs.
03:30 That boy, Riggs.
03:31 [music]
03:34 That boy, Riggs.
03:35 [applause]
03:36 Good shot, Riggs.
03:37 See you later, boys.
03:38 All right, good luck, boys.
03:39 Oh!
03:40 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
03:41 Tough fly, tough fly.
03:43 Oh!
03:44 I'm sorry, Dave.
03:45 I think it bounced. I think so, too.
03:47 All right, boys, go get them.
03:49 Let's fucking go.
03:50 Frankie's head is terrified of you.
03:52 Every minute of his day, he's petrified of you.
03:54 Are we going to let it naturally unfold?
03:57 Totally.
03:58 Is he a good putter?
03:59 No.
04:00 The closer we get to the greens, the worse he is.
04:02 Do you have one of those range finder things?
04:04 Yeah. 115, Dave.
04:05 Anything up the right center that you have, you know what I'm saying?
04:08 Try to chase it up if you need to.
04:10 It actually takes the pressure off being in the mush.
04:12 I love it.
04:13 Yes.
04:14 That's great out of there.
04:16 That's fine. Good shot, Dave.
04:17 Keep going. Keep going.
04:18 That's fine out of there.
04:19 Good shot.
04:20 Keeps us in the hole.
04:21 Take that. That's fine.
04:22 I said 9-5 middle, a little uphill.
04:24 Kirk does not love this shot.
04:25 He's not, no.
04:26 No way uphill like this.
04:27 [music]
04:30 Check right there.
04:31 Sit.
04:32 Oh, yeah.
04:33 Kirk, that's going to be all right.
04:34 Is that all right?
04:35 Sorry, Frank.
04:36 I went crazy.
04:37 It's all right.
04:38 I would say at this point, like if you put a wind meter from where the drives were,
04:43 we just got much closer to 50-50.
04:45 Yes.
04:46 Big time.
04:47 They had a huge advantage, and now they don't.
04:48 I don't think they have a big advantage.
04:51 That was actually a great shot.
04:53 That was a good shot.
04:54 You read greens well, right?
04:55 Yeah.
04:56 So the thing I like to see is like where do you think the hole is like?
05:01 Where you aiming or where you are?
05:02 Yeah.
05:03 I'm going to putt big.
05:04 Use a spot, right?
05:05 Yeah, give me a spot.
05:06 Same.
05:07 Nope.
05:08 Short.
05:09 Get going.
05:10 Short, short, short, short, short.
05:11 All right.
05:12 Which way is this breaking?
05:13 I think it's going to go left.
05:14 Left.
05:15 All right.
05:16 Yeah.
05:17 I'm just going for it.
05:18 Yeah.
05:19 Hit the pin.
05:20 Yes.
05:21 You had to go for it.
05:22 Yeah, because it's too far.
05:23 Yeah.
05:24 Sit.
05:25 Yeah.
05:26 Sit.
05:27 That's fine.
05:28 That's a terrible putt.
05:29 Good putt.
05:30 I should have gone closer.
05:31 Blew it.
05:32 Was that a good putt?
05:33 Fine.
05:34 All right.
05:35 Good putt, Frankie.
05:36 Thank you.
05:37 Good putt.
05:38 Horrible.
05:39 Horrible.
05:40 It's better than his third shot, I'll say.
05:41 He hasn't played great this hole.
05:42 A lot of golf.
05:43 No, it's a great day out.
05:44 Put it in.
05:45 Knocking in rigs.
05:46 Yeah.
05:47 Yeah.
05:48 That's a good putt.
05:49 Yeah.
05:50 Yeah.
05:51 Yeah.
05:52 Yeah.
05:53 Yeah.
05:54 Yeah.
05:55 Yeah.
05:56 Yeah.
05:57 Yeah.
05:58 Knock it in rigs.
05:59 Get going.
06:00 Nice putt.
06:01 Good putt, Riggs.
06:02 Whoo.
06:03 Great putt.
06:04 What do you think?
06:05 Thank you.
06:06 Kirk is a very good putter.
06:07 What do we think here?
06:08 He's never-- Kirk never misses.
06:09 Never misses.
06:10 I think--
06:11 Champion mini-golf.
06:12 Should we just--
06:13 Get in the carts?
06:14 Should we give it-- think about giving it.
06:15 Here.
06:16 Here is good.
06:17 We're debating.
06:18 We're thinking about it.
06:19 Because you are the champion mini-golfer.
06:20 This is true.
06:21 One of the best putters out here.
06:22 Thank you.
06:23 Wow.
06:24 We got to see him.
06:25 We got to see him.
06:26 You're not going to give him that putt?
06:27 This is crazy.
06:28 No.
06:29 No.
06:30 He--
06:31 All right.
06:32 If that's what we're doing all day, that's fine.
06:33 Good putt.
06:34 Here we go, Dave.
06:35 Here we go.
06:36 Here we go.
06:37 Let's give him that.
06:38 Here we go.
06:39 Here we go.
06:40 Here we go.
06:41 Here we go.
06:42 Here we go.
06:43 The rules have been spoken.
06:44 It's the creed of the amateur.
06:45 I mean--
06:46 No, no.
06:47 I saw one putt.
06:48 It was one of the worst putts I've ever seen.
06:49 I have to see you putt twice.
06:50 Here we go.
06:51 If it was Kirk, I would definitely give it.
06:52 I should have made that.
06:53 I had a 20-footer, and I left you with fucking 10.
06:56 How do we get away with that?
06:57 Fuck.
06:58 Monster choke job on the first from Frankie and Kirk.
07:02 They had us dead to rights.
07:04 We tied the hole.
07:05 Absolute choke.
07:06 It's a red and white.
07:08 Great tie.
07:09 Great tie.
07:10 [LAUGHTER]
07:18 You think that was a gimme?
07:24 That was within a fucking shoot.
07:26 But your first putt was so bad.
07:27 Yeah, it was a fucking right-to-left slider.
07:29 Look, I missed a five-footer.
07:30 It's on me.
07:31 I blew it through the fucking break.
07:32 No, he left you too much.
07:33 No, I got to make that putt.
07:34 That's on me.
07:35 That's great.
07:36 That's the creed of the amateur.
07:37 So all right, good.
07:38 That's on me.
07:39 It's like 164.
07:40 Just say if you miss a one-footer today, I don't want to hear it.
07:42 I honestly didn't even think that--
07:43 You talk about amateur.
07:44 That's ridiculous.
07:45 I'm sorry.
07:46 It's fine.
07:47 Those are the rules.
07:48 Those are the rules.
07:49 It's fine by me.
07:50 Well, no, you can always choose to give or not give.
07:52 I just saw-- I've never seen--
07:53 You think Bobby Jones would do that?
07:54 He wouldn't do that.
07:55 He wouldn't do that.
07:56 That's your-- that's your--
07:57 That's mine.
07:58 You took a picture of it.
07:59 You tweeted it out.
08:00 You sent it to me.
08:01 I've been trying to abide by it.
08:02 One hole in!
08:03 You're not even abiding by it yet.
08:04 This is ridiculous.
08:05 I didn't tag you.
08:06 Who are you talking about?
08:07 The whole tournament.
08:08 Jerry.
08:09 Fuck you, Jerry.
08:10 Shut up.
08:11 I just want to have a nice round.
08:12 Would you have given him that?
08:13 I should have given it.
08:14 If everyone says, I don't know.
08:15 I apologize.
08:16 I didn't mean to do a dick.
08:17 I thought--
08:18 It's fine.
08:19 No, no.
08:20 It's fine.
08:21 My issue is not with you doing it.
08:22 I'm fine with you doing it, but you are, in fact-- you were lecturing me for the past--
08:24 No, no.
08:25 Those are totally different things.
08:26 16 hours.
08:27 And now you're--
08:28 Totally.
08:29 Those are totally different things.
08:30 That was-- you guys were reeling.
08:31 You guys were-- you're ping-ponging it around the hole.
08:32 We're not-- you know, you got to see it.
08:33 I get no problem.
08:34 I get no--
08:35 You're not going to let me in.
08:36 OK, I'm sorry.
08:37 I don't golf.
08:38 I don't accept your apology.
08:39 Fine.
08:40 I retract it, then.
08:41 Jerry and Francis are in jail over there.
08:42 You can't-- you have no-- you have no control on my retractions and apologies.
08:43 I don't accept it.
08:44 We don't play very often.
08:45 We didn't know.
08:46 Ah, damn it.
08:47 Bunker.
08:48 Sorry, Kirk.
08:49 Nah, it's in, Frank.
08:50 Yeah, it's in.
08:51 It's going to be short of it.
08:52 Is it?
08:53 Nope.
08:54 Tough lie, it looks like.
08:55 I like that.
08:56 All right, Dave.
08:57 You like that lie?
08:58 It came down.
08:59 Oh.
09:00 Oh, boy.
09:01 Over!
09:02 Fine.
09:05 Oh, fine.
09:10 I know what I meant with the left right.
09:11 It's like--
09:12 It's right.
09:13 It's totally fine.
09:14 Hey, the wind meter is still--
09:15 Yeah, bro, 50-50.
09:16 And the closer we get to the green, these guys are melting down.
09:17 We're an underdog.
09:18 Let's just hope.
09:19 Yeah, I know.
09:20 They've got to be really nervous.
09:21 It's impossible to keep the same heart rate and swing when you're playing, whereas, like,
09:22 the range.
09:23 It's impossible.
09:24 You can't simulate it.
09:25 You just can't simulate it.
09:26 Like, my heart rate is going a little bit more.
09:27 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:28 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:29 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:30 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:31 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:32 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:33 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:34 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:35 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:36 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:37 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:38 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:39 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:40 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:41 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:42 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:43 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:44 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
09:45 I'm going to have to go to the other side.
10:08 Can you give that to us?
10:09 Yeah.
10:12 Come on.
10:13 That's worth one.
10:14 Let's go.
10:15 Let's go.
10:16 Now do you think they keep it at like when a team gets blown out
10:19 and they don't tweet out the final score on Twitter,
10:21 you think they're going to alert their teammates on the walkie-talkie?
10:23 That's the update.
10:24 That boy, he bailed me out there.
10:25 Good job.
10:26 Come on, baby.
10:27 [MUSIC]
10:36 Once I saw I was in the base of it, I'm like, we have all the room in the world.
10:39 I was good.
10:40 Oh, my gosh.
10:41 I love this sand, too.
10:42 It's compact.
10:43 Yeah.
10:47 Frankie hit a great bunker shot there, up one.
10:50 Do you guys have the integrity to alert your teammates when you're down one?
10:53 I already did.
10:54 You did?
10:55 I thought it would be like a --
10:56 Actually, it's a great sand shot from Frankie.
10:57 All right, so --
11:01 Left.
11:02 All right.
11:03 It's got to kick out, Kirk.
11:05 Kick out.
11:07 Oh, we got to bounce.
11:08 Yeah, we're okay.
11:09 All right.
11:10 We're okay.
11:11 A couple bounces.
11:12 Are you okay there?
11:13 We saw a couple bounces.
11:14 We're going to find it.
11:15 Oh, bounce means you find it.
11:16 Yeah.
11:17 Left.
11:18 Nice shot, Riggs.
11:19 Nice shot.
11:20 Perfect.
11:22 Perfect, perfect, perfect.
11:23 Yeah, that's a good one.
11:24 Riggs off the tee, good.
11:26 Frankie not so good.
11:27 We got to win this one.
11:28 Anything, leave it short.
11:29 My distance, I've lost a lot of distance.
11:31 It's a little confusing.
11:32 Would you rather be short or long, theoretically?
11:34 A little short.
11:35 It's fine.
11:37 Kirk.
11:38 It's fine.
11:39 That's exactly what we wanted, baby.
11:40 That's fine, right, Frankie?
11:41 Keep going, keep going.
11:42 Keep going?
11:43 Yes, sir.
11:44 Nice and smooth swing.
11:45 Get out, get out, get out, get out, get out.
11:46 Fuck.
11:47 All right.
11:48 That's in the shit.
11:49 Didn't go in the shit.
11:50 No.
11:51 That's good.
11:52 Come on, man.
11:53 Gave her a strike.
11:54 You were the wedge.
11:55 That's fine.
11:56 God, that's a good bite.
11:57 That is queefy.
11:58 That is queefy goodbye.
11:59 Fuck.
12:00 How far over are you?
12:02 I think it's pretty far over.
12:05 Sit.
12:06 Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
12:09 That's fine.
12:10 I got to get it close.
12:13 Get it close.
12:14 60 is the highest degree of wedge.
12:17 Come on down.
12:19 It's not terribly good.
12:22 All right.
12:24 Do you consider that a bad shot?
12:27 That's a really good shot.
12:30 No, yours.
12:31 Yeah, I said to him, well, yeah, middle degree when you guys are all over the place is a
12:36 pretty decent shot.
12:37 I wasn't.
12:38 I was just asking about your golf game, whether or not irrelevant of anything else, if you're
12:43 playing by yourself, would you be happy with that shot?
12:46 Yeah.
12:47 Okay.
12:48 All right, Frankie, that's my fault.
12:51 I just whiffed it.
12:54 I just whiffed it.
12:57 Pushed it.
13:00 That's good.
13:03 Fuck off.
13:06 That's good, Dave.
13:07 Good.
13:08 Thank you.
13:09 All right.
13:10 Spirit of amateurism.
13:11 That's a good have.
13:12 That's a good have.
13:13 Let's go.
13:14 Come on.
13:15 Come on.
13:16 Save that.
13:17 Huge.
13:18 I just read that first putt totally wrong.
13:19 I read it.
13:20 I hit it like I wanted to.
13:21 I just totally read it wrong.
13:22 That's good.
13:23 That's good.
13:24 That's good.
13:25 That's good.
13:26 That's good.
13:27 That's good.
13:28 That's good.
13:29 That's good.
13:30 That's good.
13:31 That's good.
13:32 You hit it.
13:33 I didn't know.
13:34 I thought it was light.
13:35 I thought it was downhill.
13:36 I totally read it wrong.
13:37 He has read it for like 10 minutes.
13:38 I know.
13:39 I know.
13:40 I'm the worst putter in the world.
13:41 I really am.
13:42 So can I say now, like, we should be putting three up?
13:43 I'm a bad putter.
13:44 We're happy.
13:45 Yeah, we should be up three up.
13:46 Yeah, I agree.
13:47 But again, pucks on net, they're going to find the net at some point.
13:50 Yeah, but then the other flip side.
13:51 That's like you're not hitting shots.
13:53 Eventually, maybe I hit one shot.
13:54 Looks like they're on the street.
13:56 Ah.
13:57 Uh-oh.
13:58 No, it's going to be short.
13:59 I think that's short of it.
14:00 I missed it.
14:01 Yes.
14:02 Yeah.
14:03 Come on.
14:04 I missed it.
14:05 You're not happy with that?
14:06 Good miss.
14:07 All right.
14:08 We've got like 120 yards.
14:09 That was like a six iron?
14:10 Good shot.
14:11 Yep.
14:12 Wow, dude.
14:13 Good shot, dude.
14:14 Soft.
14:15 Perfect.
14:16 You got me on that one.
14:17 It's perfect.
14:18 Oh, yep.
14:19 It kicked out.
14:20 All right.
14:21 Good shot, dude.
14:22 Really good.
14:23 Really good.
14:24 That's a tough break.
14:25 That was a good drive.
14:26 Here we go, Frankie.
14:27 That looks good.
14:28 Set.
14:29 Oh, there's a whole slope over there.
14:30 Set.
14:31 Stay right there.
14:32 Stay right there.
14:33 That's good.
14:34 See you.
14:35 Good, good, good, good, good.
14:36 How the fuck does that bounce out and then back in?
14:40 This is bullshit.
14:41 Geology makes no sense.
14:42 Get going.
14:43 That's good.
14:44 You got me on that one.
14:45 All right.
14:46 Good shot, dude.
14:47 Really good.
14:48 Really good.
14:49 Get going.
14:50 That's a good shot, though, Riggs.
14:51 Stay there.
14:52 All right.
14:53 Good shot.
14:54 A couple big shots coming up right here.
14:55 We should be three up.
14:56 It's a disaster.
14:57 Big shots.
14:58 Big players, big moments.
14:59 I'd love for Kirk not to have a good shot here.
15:02 Me too.
15:03 Frank, you all right?
15:04 Yeah, it's flat.
15:05 You just got to get it up here.
15:06 Oh, shit.
15:07 That's a long one.
15:08 I think that's a long one.
15:09 Oh, my God.
15:10 It's not bad, dude.
15:11 All right.
15:12 So you think putt here?
15:13 I do.
15:14 I think you like putt.
15:15 It's putt pretty good, yeah.
15:16 I think it's like two feet outside right.
15:18 I just don't know how hard they're going to get through all this.
15:21 You're going to have to give it a pretty good whack.
15:23 All right.
15:24 You know?
15:25 Come on.
15:26 Shit, this is going.
15:27 No, it's good.
15:28 All right.
15:29 Okay.
15:30 You're up.
15:31 Hold on.
15:32 Not bad, dude.
15:33 No, it was good.
15:38 Come on, come on, come on.
15:40 Good shot.
15:41 Good, good shot.
15:43 Great effort.
15:44 Good putt, Riggs.
15:45 I thought you had it for a second.
15:46 Good effort.
15:47 Holy fuck, I killed it.
15:52 Well, that's just the fastest putt we've had.
15:55 We lost a hole.
15:57 I mean, show some faith in your partner.
16:00 You didn't lose the hole yet.
16:01 What the fuck did I just do?
16:02 We'll be on.
16:03 Here you go, Kirk.
16:04 Yeah, if your partner is going to claim that hole's over, we'll cheer for you.
16:08 We'll cheer for you, buddy.
16:09 Frankie, how bad do you need this putt?
16:12 Oh, skull.
16:17 Back in it is a meltdown.
16:19 We'll get the pen.
16:20 We're classy.
16:21 Wow.
16:24 That's for camera.
16:25 I won't do that to him.
16:26 He went.
16:27 He's still.
16:31 Frankie absolutely choked his dog out.
16:47 One-one.
16:48 Get over that?
16:49 That's good.
16:50 Yeah?
16:51 Yeah.
16:52 All right.
16:53 Attaboy, Riggs.
16:54 Uh-oh.
16:55 Kirk, I mean.
16:56 Ball left.
16:57 Ball.
16:58 Ball left.
16:59 Ball.
17:00 Ball.
17:01 We'll find it, Frankie.
17:02 Yeah.
17:03 Frankie teleported back to 2016, I think.
17:04 He's like.
17:05 I mean, you're melting him now.
17:06 There's no way those two shots aren't correlated.
17:07 Oh, my God.
17:08 We're fine.
17:09 You don't tell me that.
17:10 You know, Riggs blew his shot on the first two holes just as much as I've blown the last
17:21 two.
17:22 They easily could have been up.
17:23 I'm sure we can find it.
17:24 Three minutes, we start the clock?
17:25 No, no.
17:26 Free to the amateur.
17:27 Free to the amateur.
17:28 Free to the amateur.
17:29 Free to the amateur.
17:31 - You have an hour.
17:32 - Yeah, take as much time.
17:34 Looking for Frankie's ball in the woods currently.
17:36 Looking for Frankie's ball in the woods.
17:38 Can't find it quite yet.
17:40 Search party fully going.
17:42 Over.
17:45 - Looking for Frankie's ball.
17:46 - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
17:48 - Kirk may have it.
17:49 - Check his pocket.
17:53 - You got it?
17:58 - That's not it?
18:00 - Devastating.
18:01 - So what are they supposed to do, tee off again?
18:03 - Well, if it's lost ball, you gotta go back to the tee.
18:05 - Yeah, we're going back.
18:06 - They're going back to the tee box.
18:09 Couldn't find the ball, so Kirk will have to tee off.
18:13 It's three.
18:14 Over.
18:16 - We're gonna go back and monitor the situation.
18:18 - I can't reach any box.
18:19 - Holy fuck.
18:22 - Squeak out half here.
18:24 - Oh my God.
18:25 - Think they're talking to each other?
18:28 - I think Kirk's trying to keep it together,
18:29 but that when he said the hole was over, definitely not.
18:33 - That was bad.
18:34 - I mean, Dave could easily just
18:36 shake his next one into the water.
18:37 - That's what I'm saying.
18:39 - I got your boy, Frankie.
18:42 I'm waterboarding him.
18:43 He's the worst guy on the course right now.
18:47 - Here we go, Kirk, hit a good one.
18:50 - Oh my God.
18:54 - Ball left, ball left, ball left.
18:56 Ball left.
18:57 Ball left.
18:58 Ball left.
18:59 Get eyes on that.
19:00 - Got it, they got it, guys.
19:02 - Good shot.
19:04 - 160 yard hole, you guys couldn't get it on three.
19:06 - What's your handicap?
19:07 - Doesn't matter, what's his?
19:09 - No, that matters.
19:09 - Commissioner of the fucking league.
19:10 - I'm like a 25.
19:11 - You got the commissioner of the league,
19:13 I mean, you're acting like I'm the only one
19:14 messing up out here.
19:14 - I'm rooting for you.
19:16 You're my guy.
19:17 - I think we lost.
19:19 Kirk knows it's a...
19:26 - Oh, he's not out.
19:28 - We gotta just fucking, we have to just reset.
19:33 I have to reset.
19:34 - I'm fine, I'm fine.
19:35 - Yeah.
19:36 - I'm fine.
19:37 - He's gonna, he can easily push this ball
19:39 left into the water and we're so bad, it's crazy.
19:42 - We would really have to fuck this up
19:44 if we want to win this hole.
19:45 - We're hitting two to one.
19:46 - But I mean, I'm capable of fucking up at any moment.
19:49 Once Frankie's comparing him and I's golf game,
19:52 like on an even scale, that's good.
19:56 - He's like, what are you bragging about?
19:57 You missed one too.
19:58 Like, all right, yeah, I'm a 25.
20:00 - We dragged it right down into the mud.
20:02 - Fine.
20:03 - Sit.
20:07 - Sit.
20:07 - Right.
20:08 - Oh, right.
20:09 - All right over there.
20:11 - All right, they're set.
20:12 - We all right?
20:13 - Yeah.
20:14 - God, if I would have known I was gonna get
20:16 that good a contact, I would have went over the water.
20:19 Jesus Christ.
20:20 - Get that better at value.
20:21 - I would have went way over the water and towards the bin.
20:24 - I think it's a safe play with him.
20:25 - Yeah, but I think I may have ran out a little bit there.
20:28 - We'll find out.
20:29 - It's totally up to you.
20:30 You want to putt it hard down the right side.
20:32 I'll hit a wedge on it.
20:33 - Yeah, I'm gonna seven iron.
20:36 - Fine, great.
20:37 - I like to putt a low seven.
20:38 - I love it.
20:39 - Oh my God.
20:42 - Oh, get in the water, get in the water.
20:43 - Get in the water.
20:44 - Get in the water.
20:45 - Alert the fucking team.
20:46 - Come on.
20:47 - Alert the teams.
20:49 - So what is that?
20:50 - That means you're hitting fucking four.
20:52 - Hey, you're two in, three out.
20:54 I'll hit four wedge on.
20:55 - Update.
20:56 - Fucking choke job.
20:57 - We're gonna drop right there.
20:58 - That was actually not a choke job.
21:00 I was trying to like do the opposite.
21:01 - Come on.
21:02 - All right, all right, we're in it.
21:03 We're in it, we're in it, we're in it.
21:04 - Putter.
21:05 - Just putt it down.
21:06 - I hit a wedge in the middle of the green.
21:07 - Do you see what I'm saying?
21:08 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
21:09 - Putter down the hill.
21:09 - I'm sorry, I have to wedge it.
21:10 - That's the amateur way, that's for sure.
21:11 - Doesn't matter.
21:12 - Sorry.
21:13 - Thank you.
21:14 - I knew it, I knew it.
21:14 - All right, all right.
21:15 - Wait, wait, wait, I wonder why.
21:16 - This could be a controversy for dropping.
21:17 - Oh, for sure, he's at the stake for sure.
21:19 - Riggs, Riggs, where are you dropping?
21:21 - That was so stupid in hindsight.
21:22 I literally, all I was trying to do was hit a little air
21:26 to get it like.
21:28 - What are, so what is it?
21:29 Where four, there five?
21:30 - Yeah, we're hitting four, they're hitting five.
21:32 - This is chaos.
21:33 This is a shit show.
21:35 - That's not a thin bite.
21:39 - Nice shot, Riggs.
21:42 - Yeah, thank you.
21:43 - Great shot.
21:44 - Great shot.
21:45 - Not a great lie.
21:46 - I mean, like what.
21:49 - It's all right, it's all right, I'm good, I'm good.
21:50 - 'Cause if you wanna try and hit like a miracle shot,
21:52 like I'm fine in the bunker.
21:54 Like it's up to you, whatever you wanna do.
21:55 - I just don't think, I'm worried about that right there.
21:57 It's just so close, it's a downhiller, you know?
21:59 - Yeah.
22:00 - I'm just gonna go with it right there,
22:01 see what happens.
22:02 - Have this work out, Kirk.
22:07 Kirk, that's like as good as you could've done.
22:11 - Good shot.
22:12 - So, we're one ahead.
22:14 - Us, we gotta get this,
22:15 because I will not forgive myself for that.
22:18 - Our chance here, like you said,
22:20 if we can two putt it.
22:21 - We get up and down, they don't.
22:22 - That's it.
22:23 - We make an up and down and they don't.
22:24 - That's a fuck push.
22:25 - We put a heel of all nine.
22:26 That's a win.
22:27 - So stupid.
22:29 - We're gonna win the hole, it's fine.
22:31 I need you to lock in, you hit a good lag putt, it's over.
22:34 - Lag putt just means he gets a close.
22:36 - It's in.
22:37 - You guys have to win this hole.
22:39 Have to win this hole.
22:40 - I'm just focused on the next shot.
22:41 - Have to.
22:42 - I'm focused on the next shot.
22:43 - I'm gonna get an artist shot by you right there.
22:45 - That's a good shot.
22:46 - I'm playing well.
22:47 - Kirk, how do you feel about me chipping this?
22:48 - You're playing great.
22:49 - This is your moment right here.
22:50 - That's great, captain, to chip.
22:51 - This is his moment.
22:52 - Yep.
22:53 I'm being serious, that's very good.
22:56 - Okay.
23:03 - Not terrible.
23:03 - Get it inside on me.
23:04 - Just get it inside of that ball.
23:06 - Love this.
23:11 I love this.
23:12 - I love this.
23:13 - Yeah.
23:14 Good one.
23:15 Take that.
23:16 - Nope.
23:20 - Try to make it, Frank.
23:24 - Yeah, you had to.
23:25 - Nice putt.
23:29 - You're good.
23:30 - Thank you.
23:31 - That's exactly what we had to do right there.
23:32 We have no business being up,
23:33 but Frankie's wheels have fallen off.
23:36 - Crazy.
23:36 - I didn't mean for you to hear that.
23:37 You just happened to cross my path.
23:38 - All right, Dave Fortin, all your teams back one up.
23:41 After that one, they were playing from behind
23:43 the whole time.
23:44 How huge was it getting back in front here?
23:46 - It's really big, and I gotta be honest,
23:48 I love Frankie.
23:49 He's one of my favorite guys at the company.
23:51 It's gonna be really interesting,
23:52 because right now he's mush, he's mentally weak,
23:55 he's falling apart.
23:57 I didn't think he was capable of this.
23:58 He's comparing now himself to me, like,
24:01 toe to toe, I'm a 25, he's like, what, a five or a seven?
24:05 So, I'm happy.
24:06 We don't deserve to be up, and we are.
24:08 - All right, well, good luck the rest of your life.
24:10 - Shocking the world right now.
24:11 - Fuck, one up.
24:11 - Rigged, Fortin, on two, one.
24:17 Up, two, one.
24:18 - Come back.
24:33 - Awesome, great ball.
24:36 Great ball, Dave.
24:37 - Thanks.
24:37 - Great swing.
24:38 - Thank you.
24:39 - Perfect.
24:40 - Great shot, Dave.
24:41 - Thanks.
24:42 - Perfect.
24:42 - Oh, God damn it.
24:44 - All right.
24:45 - Just kick left.
24:47 - All right, you're fine.
24:48 - Okay, all right.
24:48 - Yeah, yeah, fine.
24:49 - Fuck!
24:52 - Two biggest fucking losers at the company.
24:54 - Just, let's have some fun.
24:56 - Beautiful, great time out here with the boys.
24:58 - Idiot in a fucking charity case.
24:59 Jesus fucking Christ.
25:00 - Having a good time with the fellas.
25:02 - What do you call us, an idiot in a,
25:03 was that to us, an idiot in a charity case?
25:05 - You're an idiot, he's a charity case.
25:07 (laughing)
25:08 - Which one was I, the charity?
25:09 - You were a charity case, I was the idiot.
25:11 - I was a charity case.
25:13 - This take back is like, it's crazy.
25:16 - All right, Slav, if it comes to a battle
25:19 between me and Dave at White Jets, I mean, you know.
25:21 - That's what I mean, I think we're fine.
25:23 Just gotta fly it.
25:29 Did it skip out?
25:34 - In? - Go over?
25:34 - Great shot.
25:38 Great shot.
25:40 - Roll.
25:41 - He's gonna, Dave's gonna put that in the bucket.
25:43 - Oh, perfect, perfect.
25:45 Great shot, Riggs.
25:46 - Imagine we go too up, I mean, that car.
25:48 - Frankie, I'm not being sarcastic,
25:53 but when you said get him to the cart path,
25:54 did it matter if it was fairway or trap?
25:56 - I had the right distance, I just, yeah.
25:58 I didn't love the stance.
25:59 I was like this, so I was worried about--
26:01 - You got put in a bad spot.
26:02 - No, I'm not mad about this shot.
26:08 I think we can get it on from here.
26:10 - I hope so.
26:11 No, I shouldn't, I'm not gonna lie,
26:13 because I don't trust myself, so I want a bad shot.
26:15 - You have the hardest shot in golf.
26:17 - I would rather have than this,
26:18 I can't get out of the trap.
26:19 - You're gonna be in the trap.
26:21 - Oh, goddammit.
26:23 - All right, now I have to show you the hardest shot in golf.
26:26 (laughing)
26:28 All right, that's fine.
26:30 - Okay, so we got a C option.
26:31 - They're still farther away than we are.
26:33 We get to all kinds of them.
26:35 - This is where Frankie improved his game, right?
26:37 - Yeah, yep.
26:38 - The butter knife series?
26:41 - Right, that's what it was.
26:43 - Talking out loud.
26:44 He used to be bad at these, the butter knife series,
26:47 but he got really good.
26:48 Great shot.
26:52 - Get over, get over.
26:53 - Get over?
26:54 - Great shot.
26:55 - Yeah, good shot.
26:56 - Stay there.
26:56 - Great shot.
26:57 - Yes, yes, yes, all right.
26:58 - Great shot, Frankie.
26:59 - Thank you.
27:00 - That puts the pressure on me.
27:01 - You fly 50 yards, we're great.
27:02 - Oh my god.
27:05 - Oh my god.
27:06 - Oh my god.
27:08 (clapping)
27:09 - Good shot, dude.
27:10 - Thank you, thank you.
27:11 - Fucking golf shot.
27:12 - Thank you.
27:12 - Game pass.
27:13 - Frankie, Frankie, you helped me with that on the range.
27:16 - I know I did.
27:17 - You told me my exact distance.
27:18 - I know I did.
27:18 Yeah, that's just yardage, watch.
27:22 That lands near that red flag.
27:24 All right, so that's a 65 yard flip.
27:26 - That was so fucking good.
27:29 Come on.
27:29 - What bunker?
27:30 - Oh my god.
27:31 - You stepped right in there too, you didn't fucking.
27:33 - I know, right?
27:34 I was like, oh, he's, okay.
27:36 - That's a miracle.
27:37 - Yes, it is a miracle.
27:38 - I owe it to your partner, actually.
27:40 - That was the first one.
27:41 - We had discussion on the range.
27:43 - I mean, that's a miracle shot.
27:44 - Great shot?
27:45 - Well, you saw me do it on the range three times in a row.
27:47 - Bang!
27:52 - Yes, it does!
27:53 And Dave and Riggs, two up, three to play.
27:56 - Great job, great job.
27:57 - Way to play.
27:58 - Fucking go.
27:58 - We can close it out on seven.
27:59 - Birdie.
28:00 - Great job.
28:01 - Riggs, 11 feet, seven inches for Birdie.
28:03 You guys played that hole flawlessly.
28:05 You are now two up with three to play,
28:07 a chance to close it out on seven.
28:08 What'd you see on this Birdie putt?
28:09 - Well, I gotta give the credit to my captain,
28:11 just amazing leadership.
28:12 Dave Portnoy leads from the front.
28:14 He had a great tee shot, he had an unbelievable wedge.
28:17 All I had to do was step up and capitalize.
28:18 So I was really a team effort.
28:19 I was just happy to play my role.
28:20 - Riggs, good luck the rest of the way.
28:22 - Thank you, Jake Mark, appreciate it.
28:23 - Good drive here, we're doing this.
28:24 - Yeah.
28:24 - We're doing this.
28:25 - And I'm gonna beat him on eight.
28:26 - Yep.
28:27 - And we're getting nine.
28:28 - We're just playing nine.
28:29 We're good driving, easy guard drive here.
28:29 - We're playing nine, all square.
28:31 - That's it, that's it.
28:32 - We're gonna do this, we're gonna do this.
28:34 - Yep.
28:35 - Rip their fucking guts out.
28:36 - Yep.
28:37 (upbeat music)
28:39 - Nice shot, right down the middle.
28:54 - It was a laser.
28:57 - Perfect, Riggs.
28:58 - Yep.
29:00 - Of that trap, and it does.
29:02 - Perfect.
29:03 - Good shot.
29:03 - Thanks.
29:04 - Ball left.
29:08 - Turn.
29:08 - Left.
29:09 - We're left.
29:10 - A little bit, I don't know if it'll be enough.
29:13 Did not see it drop.
29:13 - All right, we'll find it.
29:14 - There's a bunker on the left side.
29:15 - Trees kind of got a hold of it.
29:16 - Yeah, trees.
29:17 - We'll find it.
29:18 - I think it hit the tree.
29:18 - Someone may be going to it.
29:20 - Oh, that guy.
29:22 That guy gonna grab it.
29:23 - They got you, yep, yep.
29:24 - Frankie's safe.
29:25 - Found it, that's huge.
29:26 - Attaboy, attaboy.
29:27 - Good shot.
29:28 - That's huge.
29:29 - Found it.
29:30 - Safe.
29:31 - Let's end it.
29:32 - End it.
29:32 - I don't want, hey, I want no business with the eighth hole.
29:34 - Yeah, no, because it's part three.
29:36 - Fuck that hole.
29:37 - Yeah, yeah.
29:37 - Fucking unbelievable.
29:38 - All right, we're fine.
29:40 - All I've heard is Frankie's great at golf.
29:43 - Not today.
29:44 (laughing)
29:45 - That's more like it.
29:46 - One of your better shots, Frankie.
29:48 - One of you, I mean like, see how far it is?
29:51 - Do you hear him?
29:51 - He didn't even say thank you.
29:54 Good shot.
29:57 - Get out of there.
29:58 - Sit right there.
29:59 - Hold up, there is a bunker.
30:01 - All right, that's fine.
30:02 - It falls in.
30:03 - He's great on the bunker.
30:04 - Get out, get out.
30:05 - Shit.
30:06 - Frankie has a trip to the beach booked.
30:07 You're on seven.
30:08 - Shut up.
30:09 - Fucking Jake Marsh.
30:10 - Fuck off.
30:11 - That's fine.
30:12 - Professional golf call there.
30:14 Trip to the beach booked.
30:16 - Kurt, go shut up.
30:17 (laughing)
30:19 - Same swing you just made on the last hole.
30:21 - It's crazy as is, this is what Dave is good at,
30:24 is like putting things in safe spots
30:26 because he doesn't even swing.
30:28 He's just gonna like plop it around
30:30 'cause they don't have to be aggressive.
30:32 - Fuck.
30:37 - Okay.
30:37 Stay out of the sand.
30:40 - Yes, yes, yes.
30:42 - All right.
30:43 - That's fine.
30:43 - That's fucking where he gets put in a bad spot here.
30:44 - Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
30:45 We need a spot where Dave is putting 35 feet away from.
30:48 - Yes.
30:49 - You know what I'm saying?
30:50 Puts it 18 feet by.
30:50 - Yes.
30:51 - How do I do that?
30:52 Oh man.
30:55 - Good.
30:56 - Good shot.
31:01 - Be right.
31:03 Nice shot.
31:04 Great shot.
31:05 - Good fucking lie.
31:07 - Let's hope they got a shit ass lie.
31:09 I fucking blew it.
31:11 This is the match.
31:12 Sit, sit.
31:15 Good shot Frankie, good shot.
31:17 - Great shot.
31:18 - Good shot.
31:19 - Thank you.
31:19 - All right.
31:20 - You have a chance.
31:21 You have a pulse.
31:22 - I like you like up in here.
31:24 - All right.
31:24 - Hey, you're uphill into the grain.
31:26 So it's going to be slower than you think.
31:28 - Go, go.
31:30 - Stop.
31:32 - Kirk, I gotta be honest.
31:35 I know you don't want to do this.
31:36 I don't know.
31:37 - Okay, that's fine.
31:38 - This hole, this hole will go down.
31:40 It's not my finest.
31:41 Had him.
31:42 I'll make him.
31:43 - Come on!
31:48 - Yes!
31:49 - Yes!
31:50 - Who's a fucking man?
31:52 (laughs)
31:53 - What did I say?
31:54 - 12 feet.
31:55 - That was a big putt.
31:55 - Seven inches.
31:56 - What did I say?
31:57 - They're one down through seven.
31:58 - What a fucking putt.
32:00 And now we got Kirk versus Dave on the par three.
32:03 Let's go.
32:05 Come on.
32:05 And up and down.
32:06 A sandy.
32:08 You fucking cunt.
32:09 Come on.
32:10 (upbeat music)
32:22 - All right, let's get you dialed in here.
32:24 - We're good.
32:25 We're good now.
32:25 We're back at it.
32:26 - I need you to fly this ball like 140 to 145.
32:29 - Okay.
32:30 - It's like your eight iron.
32:31 - Yeah.
32:32 - Sure.
32:33 - Hey, hit that eight iron.
32:34 - Oh shit.
32:37 Get up.
32:39 - Frankie loves the trap.
32:40 - We're in, right?
32:42 - Yeah, he's in.
32:43 - All right, we're fine.
32:44 - Sorry, Frankie.
32:45 - All right, Dave.
32:45 - Nice, smooth swing here, kid.
32:46 - We're fine.
32:47 We're making up a net.
32:48 - Here we go, Dave.
32:49 Nice and smooth, kid.
32:50 - Unbelievable.
32:52 - Be good.
32:53 Go a little.
32:54 Go a little.
32:54 Sit, sit.
32:57 That's fine.
32:58 That's fine.
32:58 Little deep, but that's fine.
32:59 Good swing.
33:00 - Seven, I should have gone six.
33:01 - Good swing.
33:02 - I'll help you guys find that one.
33:03 - That was great.
33:04 - Oh, fuck.
33:04 That was a good shot.
33:06 - He's been great out of the bunker.
33:07 He saved the hole.
33:08 He has.
33:10 He's been the only two shots he's hit good.
33:13 Literally, he's hit two good shots in both bunkers.
33:16 - That's not true.
33:18 - I mean, he should go on tour
33:18 if he hits three out of three.
33:20 (dramatic music)
33:23 - Go in.
33:24 - Oh, man.
33:25 Oh, my.
33:26 - Come on back.
33:27 Come on back.
33:28 Great shot, Frankie.
33:29 Great shot.
33:29 - Great out of the trap.
33:30 - I thought that went in.
33:31 Thank you.
33:32 This is fucking stress, bro.
33:33 Every bunker I'm in, my heart's in my throat.
33:35 - Nice shot.
33:39 - Good shot.
33:40 - Excellent shot.
33:41 - Off the green.
33:42 Off the green.
33:43 Off the green.
33:44 Off the green.
33:44 All right, fellas.
33:45 - Keep going.
33:46 - All right, fellas.
33:47 Come on.
33:48 - That's a good shot.
33:49 - Riggs, that's a good shot.
33:50 - Right to left?
33:51 - No, left to right.
33:53 - Left to right?
33:54 - Yeah.
33:54 - Okay.
33:55 - Hold on.
33:56 Give me a second.
33:57 Let me settle in.
33:58 I just--
33:59 - All right, yeah.
33:59 Take your time.
34:00 - Climb fucking Mount Everest over there.
34:01 - Yeah.
34:02 Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit.
34:03 Hit it, hit it, hit it.
34:04 Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit.
34:07 It's them again.
34:10 - Terrible putt, Riggs.
34:12 - You're up, Riggs.
34:13 - First step of the day.
34:13 - What a fucking horrible putt.
34:15 (dramatic music)
34:18 - Nice putt, Riggs.
34:23 - Great shot, Riggs.
34:24 - Good five, guys.
34:25 - It's all me.
34:27 - It's all right.
34:28 - Nice putt.
34:33 - Good great putt.
34:34 - Thank you.
34:34 - Good putt, Kirk.
34:35 - We're good?
34:36 - Good.
34:37 - Good play, Kirk!
34:38 (clapping)
34:39 (upbeat music)
34:41 (dramatic music)
34:44 - Oh.
34:54 - Yes, Frankie!
34:55 - Keep turning, going in the direction
34:57 of the dog leg right.
34:58 Where will it land?
34:59 Tough to tell.
35:00 - We good?
35:01 We good?
35:02 - Yeah.
35:03 - Let's go, Frankie.
35:03 - Sam?
35:04 - Yes!
35:05 - What a shot!
35:06 - Let's go.
35:07 - Let's go, Frankie.
35:08 - It's wasting?
35:09 Oh.
35:10 - That's fine, that's fine, that's fine.
35:11 - What was that?
35:12 - What was it?
35:13 What did he say?
35:13 - He said it's in the waist area.
35:15 - It's a big celebration.
35:16 - If I'm in the fucking,
35:17 if I'm gonna black out,
35:18 I better be in the fucking fairway.
35:21 - We're good.
35:22 - All right.
35:22 - Frank.
35:23 - Attaboy.
35:26 - Good swing, good swing.
35:27 - Good shot, Frank.
35:28 - Perfect, perfect.
35:29 - It's gonna land in the middle of the fairway.
35:31 - Thank you.
35:31 - Perfect.
35:32 - I mean, that has to be what it feels like
35:33 to hit a shot on 18 and it gusts it.
35:34 - Yeah, I, yeah, no, I agree.
35:36 It can't get any better.
35:37 - I was blacked out.
35:38 Oh, he's fine, look, look.
35:40 - Oh, you're on the edge, look at that, you're on the edge.
35:42 - Oh my god, dude.
35:44 - Come on!
35:46 - Yeah, t's 139.
35:48 - It's 139?
35:49 - Yeah, but it's probably a one,
35:51 I think I want you to comfortably fly it low 140s,
35:55 'cause it's a little into the wind,
35:56 you feel a little bit. - All right.
35:58 - Where you got? - Seven.
35:59 - Okay, I like that.
36:00 Same shot you just hit.
36:01 - He's gonna take a shot.
36:04 - Nope.
36:05 Oh go, go, go, go, go, go!
36:06 Get that shit!
36:08 - Keep going, keep going!
36:11 Yes!
36:12 Dave, Riggs, hey, you guys are here.
36:14 Riggs, you're going the wrong way.
36:16 - Wish I was good.
36:17 - It's over there.
36:18 Riggs, you're going the wrong way!
36:20 - Fuck me.
36:21 - It's all right, hey, we've been gutsy all day.
36:25 - I think pretty easy shots.
36:27 - Low cut spinner, you like it?
36:30 - I'm playing to my ability.
36:33 - But you can't do that now.
36:34 You talked all kinds of shit.
36:36 - Yeah, I did.
36:37 - We're gonna need it if we win this match.
36:38 - Good angle for a layup.
36:45 - That's a great shot.
36:47 Great shot.
36:48 - Oh my God, sit.
36:53 - Sit!
36:54 - Sit, sit, sit.
36:55 - That's fine, that's fine.
36:57 - That's good, Chip.
36:58 - We're alive.
37:00 - Hey, hit a good shot, I'll make the putt.
37:02 Get that wedge up there, I'll make the putt.
37:04 - Not a good shot there.
37:05 - That wasn't bad.
37:06 - I mean, you guys are gonna make a seven.
37:07 I mean, I just play it safe.
37:08 - That's not safe.
37:09 - Oh, that's safe.
37:10 - Give him what you're gonna do here, put it in a bunker.
37:11 - That's safe.
37:12 I mean, that's not a good shot.
37:15 - You're going in the bunker, and that's gonna happen.
37:18 - If he holds this, I'll kill myself.
37:20 - Oh my God.
37:22 - Go in the hole, go in the hole, go in the hole.
37:25 - Sit, sit, sit!
37:27 - It's not a good shot.
37:28 - Sit!
37:30 - Good shot, Dave.
37:30 - Yes, great shot, dude.
37:32 Great shot, dude.
37:33 - Yep, just make sure you get on there and run it down.
37:34 There we go, we'll have two putts in a way.
37:36 - I'm not making that putt.
37:36 - I mean, I'm really just trying to land it right,
37:38 like maybe a foot on.
37:39 - Yeah, they're not making that putt.
37:40 - Yeah, yeah.
37:41 - Mother knifes, we need it now.
37:43 - Chip.
37:46 - Perfect.
37:46 - It's on top.
37:47 - It's turning.
37:49 - Beautiful, Frankie.
37:50 - Beautiful, Frankie.
37:51 - Give me a biannual.
37:52 - Great shot.
37:52 - Frankie, great shot.
37:53 - We can make that to win it.
37:54 - Looks like Riggs will have to hold this.
37:57 - Can you grab my putter?
37:58 Your putter.
37:59 - All right, Riggsie.
38:01 (dramatic music)
38:04 - All right, that's all you can do.
38:09 Make 'em make the putt.
38:10 Make 'em make the putt.
38:11 - Make 'em make the putt, Riggs.
38:12 - Make 'em make.
38:13 Make 'em make the putt, that's all you can do.
38:17 (dramatic music)
38:19 - Yes!
38:24 - Yes!
38:24 (cheering)
38:25 - We give you that.
38:26 - Dave, come on!
38:27 - We give you that.
38:28 - You guys are up two and three.
38:29 - That's good, that one's good.
38:29 - Come on!
38:30 - Good match.
38:31 - Let's go!
38:32 - We did what we need.
38:33 - What a bang!
38:34 - Tomorrow, when the winner takes the tournament,
38:34 no overtime.
38:35 - Let's go, Riggsie!
38:37 - That's all we needed, point and a half.
38:39 - Point and a half, point and a half, point and a half.
38:41 - Oh my God.
38:42 - Woo!
38:43 - I'm a fucking goal.
38:44 - Hey, what a chip!
38:45 - Ball here.
38:46 - What a chip!
38:47 - What a putt!
38:48 - Take that, oh man.
38:49 - That's all we needed, a point and a half.
38:50 - Let's fucking go.
38:51 - They crumbled.
38:52 - We're dead to rights.
38:53 - We need a point and a half.
38:54 - It didn't matter if we won or lost.
38:54 - You personally crumbled.
38:55 - We're dead to rights.
38:56 - Tell me about the differences.
38:57 - I don't know what the difference is.
38:58 - Nothing.
38:59 - I know you guys didn't hold on to it.
39:00 - We just needed a half a point.
39:00 - Nothing.
39:01 - We feel really good about that.
39:02 - A half a point change is nothing.
39:03 - That's it.
39:04 - We needed a half a point.
39:05 - Right.
39:05 - All right, day number two in the books.
39:06 Here in the 2023 Ryder Cup, presented by High Noon.
39:09 And Dave, after being down by two points entering the day,
39:12 it was an even split here in day two.
39:14 A point and a half each.
39:15 Now you guys still trail by two overall,
39:17 heading into the third and final day.
39:20 One match worth three points.
39:22 Where's team Portnoy's head at right now?
39:23 - Beautiful, if you remember what I said
39:25 in our pre-game interview,
39:27 I said we need a point and a half today.
39:28 A point and a half is all we're looking for.
39:30 It's exactly what we got.
39:32 We had a big lead, we did blow it,
39:33 but we're dead to rights on this hole.
39:35 Dead to rights.
39:36 They were walking off,
39:37 they were already giving the final score,
39:39 and then bam, up and down from there,
39:40 I hit a big chip, big putt from Riggs.
39:43 And I can't be happier.
39:44 I'm thrilled with, you know, it's an upset.
39:46 It was a big upset today, so I can't be happier.
39:48 - One match, three v three scramble tomorrow,
39:50 winner take all.
39:51 Would you like to announce who your three are now?
39:53 Or are you gonna take some time with it with your team?
39:55 - Do I look like the dumbest guy to ever live?
39:57 We'll take some time, we'll talk it out,
39:58 and we'll go tomorrow, we'll get back to you.
40:00 - All right, we'll see you tomorrow, good luck.
40:00 - All right, thank you.
40:01 - A point and a half each.
40:02 You guys entered today with a two point lead.
40:05 You exit today with a two point lead.
40:07 Where's team Big Cat's head at after day two?
40:09 - We're good, because if you remember back to Monday,
40:12 when team Portnoy was feeling themselves,
40:14 and they were saying guaranteed two one on Tuesday.
40:17 Yesterday we played very, very well.
40:19 Today not as well, but we wanna be where we're at
40:21 because we play better with our backs against the wall.
40:24 Now we gotta win the nine holes outright.
40:26 We're gonna do that.
40:27 I like my three guys better than their three guys.
40:30 I couldn't be more confident.
40:31 - Would you like to reveal your three?
40:32 Are you gonna take some time as well?
40:33 - I would love to reveal my three.
40:35 My team is on the floor.
40:36 It's Dan Rapaport, Kirk Minahan, and Frankie Borelli,
40:38 and those are the three best golfers tomorrow.
40:41 - All right, there you have it.
40:42 Kirk, Dan, and Frankie, good luck Big Cat tomorrow.
40:45 - Look at that, this guy,
40:47 keep your cameraman to yourself.
40:49 - Welcome to the third and final day
40:51 of the 2023 Ryder Cup presented by High Noon.
40:55 - Have a good game, everybody.
40:57 - Up top there.
40:58 - Thanks, Cap.
40:59 - You are dialed.
41:01 - Let's go, Frankie!
41:02 - Yes!
41:03 - My heart's gonna explode.
41:04 - I thought you said I wasn't gonna hit a shot
41:05 for the team, though.
41:06 - That's one. - Great shot, Kirk.
41:08 Great fucking shot, Kirk.
41:09 - It's a little sticky 'cause you nutted on it.
41:12 - Yikes, a little pressure!
41:14 - He has literally no idea what golf is.
41:16 He's fine, you're fine.
41:17 - Talk him down, Frankie.
41:19 - The money man!
41:20 - Uh-oh.
41:22 - Oh, money man!
41:24 - Yeah! - Money man!
41:27 Suck my dick, Dave!
41:28 That's the money man!
41:30 - 58 seconds in the tee box.
41:34 - But you ain't in the tee box, you ain't good enough.
41:35 - Frankie's knees are knocking.
41:37 - Just have a little bit of decorum.
41:38 - Fuck you, Francis!
41:42 (dramatic music)
41:44 (whooshing)
41:47 (whooshing)
41:49 (whooshing)
41:51 (whooshing)
41:54 (whooshing)
41:56 (whooshing)
41:58 (whooshing)
42:01 (whooshing)
