• 2 years ago


00:00 Wow, what a beautiful gift!
00:01 Let's open it now, Bella!
00:03 You're right, Monica!
00:05 Now we'll find out what's inside!
00:06 Ah! What a scary toy!
00:11 Throw it away!
00:12 It's moving!
00:14 Do you see this?
00:16 I think we should run away.
00:18 I can't move, I'm scared!
00:20 Where are we, Monica?
00:26 I've never been here before.
00:28 Hey! Hello, everyone!
00:30 Blue hearts!
00:35 Looks a little strange.
00:37 And why do we need a hammer?
00:39 I don't know but I'm sure something interesting is waiting for us.
00:42 I'm ready to see first.
00:44 I think I know what to do!
00:46 We need to break the heart!
00:47 Wow, look at the hole I made!
00:49 Oh my!
00:51 I can see what's in there!
00:53 This looks a lot like chocolate!
00:56 And inside there's some blue peppers that are weird.
00:59 Time to try it!
01:01 I was right!
01:02 This really is chocolate, and it's really tasty.
01:06 And these peppers aren't bad either.
01:08 Wow, so sweet!
01:10 Great, I like this beginning!
01:12 I want more!
01:14 It's a good thing I have so much.
01:15 Oh no, it turns out this was a chili pepper!
01:18 I'm gonna burn!
01:20 My ears are already steaming!
01:21 We need to do something now, hold on, Bella!
01:24 I have a fire extinguisher.
01:25 I'm gonna save you!
01:26 Thanks, Monica.
01:28 I feel a little better.
01:30 That's enough, turn it off.
01:31 I'm already soaking wet.
01:33 Sorry, I had to make sure we weren't gonna be any more danger.
01:38 You look a little rumpled.
01:40 Okay, you've come to your senses, I'm gonna start with my heart.
01:43 I hope there's no chili peppers.
01:45 Smells amazing!
01:46 I wanna lick it.
01:48 Now it's time to try it!
01:49 Wow!
01:51 Looks like chocolate too!
01:54 You're gonna be digging for a long time.
01:56 Monica, have you forgotten about the hammer?
01:58 Oh, thanks!
02:00 This is gonna be really useful.
02:01 Now I'm gonna find out what's inside!
02:04 I'm sure there's something delicious hidden there.
02:06 How cool!
02:08 I can't wait to see!
02:09 Um, there's something slimy!
02:13 Ugh, disgusting!
02:15 Worms!
02:16 In my opinion, this is quite good.
02:19 I think they're gummies!
02:21 Oh yeah!
02:22 I was right!
02:24 If you don't wanna eat this, Monica, then give it to me!
02:26 Hey, no way!
02:28 I need all the gummies for myself!
02:30 Wow, this is so sweet!
02:32 Cool!
02:33 I could eat these gummies from morning to night!
02:37 So delicious!
02:38 Monica, you look like an octopus!
02:41 What?
02:43 The main thing is that they're tasty.
02:44 Oh, I almost forgot about the chocolate heart!
02:46 Do you want a piece?
02:47 Thanks!
02:49 I agree.
02:51 Give up, Monica, you can't win against me!
02:54 Ow!
02:55 That hurts!
02:56 You pinned my finger!
02:57 Look, what's this?
02:59 It looks like a tiny toilet bowl.
03:01 What?
03:02 I don't understand why I need it.
03:03 And I have a beautiful palette of colors!
03:06 I'm way luckier than you, loser!
03:09 Stop calling me names, that's not nice!
03:11 Now I'm gonna take this and paint you!
03:14 What are you doing, Monica?
03:16 Stop it!
03:17 Don't touch me!
03:18 I'm gonna paint you!
03:19 Monica, stop it!
03:20 Don't draw anything on my face!
03:22 Well, that's it, now you're gonna get it from me!
03:24 I'm gonna paint you!
03:26 Hey, wait a second.
03:28 Where'd that wonderful smell come from?
03:30 Wow, it's my colors!
03:33 They're edible!
03:34 Huh?
03:35 You can eat that?
03:36 I didn't know!
03:37 This is easy!
03:38 It's so tasty!
03:41 By the way, I've thought of something.
03:42 Now I'll draw an edible picture!
03:45 I'm sure you've never seen anything like this before!
03:47 Look how beautiful it is!
03:49 I'm a born artist.
03:50 Don't flatter yourself.
03:52 In my opinion, that's not the case at all.
03:54 Admit that you just don't know anything about art.
03:57 Look what I got!
03:59 Edible sweet lips!
04:00 Woah!
04:01 Why can't I get them off the table?
04:04 They're stuck together!
04:06 I need to pull a little harder.
04:09 I don't have strength anymore, but I have a brilliant idea!
04:12 I know what to do with these lips!
04:13 I'll pick them up with a stick.
04:16 Then it'll be easier to lift them.
04:18 Oops, I got my forehead all dirty.
04:20 They're so clumsy.
04:22 But I have my lips!
04:25 Time to try them!
04:27 Wow, so delicious!
04:30 I like these three-dimensional drawings!
04:34 I'm pretty happy!
04:35 It's really funny to watch you, Bella.
04:40 You look like a big kid!
04:41 Time for me to deal with what I received!
04:44 Chewing gum!
04:45 Time for me to deal with what I received!
04:47 Chupa Chups!
04:48 Cool, give me a lick!
04:52 What have you done, Bella?
04:55 Now it's covered in your drool!
04:57 Take that, I don't want to eat it.
04:59 Thanks so much, that's really generous of you, Monica!
05:02 I completely forgot about the toilet!
05:05 I wonder why I need it.
05:06 Wow, there's something inside!
05:08 Look, Bella, it looks like some kind of powder!
05:11 I get it!
05:13 It's like pop rocks!
05:16 Wow!
05:17 So you need to dip the lollipop in it now!
05:19 With the fizz, it's even tastier!
05:22 Stop taking my food!
05:24 You're breaking all the rules again.
05:26 You won't get any more of this!
05:28 I'm gonna eat every last crumb myself!
05:29 Wow, that's sour!
05:32 I think I overdid it!
05:33 I really need to sneeze!
05:34 Monica, you're making me sneeze, too!
05:37 What have you done?
05:39 I'm sorry!
05:40 Probably because of the fizz.
05:42 Now it's in the air!
05:43 Achoo!
05:44 Achoo!
05:44 Achoo!
05:45 Achoo!
05:45 Achoo!
05:46 Weird, our food is missing.
05:50 Here it is, Bella!
05:52 I don't understand what this is.
05:54 Looks like a typewriter.
05:57 And a gun at the same time!
05:58 Just think!
06:00 You'd better look at what I got!
06:02 It's a bow and arrow, wow!
06:03 I've always wanted to try shooting!
06:06 Wow, I did it!
06:08 I think I'll roll over.
06:11 What's that?
06:12 Oops, wrong hit.
06:14 That was awkward.
06:15 Delicious!
06:17 Looks like caramel!
06:18 Thanks whoever shot me with this arrow!
06:20 Now I understand everything!
06:23 My arrows are edible!
06:24 That's it!
06:26 It's caramel!
06:27 All right, Monica, now watch!
06:30 Don't shoot me!
06:32 You're such a coward, relax, I was only joking!
06:35 The arrow's going straight in my mouth,
06:38 You have nothing to fear.
06:40 Mmm, it's so delicious, I can't tear myself away!
06:42 I don't want this to ever end!
06:44 I see you're doing great!
06:48 Time for me to deal with my gun.
06:51 Now Bella, watch out!
06:53 I'm not kidding, I have a gun, hands up!
06:56 What the heck is this?
06:57 Enough, Monica!
06:58 What?
07:00 It's Hulk's soap bubbles!
07:02 Stop, now!
07:03 Stop.
07:04 Come on, don't be so boring!
07:06 It's so much fun!
07:07 Yeah!
07:09 You just don't know how to use it.
07:10 See?
07:11 Everything works!
07:14 Here are your bubbles.
07:16 Oh great!
07:17 Keep going, Bella!
07:18 She's acting like a kid.
07:20 Hmm, what do I see?
07:24 There's something here!
07:25 Looks like candy!
07:26 What a surprise!
07:27 I need to get them now and try them out!
07:31 How cool!
07:31 Sure they're delicious!
07:35 Oh yeah, I like them!
07:36 Bella, the bubbles are running out!
07:38 Come on, do more!
07:39 What are you chewing?
07:40 I see, there was candy in my gun.
07:44 And you didn't even share it.
07:45 That's not quite what you think.
07:48 Turned out that there wasn't candy, there was chewing gum.
07:51 All right!
07:53 All right, you asked for it.
07:54 I'm gonna burst this bubble.
07:56 Let's see how you talk then.
07:57 OH MY GOD!
08:03 What have you done, Monica?
08:04 Now I'm covered in gum!
08:05 I'm not gonna forgive you for that.
08:14 Can I lift my lid first?
08:15 Thanks!
08:16 You're so nice.
08:17 Wow, a whole cup of fresh berries!
08:20 I love blueberries!
08:21 Try it now!
08:23 Already?
08:25 I wanna know right away that you won't get anything.
08:27 Mmm, how ripe!
08:29 This is super!
08:30 I just love it!
08:32 What do you have, Monica?
08:33 We're gonna find out now!
08:35 Mmm, looks like a candy machine!
08:37 But why is it empty?
08:38 I'll try take a closer look.
08:40 Oh, I think there's something in there after all.
08:42 You just need to get it out.
08:44 Aw, it doesn't work.
08:45 Oh, I got it!
08:47 I need to click the button!
08:48 Exactly, it works!
08:50 This is so exciting!
08:53 I'd like to play that at least once.
08:57 Some other time.
09:01 Now is my finest hour!
09:04 Ahaha!
09:05 Mmm, the delicious candy!
09:09 I'm happy for you, keep going!
09:14 Sure thing!
09:16 I'm just getting started.
09:17 This game is a little addictive.
09:19 And I like these sweet rewards in the end.
09:22 I think it's getting boring here.
09:24 I don't know what to do with myself anymore.
09:28 I'm tired of just eating these berries.
09:33 Wait, stop!
09:34 I think I have a brilliant idea.
09:36 Monica, what if we put my berries in your vending machine?
09:39 I don't know what will happen in the end but it's worth a try.
09:42 I don't mind!
09:43 Go ahead!
09:43 Okay, I'm sure it'll be something cool.
09:49 Then try it now, Bella!
09:51 Hooray! I won the first berry!
09:55 Congratulate me!
09:56 Eating berries is so much more fun now.
09:58 Seems to me that they're even tastier than before.
10:01 Monica, you try it too!
10:03 Yes!
10:04 Wow, thanks!
10:05 Look, I got it on the first try!
10:09 I'm pretty good at this.
10:10 You're right!
10:11 Your berry's even tastier.
10:12 Your move!
10:14 All right, I'll take it.
10:17 Ten out of ten!
10:20 Come here, you sweet berry, I'll eat you!
10:21 We're such a great team!
10:25 Let's keep going, Bella!
10:31 Something tells me that something delicious is waiting for us.
10:34 I have to disagree.
10:37 It seems like something really spicy is in this box.
10:40 Oh no!
10:41 I don't want spicy food!
10:43 I'm afraid!
10:44 Come on, don't worry, you haven't even tried it yet.
10:47 I'll buy you some time and start first.
10:49 I really want to know what's inside this syringe!
10:52 Wow!
10:54 A delicious rain, cool!
10:55 You're right, it's delicious!
11:00 This means there's something inside this bag!
11:05 And it's a treat!
11:09 It's like some kind of powder!
11:11 Mmm!
11:13 It's fizz, wow!
11:15 Whoa!
11:19 What an effect!
11:20 I like it!
11:22 It feels really cool!
11:24 I want to eat it all at once!
11:25 Oh, this is strange.
11:28 I think that was too much.
11:29 I feel like I'm turning inside out.
11:32 I don't think your tongue should be blue.
11:35 I think that was too much.
11:38 Yeah, help me!
11:39 I think you need to clear up your blue infection.
11:44 Thanks so much, that really helped!
11:45 I thought I was going to be stuck with a blue tongue for the rest of my life.
11:49 Susie, now it's your turn to see what's in the box.
11:52 But I know what's in there.
11:56 I'm sure that there's something very spicy inside.
11:59 I love chips, of course, but…
12:01 I'm not gonna like this one.
12:04 I can feel it.
12:05 What a nightmare!
12:07 My tongue feels like it's melting already!
12:09 I don't want to eat this kind of stuff.
12:11 Of course I understand, but according to the rules, you have to do it.
12:14 Otherwise, why are we even playing this game?
12:16 Okay, but if I start a fire, you're putting it out, Jess!
12:21 Uh oh!
12:22 I can already feel something really unpleasant coming!
12:25 AHHHHH!
12:26 Weird, she's been gone for a long time.
12:43 Ah!
12:44 I think I see her coming!
12:46 I'm here!
12:47 That was the longest and scariest flight of my life!
12:51 You almost killed me!
12:53 Don't shout!
12:55 It was fun!
12:56 I even liked it!
12:58 Well, well, looks like I have some kind of crocodile!
13:07 Looks cute!
13:07 What does it do?
13:09 Ouch!
13:11 Oh, how cool!
13:12 It's like he's really alive!
13:15 Suzy, my little crocodile wants to bite you!
13:17 I don't have time for that!
13:19 I need to open mine!
13:21 Yours can wait, my crocodile wants to bite you!
13:24 Hey!
13:25 Gimme that!
13:26 That hurts!
13:27 Wow, I don't think it's just a crocodile.
13:33 It's a crocodile on the outside but a delicious lollipop on the inside!
13:36 My lollipop!
13:38 It's mine so I'm gonna be the one to suck on it!
13:43 You should open yours.
13:46 That's right!
13:48 Oh?
13:50 This isn't a yummy treat, it's a button!
13:53 Maybe if I click it, something cool will appear!
13:55 What's going on?
13:58 I'm scared!
13:59 Bro!
14:02 What is this?
14:05 Why is everything so weird?
14:07 What are you doing?
14:11 Oh my god!
14:16 Seems like it's something very dangerous.
14:21 Nooooo!
14:23 Why are you tying us up?
14:32 He said we can only eat it if we have gloves on.
14:40 Strange.
14:42 If I can't even touch it with my hands, how am I supposed to eat it?
14:46 Well, you gotta try it!
14:49 Tell me how it is!
14:50 I don't feel very hungry for some reason.
14:52 But I hope it's just a really delicious candy!
14:56 Uh oh.
15:00 Uh oh.
15:02 So sour!
15:08 I love sour candy!
15:12 I'll try to eat it myself!
15:14 I like that!
15:17 I want some more candy!
15:18 Hey!
15:20 Jess!
15:20 Why did you eat all of it?
15:22 I feel strange.
15:26 This has never happened to me before.
15:27 Ah!
15:28 Something's wrong with me!
15:29 Of course you eat a whole jar of super sour candies!
15:33 I need to take cover, so I don't get hit by anything!
15:36 Look!
15:39 The candy's burned a hole through the chair!
15:40 Can you imagine what they're doing to your insides?
15:49 Strange.
15:50 I have some kind of toilet.
15:52 And I have gummy eyeballs!
15:55 Yeah, not just one but a whole bunch!
15:57 That's really cool.
16:00 What should I do with this toilet?
16:02 While you think about it, I'm gonna enjoy my goodies.
16:05 Woah!
16:06 I really wanna know how delicious they are!
16:08 Oh my gosh!
16:11 There's so much syrup inside!
16:13 This is so cool!
16:14 Yeah.
16:16 These gummy eyeballs are really delicious!
16:19 Look!
16:20 I can play with them and eat them!
16:23 It's as if they were real eyes!
16:26 Eating them is so much fun!
16:28 I wanna eat them all at once!
16:31 Cool!
16:34 How was that?
16:34 Help me!
16:35 Ahem.
16:36 What should I do?
16:38 How can I help?
16:40 That's it!
16:40 When I have something stuck, I use a plunger!
16:46 However, usually it's in a slightly different situation.
16:50 Turns out I saved your life!
16:54 Yeah!
16:55 I'm really grateful to you.
16:57 Now let's try your toilet!
16:58 What is that thing anyway?
17:01 Yeah, time to find out!
17:03 Why I need a toilet, I don't know.
17:07 But I know exactly why they gave me some choopa-choops!
17:10 They're so yummy!
17:11 Where's the other one?
17:13 Jess, give it back!
17:16 You're so greedy!
17:17 You didn't ask my permission, you little thief!
17:23 I wanna try this powder that's inside the toilet bowl!
17:28 Yeah!
17:29 It's sour!
17:31 It adds an extra cool touch to the choopa-choops!
17:35 Since I don't have a choopa-choop,
17:37 I can try the powder with my finger!
17:39 I'm sure it's really tasty!
17:43 Ah!
17:44 Oh no!
17:45 Oh, I'm sorry!
17:49 What have I done?!
17:50 I'll pull your finger out of your nose!
17:53 It's my fault!
17:54 Hooray!
17:59 Thank you!
17:59 I told you I'd help!
18:01 Can I open mine first?
18:05 I really wanna know what's waiting for me inside!
18:07 Oh my gosh, what a surprise!
18:09 A whole bunch of strawberries!
18:12 Strawberries, by the way, are my favorite berry!
18:14 I'm gonna eat as many of them as I want!
18:17 But just eating them is boring.
18:21 We need to find a more interesting way.
18:24 That's what I'm talking about!
18:27 A cool berry trick!
18:29 What do you think, Jess?
18:30 Cool, I liked it!
18:31 And that's not all!
18:32 I can throw the berries as much as I want!
18:35 And catch them!
18:36 It's so fun!
18:37 Cool.
18:40 I guess Susie wouldn't mind if I try at least one strawberry, too.
18:43 Of course I would mind!
18:48 So before I get mad, give me back that berry!
18:53 You wanted to steal my delicious treat!
18:56 You should be ashamed of yourself.
18:58 I just wanted something delicious!
19:01 So open your own lid.
19:03 See if there's something delicious under it.
19:06 What a brilliant idea!
19:08 Wow, it's a lollipop!
19:10 It's so big and beautiful.
19:12 I wonder what's inside.
19:13 AHH! It's a cockroach!
19:17 I definitely won't eat that!
19:19 What are you afraid of?
19:20 The cockroach is inside, it can't even move!
19:24 So eat it!
19:25 I'll help you.
19:26 How's it going?
19:28 I told you it wasn't a big deal.
19:30 Yeah, so far everything's fine.
19:32 AHH! The cockroach!
19:35 It's on the stick!
19:35 Where?
19:38 I got it!
19:39 I'll kill it!
19:40 Where did it go?
19:46 Now he's on the slipper!
19:49 AHH!
19:49 Finally no more cockroach.
19:53 No, he's here!
19:57 He's right on top of my head!
19:58 Save me!
19:59 I've got my own slipper which is ten times bigger!
20:04 It'll kill that cockroach for sure!
20:09 AHH!
20:10 On Maltedoo you can always find the coolest challenges and competitions!
20:17 They're not only fun, but super appetizing!
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