• 2 years ago
(Adnkronos) - “Noi come azienda abbiamo sempre voluto non delocalizzare quindi produrre tutti i nostri materiali in Italia. Tutta la filiera è fatta in Italia, per cui il nostro credo è sempre stato produzione made inItaly a tutti i costi e questo ci ha premiato con una crescita costante sotto tutti i punti di vista.”
“Crediamo molto al progetto di formare a tutti i livelli i posatori del settore perché altrimenti la ceramica potrebbe risentirne. Le ceramiche sono le aziende di riferimento a livello internazionale come innovazione; noi operatori parliamo di accessori finiture e sistemi di posa, siamo altrettanto importanti nella filiera, però senza il posatore certificato e che sia portato a conoscenza di tutti i materiali e sistema di posa il settore potrebbe soffrirne spiega Dennis Bordin Amministratore Delegato di Progress Profiles Spa al Cersaie 2023, Salone internazionale della ceramica per l'architettura e dell'arredobagno, di Bologna.


00:00 For almost 40 years Progress Profile is a world leader company in the production of technical and decorative profiles of finishes,
00:07 as well as of posing systems, patent solutions for interiors and exteriors, intended for commercial residential buildings.
00:15 The one of 2023 is the 25th participation at the Bologna Fair to bring quality, made in Italy and innovation.
00:22 We are a company that in our DNA we have always wanted to produce and not to delocalize,
00:31 therefore produce all our materials in Italy, with raw materials, all the supply chain is made in Italy,
00:39 so our, I think, has always been production made in Italy at all costs and has rewarded us with a constant growth from all points of view.
00:51 The company has been pursuing for years a sharp internationalization policy with three subsidiaries abroad,
00:56 America, the Middle East and Spain, and a network of agents developed capillary in 80 countries around the world.
01:02 The range of solutions proposed is the result of the continuous commitment to research, development of products that combine functionality,
01:08 technological innovation, high quality materials and design, with quality certification.
01:14 And also for Progress Profile, training and recognition at the institutional level of the role of the poser are very important for the entire ceramic sector.
01:23 We strongly believe in the project of training at all levels the poser of the sector,
01:31 because otherwise the ceramics could be heard in the ceramics,
01:35 they are the companies of reference at the international level as innovation.
01:39 We operators of accessories, finishes and posing systems are also very important in the industry,
01:47 but without the certified poser and brought to know all the materials and the posing system, the sector could suffer.
01:59 Asoposa, as Progress Profiles, is a company that believes very much in training.
02:05 I am one of the promoters in trying to bring it to the institutional level, in schools for example.
02:14 We must raise awareness in institutions, because like the figure of the electrician or the hydraulic,
02:23 we must reach the goal of certifying, giving a very clear role, and also certified at the national level,
02:32 and not only with the other international entities, the position of the poser, which is fundamental in our industry.
02:41 I believe that the initiative of Asoposa, together with other players in the market,
02:46 and together with other international associations, we must really focus on this goal.
02:52 T-Roll.
