Celebrating Great Educators, Past and Present

  • last year
Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an was among those attending a temple ceremony marking the birthday of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. The date is observed as Teachers' Day in much of the Chinese-speaking world.
00:00 The Confucius Temple in Taipei has hosted a ceremony to mark the Chinese philosopher's birth.
00:06 [Chinese music]
00:14 Taipei Mayor Jiang Wen'an joined the procession to pay his respects to the influential thinker.
00:20 This year marks the 2,573 years since Confucius was born, and it's no coincidence
00:26 September 28th is also Teacher's Day in much of the Chinese-speaking world.
00:31 The occasion celebrates the efforts of educators, where students often present teachers with gifts to show their gratitude.
