• 2 years ago
He Stole the Show- - Reaction to What Gavin Newsom Said at the GOP Debate


00:00 I think Mike Pence is done.
00:01 I think Mike Pence needs to just step away.
00:04 It's too much, man.
00:05 Like Mike is, he is the cure for insomnia.
00:09 He's a sweetheart of a guy, nice guy, but when he talks, here's how he answers questions.
00:13 Ask me a question.
00:14 Okay.
00:15 So, Mike, how do you feel about the influx of all these illegals coming over the border?
00:19 How would you stop it?
00:22 First of all, Vinny, I appreciate you for asking me this great question at the Ronald
00:30 Reagan library.
00:32 Yes, we know where we are, Mike.
00:34 With all these great folks here.
00:36 They're very great.
00:37 And I'm thankful for my peers.
00:39 I'm like, dude, get to the freaking point.
00:42 Holy every freaking time.
00:44 You want to give a 15 minute acceptance speech of winning an Oscar?
00:47 Tell me your point.
00:48 Yeah, and he has 30 seconds.
00:49 You ain't got a lot of time.
00:51 So I think Mike Pence needs to step out.
00:52 I think Doug, believe it or not, Doug got some of the biggest applause.
00:56 Really live.
00:57 He's got good policies, man.
00:58 The guy's got really good policies.
01:00 Sensible policies, but no salesmanship.
01:02 Yeah, because he's a business guy and he's a political guy.
01:04 So he's got the combination.
01:06 Something most of these guys on stage don't have.
01:08 Vivek has business, but doesn't have politics.
01:10 Doug's got both, but Doug just doesn't have the, he doesn't have it to carry the weight
01:15 as a president.
01:16 Okay.
01:17 So to me, losers, Mike Pence, for sure.
01:20 It just was not a good look.
01:22 Winners for me was Nikki Haley at the top.
01:26 She showed up even to the point where some Republicans right now, this was Reuters last
01:30 night.
01:31 Some Republican donors now eye Haley as the best hope against Trump.
01:34 Reuters.
01:35 What?
01:36 This is the story that just came out yesterday.
01:39 Republican donors are increasingly considering Nikki Haley as a viable alternative to Donald
01:42 Trump as Florida governor Ron DeSantis faces campaign challenges and Trump's continued
01:46 dominance.
01:47 Some donors initially supporting DeSantis are now open to donating to Haley, citing
01:51 her strong presence in the first Republican debate and her focus on foreign policy.
01:55 They are concerned about DeSantis's ability and view Haley's relatively youth as an advantage.
02:00 By the way, Haley's only 51 years old.
02:01 She looks great.
02:02 She's strong.
02:03 She's got a great background.
02:04 She's done a lot of great things.
02:05 Despite the growing interest in Haley, Trump remains a formidable force in the Republican
02:08 race.
02:09 So I thought Haley did good and I think two other people won.
02:11 The other person that I think was a winner was Newsom and Trump.
02:15 So check this out.
02:16 The debate ends.
02:17 OK, Fox is doing this debate.
02:20 The debate ends.
02:21 Do you know who's sitting out there with Sean Hannity right after the debate talking to
02:27 Sean Hannity about all the issues, calling Sean Hannity Pinocchio in front of his face
02:32 saying your nose is growing?
02:34 What?
02:35 Stop lying about what's going on with us being energy efficient.
02:38 It's the highest it's ever been under Biden.
02:40 They're going back and forth this conversation that they're having.
02:42 They're not talking about how much it costs to transfer the oil from other places to here.
02:46 He's just talking about how much we've been the most, you know, oil, what do you call
02:51 it?
02:52 Independent.
02:53 Independent.
02:54 So then he goes and somebody asked him a question about the Newsom and DeSantis debate.
02:59 You have to play this clip.
03:01 This to me, he stole the show with this answer.
03:03 Just watch this here.
03:04 Make this bigger.
03:05 Let them see it.
03:06 So watch this.
03:07 The guy's going to ask him about the debate he and DeSantis are having.
03:11 Vinny, have you seen this?
03:12 I haven't seen this one.
03:13 By the way, this is this clip is going to give you the chills all over your body.
03:18 OK, Rob, go ahead and play this.
03:20 This week we learned that it's going to happen, a debate between you and Ron DeSantis, November
03:26 30th, Fox News Channel, Sean Hannity in Georgia without a crowd.
03:31 Just the two of you.
03:32 Why are you doing that and what is your strategy?
03:34 Well, I don't know if that's the right question.
03:37 Why is he doing it is the right question.
03:39 Right.
03:40 He's running.
03:41 I'm not sure after tonight.
03:42 Wow.
03:43 But currently he's running for president of the United States.
03:46 And yet he wants to debate.
03:47 Do you think you'll still be a candidate November 30th?
03:49 That's an open ended question.
03:50 Part of me wonders if, you know, the fact that he took this debate, the fact that he
03:57 took the bait in relationship to this debate shows that he's completely unqualified to
04:01 be president of the United States.
04:03 That's my humble first person.
04:04 Listen, keep listening.
04:05 Of course.
04:06 I mean, why is he debating a guy who's not even running for president when he's running
04:09 for president?
04:10 Why is he showing up at the Reagan Library, hallowed ground, and he puts out an ad today,
04:14 not for his presidential campaign, to promote a debate against the governor of California?
04:18 Listen, I mean, this guy's distracted.
04:21 So I don't know that he has it in his heart.
04:23 Watch what I think.
04:24 Here's my personal opinion about Ron DeSantis.
04:26 He regrets running for president.
04:28 He made a huge mistake.
04:30 He listened to his consultants.
04:32 He bought his own hype.
04:34 He had this little glad God complex.
04:35 I mean, look at the ads themselves.
04:37 Literally God created.
04:38 I mean, he bought into all this stuff and he quickly regretted it, but he stuck.
04:43 And here's the problem.
04:44 He had one chance of first impression.
04:46 He's belly flopped.
04:47 He's down 30 plus points from where he started.
04:49 So it's a terrible situation for him.
04:53 Wow.
04:54 Well, he crushed that.
04:55 Listen, I couldn't care less.
04:56 I left California because of people like this.
05:00 But what a like that.
05:02 When you think of a presidential speaking, but like balls and that's the guy, even though
05:07 I would never obviously vote for this type of guy because.
05:10 But then Pat, he's very good.
05:12 What a great points.
05:13 But he's very good at saying something really, really, really good and then completing shit
05:17 in the bed afterwards.
05:18 You saw the clip that I showed Rob afterwards.
05:20 They stopped him and asked him some parent about trans policies in Cali.
05:25 He mentioned something.
05:26 He's like, are we talking about the one?
05:29 I want to stay on this.
05:30 I want to stay on this.
05:31 But but when you when you what's your reaction when you see his answer?
05:33 Well, look, I as the one person that's never lived in California, right, I'm a Florida
05:38 guy, Miami guy.
05:39 I'm not too familiar with actually his personality.
05:43 The only thing I've seen from him are the failed policies that make people leave California,
05:47 the high tax rates, the homelessness, the crime, everything that's associated with that
05:50 and the fake plastic political ads on July 4th.
05:55 That's all I've seen.
05:56 I got to give the guy credit on a personality standpoint.
05:59 The guy is sharp.
06:00 The guy is quick.
06:01 He's a fighter.
06:02 He looks he talks the way, you know, skilled politicians should look.
06:07 He I don't know what's happened, but he's developing this confidence where he's like
06:13 the Santas.
06:14 Why?
06:15 What?
06:16 Yeah.
06:17 Like, yeah, he's took his eye off the ball.
06:19 Why would he take this debate?
06:21 He fell for it.
06:22 So he's going on Fox News.
06:24 He's showing up in enemy territory and dominating Sean Hannity multiple times, calling him a
06:31 liar, calling him out, making Sean Hannity look like a lightweight.
06:34 There's nothing good that can come from Ron DeSantis debating Newsom.
06:40 That's a great.
06:41 Newsom is the Trump of the left.
06:42 Perfectly put.
06:43 To me, all I look at, all I look at is in this, in this, when you're looking at a candidate,
06:49 you're looking at the other night, we're at the house.
06:52 Okay.
06:53 And we're sitting, we're having a talent dinner together.
06:55 Right?
06:56 What are the four things we talked about on how to measure who does very well as a talent?
07:00 Content is first.
07:01 Content.
07:02 You have actual substance, content.
07:04 Number two is how entertaining are you?
07:07 Number three is your personality.
07:09 Number four is your storytelling ability.
07:12 Okay.
07:13 This guy, content, he's good.
07:15 Yeah.
07:16 Entertaining, he's good.
07:17 When he talks, people want to see.
07:18 And the people who hate him, they want to see them meet more than the people who like
07:21 him.
07:22 Right?
07:23 Yeah.
07:24 Okay.
07:25 Number three, is he a personality?
07:26 A little bit arrogant, but guess what?
07:27 He's kind of, you know, the other day he gave an answer, he says, look, you want me to run
07:30 for president?
07:31 Do you realize just a couple of years ago I was humbled?
07:32 I got a recall.
07:33 Yeah.
07:34 You want me to run for president?
07:35 No, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
07:37 I'll give him a seven.
07:38 So, okay.
07:39 And then storytelling, he's able to go and connect with the stories.
07:41 He's a formidable opponent.
07:42 You don't have to like the guy to be formidable.
07:44 By the way, look at the data, how we looked at on what happened on the first debate.
07:47 Here's last night's debate.
07:48 You know who got second least searches last night during the debate?
07:53 President Trump.
07:54 Wow.
07:55 Look at that purple.
07:56 Again, purple is Trump.
07:59 Go back to the top to see if a baby blue is Haley.
08:01 Blue is Haley.
08:02 Red is Vivek.
08:03 Yellow is DeSantis.
08:04 Green is Christie.
08:05 But look at Trump.
08:06 Okay.
08:07 Zoom in.
08:08 So, the lowest pop is actually Trump.
08:09 But you know why, right Pat?
08:11 Because the last time he did his own conversation with Tucker during the debate, last night
08:18 I don't even know what he did.
08:19 No, no, no.
08:20 To be fair, he was giving a speech last night at the Michigan, in Michigan to non-union
08:23 auto workers.
08:24 As the beginning.
08:25 That's what he was doing.
08:26 That's what he was doing.
08:27 I haven't seen one clip.
08:28 They weren't talking about it last night.
08:30 The point, the proof is in the pudding.
08:31 Nobody's bringing that up.
08:33 So then you look at, next is Vivek.
08:35 Look at red.
08:36 Vivek is good.
08:37 So Haley had the biggest pop.
08:38 That's the light blue.
08:39 But Vivek maintained the highest the most.
08:42 So Haley and DeSantis have the highest pop, but Vivek has the most staying consistently
08:47 up.
08:48 Okay.
08:49 So even with Drudge Report came out, Tom, what was Drudge Report's report?
08:52 Can you give the numbers on what Drudge had?
08:54 Yeah.
08:55 Nikki Haley was 38, 39% felt Nikki Haley did the best in the debate.
09:01 First.
09:02 Second, they popped up at 19% was DeSantis.
09:09 Then you had Ramaswani like at 18% and then Christie at 15%.
09:14 It was floating right in those ranges all night long and it hasn't really closed up.
09:19 But Pat, can I ask you a question?
09:21 What?
09:22 Okay.
09:23 We saw Newsom.
09:24 He was on vacation or something.
09:25 One of the 30 vacations.
09:26 Newsom walked on the white house lawn without the jacket.
09:29 He was walking, trying to be cool, like let people know like I'm presidential.
09:33 Then you kind of think he's going to run.
09:35 Then he announces that he's not running, but now he's doing debates with this.
09:38 He's showing up at the GOP debates.
09:41 What's the play?
09:42 What's his angle?
09:43 Here's how it works.
09:44 Look, you know, you know how they say, if you get a call to take a job that's to protect
09:50 your country, you always say yes to it.
09:51 Right?
09:52 You never say no.
09:53 That's not the way I think it's going to happen.
09:54 It's very confusing why he's everywhere.
09:57 Okay.
09:58 But at the same time, you can look at it for face value and just look at it straight up.
10:02 Don't overthink it.
10:03 Okay.
10:04 Why is he around?
10:05 What's he doing?
10:06 Is he looking for a job?
10:08 Is he campaigning?
10:09 Is he lobbying or are they saying to him behind closed doors, look man, go around.
10:14 Biden's not doing good.
10:15 You know how many reports are coming out saying America doesn't want Biden.
10:18 Another one came out yesterday.
10:19 Every day there's a report of people saying they don't want Biden to run.
10:24 Okay.
10:25 It's embarrassing.
10:26 No problem.
10:27 But here's what happens.
10:28 If all of a sudden they said, you know, he has stepped down, you know, the president's
10:33 not doing well and they are looking at who's going to come in and Newsom is coming, come
10:38 in and okay.
10:39 And then Newsom walks in.
10:40 Now, you know, the complication is going to be, are they going to put Kamala first?
10:43 Are they going to put Larry Elder as Kamala over him?
10:46 But the guy is by far, the left has a superstar.
10:51 The left has a superstar period.
10:53 And I have a very formidable superstar.
10:54 We've actually been doing this for a year.
10:56 So he doesn't have enough long play.
10:58 DeSantis on the other.
10:59 How'd you think DeSantis did last night?
11:03 DeSantis is a standard, you know, B guy.
11:07 I mean, he's great.
11:08 He's never getting an A. He's not crushing.
11:10 He doesn't have the it factor.
11:11 He's never going to fail miserably.
11:13 It's never going to be an F. He's a B. He's.
11:16 And that's where we all think he is.
11:19 And we're expecting an A. And it's just not there.
11:21 I think he's still, Pat, because I wrote these.
11:23 He looks stiff.
11:24 He still looked rehearsed.
11:26 If he could just picture himself being in like that Florida hangar crowd and being comfortable,
11:32 that's when he shines.
11:33 When he's in front of this big stage, he's completely off.
11:36 Vinny, let me ask you.
11:37 You're a comedian.
11:38 Yes.
11:39 You've got a great personality.
11:40 Thank you.
11:41 You know comedians.
11:42 You've got the it.
11:43 You've got the pizzazz.
11:44 You've got the riz.
11:45 Go to a guy who's a nice guy, smart guy, but maybe doesn't have the riz, the charisma,
11:52 the sauce as they say.
11:54 Think of the person.
11:55 Okay.
11:56 Now go coach that guy for six months and teach him to be cool, teach him to be funny, teach
12:00 him to have that it factor.
12:03 Does he actually learn that?
12:04 No.
12:05 Why not?
12:06 You can't.
12:07 Why not?
12:08 Because you have to be born with it.
12:09 You can't teach it.
12:10 You can't just teach riz.
12:11 Once you've got it.
12:12 No.
12:13 Once you've got it.
12:14 You know this.
12:15 You've got the gift of gab, the personality, the talking, the heat.
12:19 He had a natural point last night, a natural point.
12:22 And Rob pulled the debate thing back up again real quick.
12:25 The graph lines for all of them and take a look at the DeSantis's yellow line and watch
12:31 what happened to it halfway through the debate.
12:35 Look what was happening at the beginning of the debate.
12:37 DeSantis is down there.
12:38 You can't even see the yellow.
12:39 It's buried down with the purple and green.
12:41 All of a sudden he pops up.
12:43 He had this natural point where he was the guy in the hangar where he said, wait a minute,
12:48 I've been governor and I've been fighting fights against Democrats and I've been winning
12:51 and this happened and this happened and this happened.
12:54 It felt to me like a natural response and it actually got applause from the audience.
12:58 At that moment, DeSantis was the guy he needed to be.
13:01 But to your point, you can't teach him over six months to be cool and to be entertaining
13:06 and to have personality.
13:08 I think for a moment last night in sort of the fourth quarter of the debate, he had a
13:13 moment.
13:14 I think where we collectively messed up, missed the ball, you know, I'm not saying placing
13:20 blame is we thought too highly of DeSantis.
13:23 Why?
13:24 We're in Florida.
13:25 We saw what he did.
13:27 We voted for him.
13:28 We respect him.
13:29 You've said publicly you've moved here because of his policies.
13:32 So where we are thinking, oh, all right, this guy's got something here.
13:35 He's got something here.
13:37 As early as in the spring, March, April, he was neck and neck with Trump.
13:41 But then we all got a taste of him.
13:43 We all saw other candidates that are out there in this JV debate that's going on now.
13:48 Nikki Haley has her moments.
13:49 Nobody literally knew who Bibec was six months ago.
13:52 He's shining.
13:53 All right.
13:54 And then you just come to realize, you know what?
13:57 Maybe his ceiling maybe is just a great governor.
14:01 Maybe that's what it is.
14:02 OK.
14:03 Who's the governor of North Dakota?
14:05 I have no clue.
14:06 He was there on the stage last night.
14:08 His name is Doug.
14:09 That's my point, is that you don't have to know governors.
14:12 Right.
14:13 But you got to know presidential candidates.
14:15 Adam, let me clarify for me, because you're bringing up the kind of we.
14:19 But I'll clarify for me.
14:21 I thought to Santa's record was really clear, clear on covid, clear on business, clear on
14:25 going to head to head with Disney, clear on Hurricane Ian and rebuilding the bridges and
14:30 emergency disaster response.
14:32 Everything that went over on the on the Gulf Coast, south of Tampa.
14:35 All of that was good.
14:36 My assumption was he could somehow be a viable national candidate.
14:42 That's what he lacked.
14:43 He is still the guy that was underneath there.
14:46 The record is unchanged.
14:47 What he did, how he carried the state in the election as a governor based on that criteria
14:52 is still there.
14:53 My where I where I thought that he could be a national candidate.
14:58 That's where it turns out that he hasn't been able to carry the water as a national charismatic
15:03 candidate for president.
15:04 And he's put a team around him that was a little bit of some oddities there.
15:10 And Pat brought up a very important point.
15:12 Remember when Pat did the breakdown of the book marketing?
15:15 You came out with your book on this day.
15:17 Then you did this.
15:18 Then you did this.
15:19 Pat broke it down.
15:20 Now, why is Pat a credible source for that?
15:22 Because Pat's worked with a tier one publisher and made a Wall Street Journal number one
15:25 bestseller and worked with the publisher, publisher marketing, a ghostwriter.
15:29 The people that went with that, Pat's done it.
15:32 And he's sitting there staring into it and saying, I just went through this.
15:35 Governor DeSantis, what the hell did you just do with your book launch?
15:38 And so that's all part of having a machine that can give you national viability.
15:43 And that's what he does.
15:44 You get there's a product and a marketing.
15:45 He clearly does not have a product problem.
15:46 He has a marketing problem.
15:47 Pat, you look, we've seen this numbers a million times.
15:50 You're a data guy.
15:51 You see the numbers.
15:52 You've been positive with DeSantis.
15:54 You've also been critical when you see this and you see it in person, make sense of what
15:58 you think is going on.
15:59 Now, I mean, to me yesterday when I was on Dave and they're talking about DeSantis and
16:04 Newsom, it's arrogant that they're even doing the debate.
16:07 It's arrogant on DeSantis' side to do the debate with Newsom because what both sides
16:12 are saying is we're going to be the guys going up against each other.
16:16 DeSantis is going to go against Newsom and Newsom is going to go up against DeSantis.
16:21 DeSantis is saying, I don't think Trump's going to be there.
16:23 And Newsom is saying, I don't think Biden's going to be there.
16:26 That's what they're both saying.
16:27 It's extremely arrogant.
16:28 Matter of fact, I'd love to know when in the history of running for office, specifically
16:34 president, what presidential candidate has had a debate with a non-presidential candidate
16:40 on record, who's ever done that, and the guy who runs it is the number two guy for presidential
16:46 candidate DeSantis.
16:47 When has that ever happened?
16:48 I'm willing to bet it's never happened.
16:50 I don't think so.
16:51 That this doesn't make any sense to do something like this.
16:53 My point I made is they should have done this debate nine months ago.
16:57 This should have been the book launch.
16:58 The book launch for DeSantis should have been the debate with Newsom.
17:02 If he would have done the debate with Newsom first week of May or, you know, whatever,
17:07 whenever the book came out last week of April, they would have done the book launch right
17:11 there and then he shows up and he represents and he wins.
17:16 Then everybody would say, dude, this guy has to run.
17:20 This guy has to run.
17:21 Look at the way he handled Newsom.
17:24 You don't do it now.
17:25 Look, no concept of your next five moves.
17:27 The purpose of winning and strategies of winning is purely sequencing.
17:33 Everything's about sequencing.
17:35 What you do first, what you do next.
17:38 It's best to first go on a couple dates, then you go meet the family of a girl if you want
17:42 to marry her, then you guys date for a few months, maybe a year, travel a little bit,
17:46 see how it is if you get along.
17:48 Then if you think you guys have common values, there's magic, then you propose, then you
17:52 get married, then you spend some time together, then you have kids.
17:55 Now, let's do it the other way around.
17:57 So first you get her pregnant, then you get married, then you travel, then you get to
18:05 meet her family, then you go on a date, and then you're like, this is not working out.
18:11 Let's get a divorce.
18:12 Can you imagine how out of whack that is?
18:13 It's fully out of sequence.
18:15 Makes zero sense strategically for me and it's a weak point.
18:20 By the way, there's a couple things DeSantis said yesterday I liked.
18:24 He said something about when they asked him about the question, Rob, do you have the part
18:28 when they asked him the question about fracking?
18:31 Can you pull up the fracking and why don't you do it in Florida?
18:35 Some would say this may be the biggest topic of discussion during the debate.
18:39 I want you to watch this.
18:40 Nikki Haley pushes DeSantis on this.
18:43 I think it's Nikki Haley pushes DeSantis on it, right?
18:46 Yes, it is.
18:47 She's been back and forth on, you want to do fracking everywhere except for Florida.
18:51 So go ahead and collect this.
18:52 Go for it.
18:53 Have their backs.
18:54 What you don't need is a president who is against energy independence.
18:56 Ron DeSantis is against fracking.
18:59 He's against drilling.
19:00 He's been against, you did it.
19:02 He always talks about what happens on day one.
19:04 You better watch out because what happens on day two is when you're in trouble.
19:08 Day two in Florida, you banned fracking, you banned offshore drilling, you did it on federal
19:13 lands and you took green subsidies that you didn't have to take.
19:16 Governor DeSantis, you mentioned you have the right to respond.
19:19 30 seconds.
19:20 Yeah, I just did a plan out in West Texas for American energy dominance.
19:25 We're going to choose Midland over Moscow.
19:27 We're going to choose the Marcellus over the Mulas and we're going to choose Bakken over
19:31 Beijing.
19:32 And we are going to lower your gas prices.
19:34 We are going to get that job done because it's important for our national security.
19:37 It's important for jobs.
19:39 And that's one of the best ways to drive down inflation.
19:42 Our voters enacted a constitutional amendment that doesn't allow, no, it's not true.
19:53 You banned it before they voted and not only that, fracking wasn't, they didn't vote on
19:58 fracking.
19:59 She's just totally wrong.
20:00 They voted it in.
20:01 That's what we did.
20:02 Onshore, we do do it in Florida.
20:03 We don't have as much as maybe West Texas, but we do it.
20:06 But that was a constitutional amendment.
20:07 So that's just wrong.
20:08 And let's just get real here.
20:09 My plan will get the job done.
20:12 We are going to be energy dominant and that's what's going to happen.
20:16 If you go on Google, if you search this, excuse me, we cannot, they lost control.
20:26 Then you go online and you Google this.
20:28 Okay.
20:29 And you'll see, it'll say almost all of the action DeSantis took on fracking occurred
20:32 shortly after he became governor.
20:34 Just two days into his term, DeSantis issued an executive order with several water policy
20:38 reforms and a line directing the department of environmental protection to push to end
20:43 all fracking in Florida.
20:45 That's what he did.
20:46 And this is online.
20:47 You can, this is, this is verifiable on what they're saying now.
20:54 What would have been a better answer?
20:55 Because what he says in his thing, he says, I'm for doing fracking in Texas and Louisiana.
21:01 But what is that right there on January 10th, 2019, two days after being sworn into office,
21:05 he sent an executive order directing the DEP to take necessary actions to adamantly oppose
21:12 all offshore oil and gas activities off every coast in Florida and hydraulic fracking, fracturing
21:19 in Florida.
21:20 It meant new oil and gas permits had to include provisions forbidding the use of fracking,
21:24 but pre-approved fracking still occurs.
21:27 Okay.
21:28 One could say, all right, so look, in Florida, we don't want to put rigs.
21:32 People who live on the water, we don't want to see rigs on the water.
21:35 Like when you go see some of these places, who they, you know, you look at Galveston,
21:38 it's not a good look.
21:39 When's the last time you said, let's go to Galveston beach.
21:42 Okay.
21:43 Never.
21:44 Have you gone there for vacation, Rob Adam?
21:45 Have you gone to party at Galveston?
21:46 So you don't say, I'm going to go to a place like, don't get me wrong.
21:48 It's not bad, but this is oil everywhere, right?
21:51 Maybe that's what he doesn't want to do it.
21:53 He could have given a better answer on that with the fracking.
21:55 Tom, do you have any thoughts on what he said here would fracking as well as Nikki Haley?
21:58 Yeah, we could do a whole podcast on fracking.
22:01 Fracking is where you go deep into the earth and you create either pressure or explosions
22:07 to crack rock so that the natural gas leaks out of it and then you collect it at the top
22:12 and that's that little blue flame that's on your, that's on your, your heater, a little
22:17 pilot light or it's a blue flame that's on a gas stove and Florida underneath Florida.
22:22 There's a sink called the Biscayne aquifer is where all of our fresh water is.
22:25 And a lot of people, environmentalists are going to say, never drill anything, never
22:29 do anything.
22:30 And there's people in the middle that says, Hey, you really need to be really careful
22:33 in Florida because Florida is a sandbar over some limestone.
22:37 And it's actually a little dangerous to be doing fracking here because you could be polluting
22:41 groundwater very, very easily in Florida, less than the hard rock that's underneath
22:46 Texas.
22:47 So we could do a whole, bring scientists on and talk about this.
22:51 But the fact is he did it and he denied it and he should have, he could have, I think
22:56 given a much different answer there because Nikki Haley had him dead to rights and she's
23:01 trying to paint him as anti fracking so that everyone else says, so he doesn't want us
23:06 to be energy independent because we have to do fracking in North Dakota and Oklahoma and
23:10 on the hard rocks of Texas.
23:11 Very good strategy with what Haley did.
23:13 It was brilliant.
23:14 Brilliant.
23:15 So if you like this clip and you want to watch another one, click right here.
23:16 And if you want to watch the entire podcast, click right here.
23:20 Thank you.
23:20 (upbeat music)
23:23 you
