00:00 What a nice dream…
00:02 My boy's still asleep!
00:04 It's time to get up, Quentin!
00:06 Wake up, son!
00:08 Hey, Quentin, can you hear me?
00:10 Quentin, get up!
00:11 Oh, open your eyes!
00:14 C'mon, let me help you!
00:16 Clearly this isn't working.
00:19 Well, I'll have to try something else.
00:20 Wait! Maybe I'll tickle him with a feather!
00:26 Don't disturb me, I'm sleeping.
00:28 I think I've tried everything possible.
00:31 Hey, wait a second, I have another idea!
00:33 I'll need the water pistol!
00:36 I have to fill it up now.
00:37 Hey, what's going on?
00:53 Why is it so cold?
00:54 Who's there?
00:55 Maybe I just imagined it.
00:57 No, Quentin, you're not imagining anything.
01:00 It's mom! Get up!
01:01 I don't understand why I'm soaking wet!
01:03 Quentin, good morning!
01:04 You're already awake!
01:05 Wow, and my plan worked!
01:07 He didn't suspect a thing!
01:08 Feels so good to just lie around on the couch and do nothing.
01:16 This is my favorite hobby.
01:17 If it were possible, I would spend my whole life like this.
01:20 Oh, the phone's ringing.
01:23 I don't want to get up to pick it up.
01:26 I'll try to reach.
01:27 Why is it so far away?
01:29 I can't get it.
01:30 That's fine.
01:32 I don't think the call was very important anyways.
01:34 I'll just keep watching the show.
01:35 Hey, Jess!
01:36 Why are you lying around?
01:38 Come for a run with me!
01:39 For a run?
01:40 Mom, are you serious?
01:42 I don't want to!
01:43 It's not good to just lay around all the time.
01:46 You need to move!
01:47 I'll move my hand, put the chips into my mouth.
01:50 Chips!
01:52 Well, thanks for giving me a great idea!
01:54 I know how to get you up!
01:56 It's time for a little nap.
01:58 Oh, what do I see?
02:00 A new jar of chips!
02:02 Wow!
02:03 It looks so pretty!
02:04 I want it!
02:05 Well, you'll have to get up to get it, Jessica!
02:09 That's it, well done!
02:10 And now we're running!
02:12 I don't understand if the chips are so close!
02:17 Why can't I reach them?
02:18 You'll need to run a little more!
02:21 You can do it, Jessica!
02:24 You can do it, you're really close to your goal!
02:27 Don't stop, Jess!
02:28 Okay, Mom, thanks for the support!
02:32 It's good to have you around!
02:34 To be honest, I'm already a little tired of running myself.
02:38 I think we need a couple more laps and then we can go home.
02:43 Hooray, I finally got the chips!
02:45 Wow!
02:46 I need to try them now!
02:47 Enjoy your meal, you earned it!
02:50 And it's time for me to rest!
02:51 Get ready, Jess!
02:52 You and I are gonna brush our teeth!
02:55 No, Dad, I don't wanna brush my teeth!
02:57 What do you mean?
02:58 You have to!
02:59 Why don't you take your favorite pink toothbrush?
03:01 Yeah!
03:03 No!
03:05 You can't make me open my mouth!
03:06 Oh, you think I can't?
03:08 Ah, I know what you need!
03:10 A real huge toothbrush!
03:12 Dad, you're scaring me!
03:13 I'm not scaring you!
03:14 I'm just going to brush my teeth!
03:15 No, you're not!
03:16 You're not going to brush your teeth!
03:17 I'm going to brush my teeth!
03:19 I'm going to brush my teeth!
03:20 No, you're not!
03:20 Dad, you're scaring me!
03:22 That's so big!
03:23 Stop, Jess!
03:26 You have to brush your teeth!
03:27 I need to hide so that Dad won't find me!
03:30 Where'd she go?
03:33 I just saw her right here!
03:34 Oh, I think he's gone!
03:36 I'm right here, Jess!
03:39 Open your mouth!
03:39 I told you no!
03:41 You can't get away from me!
03:44 Stop!
03:44 We'll see about that!
03:49 Stop!
03:50 I think something's wrong!
03:51 Gimme the brush!
03:52 That's another matter!
03:55 Run, Jess!
03:55 I'm so hungry!
03:57 I said stop!
03:59 What's going on here?
04:01 Dad, leave me alone!
04:04 That's enough, why don't you tell me what's going on?
04:07 I just want Jess to brush her teeth, that's all!
04:14 Watch and learn.
04:15 Jess, I have something for you!
04:17 Wow, my favorite toy!
04:19 Thanks, Mom, I love it so much!
04:20 That was brilliant!
04:25 I still have a lot to learn from you, that's for sure.
04:29 But I meant well.
04:31 I have so much work today.
04:39 I need to concentrate.
04:41 Hey, Dad, let's play!
04:42 Jess, I really need to brush my teeth.
04:46 Jess, I really don't have time, I'm working here!
04:49 But just ten minutes!
04:50 Come on!
04:51 I told you no!
04:54 I'm busy!
04:54 Can you change your mind?
04:56 If you do, I'll leave you alone!
04:58 No!
05:00 I won't change my mind, that's enough!
05:04 You're so boring, Dad.
05:06 So what should I do?
05:08 Whoa, this gum is stretchy!
05:11 Wow!
05:12 What the heck is this?
05:15 When is this finally gonna end?
05:17 Jess, you're interrupting me!
05:20 Please let me concentrate!
05:23 Showing off in front of me, I can't take this anymore, my head's gonna explode!
05:28 What have you done, Dad?
05:32 I'm sorry, it was an accident.
05:33 You ruined my favorite t-shirt!
05:35 I'm gonna tell Mom everything.
05:37 Stop!
05:38 Calm down, I know what to do!
05:40 How is ice gonna help us?
05:45 Well now I can freeze the gum!
05:46 Then we can easily pull it off your t-shirt!
05:49 Give it a try!
05:50 Wow!
05:52 That turned out to be true!
05:54 Cool!
05:55 Now I can chew it again!
05:56 Look how stretchy it is!
05:58 Jess, I'm not playing, just like I said.
06:03 You're so boring.
06:04 Oops, I forgot to get rid of the ice!
06:07 My hands!
06:07 Can't feel them!
06:10 Ooh, that's much better!
06:11 All right, gotta get to work!
06:14 Let's go!
06:15 Woohoo!
06:15 I got to the next level!
06:17 Oh no, I'm being attacked!
06:18 Never mind, I can defend myself!
06:20 Whoa!
06:21 Now I have a new task!
06:24 All the chips are over!
06:26 All right, I'll keep playing!
06:27 Good morning, Quentin!
06:29 I hope I didn't distract you!
06:30 Why is it so slow?
06:35 Come on, let's go!
06:36 Good job, we did it!
06:37 I need to take a little break,
06:40 and watch a couple multi-do videos.
06:41 Quentin? Are you still at your computer?
06:48 It's been half the day!
06:49 This is so funny!
06:52 I love these challenges!
06:53 All right, if I can rest, I can play.
06:56 Come on, buddy!
06:57 Don't get lazy!
06:59 I'm getting hungry.
07:00 It doesn't hurt to have a snack every now and then.
07:03 Let's keep going.
07:04 I came to say goodnight, Quentin.
07:06 Are you still at the monitor?
07:07 It's time to put an end to this.
07:10 Quentin? I'm here!
07:12 Mom, don't bother me! Can't you see I'm busy?
07:16 I need something to distract you now.
07:17 I hate books.
07:20 No!
07:20 Maybe a Rubik's cube?
07:24 No! That's so boring!
07:27 Okay, I'll look at other options.
07:30 I don't like drawing.
07:32 No!
07:33 Nothing helps!
07:36 There must be some way out!
07:37 Mom, just don't bother me!
07:40 I got it!
07:41 Since you love games so much, why not bring them to life?
07:47 I'm sure you'll like this.
07:49 See you later, Quentin!
07:51 Bye, mom!
07:52 Hey, you forgot to turn off the light!
07:53 Oh no!
07:56 Huggy buggy!
07:57 He almost grabbed me!
07:59 I need to be more careful.
08:01 It's him again!
08:03 This is terrifying!
08:04 All right, calm down.
08:05 The main thing is not to be nervous.
08:07 You're right, Quentin.
08:10 You better pull yourself together.
08:12 'Cause Huggy buggy, very, very close.
08:15 Closer than you think.
08:17 I'm not gonna worry.
08:18 It's okay, Huggy buggy can't catch me.
08:20 Weird, I thought I saw someone come in the room.
08:22 No, it seems clear.
08:23 I guess I must've been imagining things.
08:25 I'll keep playing.
08:26 It's me, Quentin!
08:27 Hi, Huggy buggy!
08:28 Nice to meet you!
08:29 Ha! He believed it!
08:34 I came up with such a cool idea!
08:39 Do I see Quentin reading a book?
08:41 What a good little boy.
08:42 Why don't you play a game?
08:44 Play!
08:44 I don't think that's a good idea.
08:52 No!
08:53 I really don't want to.
08:54 No way!
08:55 I'm so proud of you.
08:56 This 3D pen is the greatest invention of our time!
09:01 You can do anything with it!
09:03 Soon we're gonna have a whole set of different tools!
09:07 Ha ha ha!
09:09 Dad, you have no idea what happened!
09:14 It's a total nightmare!
09:15 I don't know what to do!
09:16 Stop!
09:17 Calm down, Jess.
09:18 Tell me everything.
09:19 What don't you get?
09:21 I already told you everything.
09:22 You didn't tell me anything at all!
09:26 Here, look.
09:28 I tore my favorite sneaker.
09:30 Well, that's not as bad as I thought.
09:36 I know how to fix everything, don't worry.
09:38 I already have an idea.
09:39 What's your idea, dad?
09:42 I'll make a beautiful patch with this 3D pen.
09:47 You'll love it, you'll see.
09:48 Hope it turns out pretty.
09:50 No doubt about it!
09:53 I'm a professional.
09:54 Look at what a cute little heart there is.
09:57 We'll put it right on the hole.
10:00 Show me what happened!
10:03 That's so cool!
10:04 Thanks, dad!
10:05 You're welcome.
10:06 Let me know if you need anything else.
10:08 Now I know what to do.
10:09 It's time to put my sneakers in order, too.
10:13 We have a lot of work here.
10:15 I'm gonna need a lot of different patches.
10:17 Thanks for inviting me over!
10:22 We haven't seen each other in a hundred years!
10:24 Have a seat!
10:25 Let's find out which one of us is stronger.
10:29 Of course, I'll beat you as usual.
10:32 That's a cheat!
10:34 That's a challenge!
10:35 Let's see!
10:36 Don't break, Andy!
10:38 I'm stronger than you!
10:42 Wow, I really can't resist!
10:44 I told you, weakling!
10:48 Well done, Andy!
10:50 Hey, what's this supposed to mean?
10:54 What's wrong with your sneakers?
10:55 Oh, my sneakers!
10:59 I forgot about those!
11:00 Well, this is kind of awkward.
11:03 Awkward, are you serious?
11:04 They look amazing!
11:05 I want some for myself!
11:06 Really?
11:08 Well, I made 'em myself!
11:09 Our parents have lots of tricks and life hacks that are really useful!
11:19 Keep this in mind, and always go to them if you need advice.
11:23 Well, we wish you good luck!
11:25 See you soon!