Cardi B Tries Not to Panic While Eating Spicy Wings - Hot Ones

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Cardi B Tries Not to Panic While Eating Spicy Wings - Hot Ones


00:00 Hey what's going on everybody for First We Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching
00:08 Hot Ones.
00:09 It's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings.
00:12 And today we're joined by Cardi B. She's a Grammy award winning artist with more number
00:15 one singles than any other woman in hip hop history and she has yet another record climbing
00:19 the charts as we speak.
00:20 It's called Bongos alongside Megan Thee Stallion as to be expected an immaculate music video
00:25 to match.
00:26 Check it out but first Cardi B welcome to the show.
00:28 Hey.
00:29 What's going through your head as you prepare to take on the gauntlet.
00:31 Are you nervous at all.
00:32 Are you naturally a hot sauce person.
00:34 I'm nervous because it's like I'm setting myself up to have diarrhea.
00:39 So it's like I know what's going to happen like later on.
00:43 But this is worth.
00:44 This is worthy though.
00:45 It's worthy because I'm telling you like my fans been begging me to do this show for so
00:49 so so so long.
00:50 I have to give it to them.
00:51 And I'm so scared.
00:52 Oh my gosh.
00:53 Oh.
01:00 Hello.
01:11 Okay.
01:23 She's cute.
01:24 She's cute.
01:25 I like her.
01:26 So I want to congratulate you on a flawless rollout for bongos.
01:38 Great song.
01:39 Ace the video.
01:40 Bodied the performance at the VMAs earlier this week.
01:43 And I know that you're very picky about the beats that you choose to work with.
01:46 Do you remember your initial reaction to hearing that Dembo style bongos beat for the first
01:51 time.
01:52 Did you immediately recognize its potential to be a hit?
01:55 I don't know if I like realized it was like a potential to be a hit.
02:00 I just as soon as I heard it was like, hey, hey, hey, like a drum.
02:07 I automatically liked it.
02:10 And even with my mans, right, like even with my husband, like, like, you know, I'll be
02:15 playing him like, not every day.
02:17 But like, it's like, you know, we go to the studio last.
02:19 So it's like, oh, what you been working on?
02:20 What you been playing on?
02:21 And then you heard the song.
02:22 He's like, oh, this is fire.
02:24 And then I was really impressed with the Harry Reid headpieces and their ability to hold
02:29 their position, you know, even in the face of such intense choreography.
02:33 What were the conversations like surrounding hats for the music video?
02:37 Bongo's like it just has a theme that you could just hear tropical music, beach, pool,
02:42 party.
02:43 So is that how can we make beach luxurious?
02:47 And that's exactly what we do, honey.
02:48 That's what we do and like nothing more luxurious than hats and big feathers and big everything.
02:55 Everything grand.
02:56 I love big.
02:57 I'm extra.
02:58 I'm a libra.
02:59 I want to smell it.
03:03 Angry goat bell pepper.
03:05 Mr. Shishito.
03:06 Shishito.
03:07 Oh, I like shishito pepper.
03:08 You do?
03:09 Yeah.
03:10 I eat it in Nobu all the time.
03:11 Okay.
03:12 Okay.
03:13 Let's try it.
03:14 I could I could taste the shishito.
03:23 Mm hmm.
03:25 Little garlic trail behind a little bit.
03:27 Mm hmm.
03:28 She's not spicy.
03:30 So far.
03:31 You're good.
03:32 Don't worry.
03:33 You're on top of it.
03:34 Shishito wings.
03:35 Wow.
03:36 Creative.
03:37 Working for you.
03:38 I like it.
03:39 So get up 10 from invasion privacy is in my opinion like a top tier kicking off the album.
03:46 Pure bar kind of song.
03:48 What in your mind is the aim or goal of just a great album intro song?
03:53 She's a scammer.
03:54 Yeah.
03:55 You never really know what the shishito peppers, you know, when you eat them, like they can
03:58 all be like one out of 10 of them kicks.
03:59 Yeah.
04:00 She's a little scammer because it wasn't spicy.
04:02 Now all of a sudden I feel a little something tingle in my mouth.
04:07 Yeah.
04:08 A lot of people tell me that I should put my pain, my struggle in my music.
04:15 A lot of my pains and a lot of my struggles or whatever the crap is going on.
04:20 I feel like the masses might not be able to relate.
04:24 You know what I'm saying?
04:25 Like, like the masses might not be able to relate.
04:27 Like it's like, Oh my gosh, they're tearing a new asshole on Twitter on me because I said
04:32 this, this and that.
04:33 The average person is like, girl, shut up.
04:38 I got to, I got to work up at seven in the morning.
04:40 I got to do this, this and that.
04:41 So it's like, I don't really like to make music.
04:44 Like I will normally do an intro.
04:46 Like I would just literally like to make my intro of everything, addressing all the bullshit,
04:52 addressing the bitches, addressing this shit that I got to go through.
04:55 And then, and then just the whole album just be about fun.
04:59 Cause I like fun.
05:00 You know what I'm saying?
05:01 I like fun.
05:02 So I think the first, like my intro, I feel like it should be like just me popping my
05:08 shit, popping my shit.
05:09 And after that, all right, let's pop some pus.
05:12 Pop my shit, then pop some pus.
05:18 Passion fruit is one of my favorite fruits.
05:21 I feel like we're kind of on your palate a little bit.
05:25 She's cute.
05:26 The shishito, the passion fruit.
05:27 There we go.
05:28 That's what I was hoping for.
05:29 It's a little cute.
05:34 There we go.
05:35 Yeah.
05:36 Y'all know what's up now.
05:38 See no reason to be nervous.
05:40 Cardi, you had this all along.
05:41 No, I've seen some clips.
05:45 I've seen some clips.
05:47 How would you describe the aesthetic appeal of Thierry Milgler to somebody who wouldn't
05:50 know the difference between Tom Brady and Tom Ford?
05:54 He's just really one of my favorite, favorite, favorite designers.
05:57 And it's just like, it's a dream.
05:59 All right.
06:00 So a couple of months ago, I saw a piece, a vintage piece that I wore.
06:05 But I'm scrolling through Instagram and I'm seeing it.
06:08 And I'm like, wow, I really had that on my body.
06:11 And I started tearing because I was like, it's just such a proud moment that out of
06:19 anybody in the world, he picked me and he trusted me to put on a museum piece.
06:26 That means everything to me.
06:27 And I'm just so happy that I met him.
06:29 He was so amazing to me.
06:30 And those are the type of things that is like when I'm older and I have my own grandkids
06:36 and they're like, yeah, cuz, yeah, cuz you know Thierry Migler?
06:39 Oh, yeah, he big.
06:41 He had me with his shit.
06:43 When I wore that thing to a Grammy, bitches was shook.
06:46 Yeah, cuz I was a bad bitch.
06:49 I was a bad bitch.
06:51 Oh, this is a good interview.
06:58 I could smell it though.
06:59 I could smell the damn I could smell everything.
07:02 Okay, okay, okay.
07:08 What's it like to record a clean for radio version of a Cardi song?
07:13 Annoying.
07:14 So annoying.
07:15 Like how upset?
07:16 How cuz cuz I just did it like practically two weeks ago.
07:21 And I was like, so over it because it's like, it's like, you know, like my new song, I'd
07:25 be like, nigga eat this ass like a plum.
07:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:28 So like, you know, I'm doing the clean version and it's like, all right, baby eat it up like
07:33 a plum and it's like, no, this do you still can't play that for pop radio, whatever.
07:38 And I'm like, baby eat these peaches and plums.
07:44 And I was so over it like it's like, I'm like trying to look up like it's I cannot say that
07:49 like that is that sounds so corny.
07:51 Like that sounds like a kid's bop, whatever.
07:54 But I have no choice.
07:57 So baby eat this baby eat these peaches and plums.
08:06 I've been looking at this like what is this?
08:08 This look like very interesting.
08:10 Okay, let's try it.
08:12 What is this honey?
08:15 Oh, shit.
08:18 Now is the first kind of jump I feel like in the world.
08:27 That was a little jump.
08:28 I agree with you.
08:29 Yeah.
08:30 Why are you talking about like, I agree with you like you didn't know that this was gonna
08:35 happen.
08:36 So I couldn't help but to notice that in your 73 questions interview with Vogue, you said
08:41 that you wish people would ask you about current events more.
08:44 So it seems like not a week goes by that I don't see you know, a whistleblower testifying
08:49 about alien extraterrestrial material or UFOs and government cover ups.
08:55 Where are you on that whole thing?
08:56 Like, do you have any thoughts on aliens and the possibility that they visited Earth?
08:59 I don't believe the aliens are real.
09:02 I really don't believe that aliens are real because it's like, okay, so if aliens are
09:07 real and they're smarter than us, right?
09:14 I feel like it's like why they just haven't invaded us.
09:17 So aliens if they smart, they know how humans are.
09:22 Humans are like despicable.
09:23 They want to take over everything.
09:24 They just want to have power over everything.
09:26 And then people be like, but why would aliens will want to invade Earth?
09:31 Earth is ghetto.
09:32 Like they probably they probably they probably like so advanced like they probably they probably
09:37 think that that Earth is like a small fry and it's like, it's not about that, right?
09:43 It's the art of war.
09:45 I'm following.
09:46 That'll make sense.
09:48 So is that if they so smart, like people think that they are, they would have been invading
09:53 us just so they could just have us and not.
09:59 I just know that they ain't real.
10:00 I don't care.
10:01 I don't care.
10:06 This sounds good.
10:07 Whiskey smoked ghost.
10:08 Yes, it sounds good.
10:20 You're pondering.
10:21 I see some pondering going on.
10:24 Little kind of a sharp hit.
10:25 Yeah.
10:26 Yeah.
10:27 Oh, bitch, you caught me.
10:28 I see.
10:32 Oh, she's back.
10:35 Oh, my God.
10:38 Kind of like the taste, but the trail it leaves behind some violence in the trail that she
10:42 left some violence behind.
10:44 Oh, my gosh.
10:46 So as we celebrate Hip Hop 50, there are now so many different archetypes for what a legacy
10:50 rap act can look like from Queen Latifah to Jay-Z, Missy Elliott to Nas.
10:57 When you look into the crystal ball and see Cardi B in the year 2043, are there any artists,
11:03 anybody that you look to as a role model for how you might want to age or mature as an
11:07 artist?
11:08 Who I look up to, it will be like Jay-Z, Rihanna, because I just feel like they're like super
11:20 moguls and I feel like my tongue is drunk.
11:26 I feel like my tongue is drunk.
11:28 It's like I'm trying to say something and it's like I can't even focus on the fucking
11:31 question because it's like.
11:33 That's the show.
11:34 That's the show for better or worse.
11:35 It's like, what the fuck you asking me?
11:36 My mouth is hurting.
11:40 On that note, are you ready to move on to sauce seven?
11:43 This one kind of looks gross, so I kind of wonder.
11:47 A tropic star here in the seven star.
11:52 Ginger.
11:53 Oh, she's not gross.
12:01 The suspicious look.
12:02 Cause I know she's coming.
12:03 Yep, I knew she was coming.
12:04 Yeah, yeah.
12:05 But she's good.
12:06 I'm torturing myself.
12:07 Okay.
12:08 But the milk.
12:09 This is how I imagine my breast milk to taste like.
12:31 So as a rap fan, I've always been appreciative of a good esoteric sports reference.
12:35 Like when you did that nod to WWF Hall of Famer Jimmy Snuka and the off the top rope
12:40 super fly shit.
12:42 When you work in a reference like that, is that like a salute to the person or is it
12:46 more about, you know, finding a name that fits a particular rhyme scheme or metaphor?
12:51 I really wanted to say Triple H, but it didn't, right?
12:54 It didn't rhyme.
12:55 So I just said Jimmy Snuka.
12:56 So it was like, yeah, that worked in the, so it's kind of a little bit of both then.
13:00 Yeah.
13:01 Cause I was picturing like, like on, like on top, like jumping like a wrestler, like,
13:05 but I really wanted to say Triple H, but it's like, that wouldn't even rhyme.
13:08 Like it's not even going with this flow or anything.
13:11 So I just said Jimmy Snuka on the top rope, super fly shit.
13:15 And then as a wrestling fan, do you have an idea of like what, like the, uh, wrestling
13:20 that WrestleMania fit for Cardi B would be?
13:24 Very skimpy.
13:25 But like, I feel like, I feel like my, my entrance have to be like grand, like what's
13:29 her name?
13:30 Her name was Melina, right?
13:31 Melita or Melina.
13:32 Do you remember her that she used to like walk in with two guys and then like, she would
13:35 do like a whole split on the robes.
13:38 She would like enter like on a split.
13:40 Like I had to like enter like grand like that.
13:42 She was just crazy as hell.
13:50 I'm telling you, she looked like a poison from SpongeBob.
13:53 Splitting that open.
13:54 Oh, oh, she's strength.
13:55 Oh my God.
13:56 Oh my God.
13:57 I'm scared.
13:58 I'm scared.
13:59 I knew that that would go that way.
14:10 Never gets any easier for me either.
14:12 By the way.
14:13 I'm scared.
14:14 I'm scared.
14:15 We're doing laps.
14:16 I'm scared.
14:17 Let it out.
14:18 Okay.
14:19 What can I do?
14:20 Whatever you gotta do, whatever you gotta do.
14:21 Do you have a lasting memory from taking David Letterman to get a chopped cheese sandwich?
14:25 You know, as a fan of both Dave and New York's greatest sandwich, it was quite the cultural
14:30 moment to witness.
14:31 Okay.
14:32 When does it leave?
14:35 All right.
14:36 When does it leave my tongue?
14:38 So it's going to kind of be like this.
14:40 We're going to kind of be in this hot tub, I think for a little bit.
14:43 I know.
14:44 I know.
14:45 But body it.
14:49 Still on top.
14:50 Still on top.
14:51 Still on top.
14:52 Going for the lifelines.
14:53 When does it stop burning?
14:54 When does it stop?
14:55 Is that the spiciest thing you've ever eaten?
14:58 Oh my gosh.
15:02 When does it stop?
15:06 It doesn't stop.
15:10 It doesn't stop.
15:14 We got some ice cream.
15:20 You want some ice cream?
15:22 Oh my gosh.
15:24 All right.
15:25 This should help.
15:26 This should help.
15:27 Okay.
15:28 Oh my.
15:29 All right.
15:30 Okay.
15:31 I got to get back.
15:32 I got to call my composure.
15:33 What you was asking me?
15:34 Oh, about taking David Letterman to get a chopped cheese sandwich.
15:35 You know, do you have a lasting memory from that?
15:36 Kind of an amazing cultural moment to witness.
15:37 I don't think I've ever had a cultural moment.
15:38 I don't think I've ever had a cultural moment.
15:39 I think it's just a matter of, you know, I think I've had a moment of my life.
15:40 I think I've had a moment of my life.
15:41 I've had a moment of my life.
15:42 I've had a moment of my life.
15:43 I've had a moment of my life.
15:44 I've had a moment of my life.
15:50 I, that wasn't even like my favorite part.
15:53 I didn't really care about that part.
15:55 What stays in my mind for a long time is that I went to FDR's house.
16:02 If anybody loves me, know me, I love FDR.
16:06 You love FDR?
16:07 Yes, and I love Eleanor Roosevelt.
16:10 And you know how he got us through the Great Depression, with a war.
16:16 Only president the guy elected four times, while he's in a wheelchair.
16:21 As I grew up reading a lot about Eleanor Roosevelt, she had a very sad life.
16:26 And like, when I went to her house, well, she had a different house from her husband
16:33 because, you know, FDR's mama, she was always around, like, and she didn't really like that.
16:39 Like, Eleanor wanted her space.
16:40 Just like me, I want my own space all the time.
16:42 I saw the room where Churchill and FDR was talking about the nuke.
16:49 That is crazy to me.
16:51 Like, I'm really here.
16:53 Like, I don't know why, I'm obsessed with war.
16:57 Art of war, I could hear it with the aliens.
16:59 Yes, yes, yes.
17:00 It's in you.
17:01 I'm obsessed with World War II.
17:02 Like, I love World War I.
17:04 Like, you know, I like reading about that.
17:05 But World War II, like, I'm obsessed with just learning everything about it.
17:08 So, for me to be in the same room that Churchill and FDR was discussing the nuke,
17:15 it's like, it was just such a moment for me.
17:19 Like, y'all probably think I'm crazy, but like, it was just like, I love this.
17:25 I don't know.
17:27 I don't know.
17:29 Oh my God, my mouth is not burning anymore.
17:31 You know, that's all it took.
17:32 You just had to walk down and, you know, do a historical re-envisioning of FDR, you know?
17:38 Yeah.
17:39 That's all it took all along.
17:40 We just had to talk some American history.
17:42 Oof.
17:43 This ice cream?
17:48 It's made by the best cows.
17:50 I don't want any more.
18:01 Nothing fun, but after the last one, it kind of clears everything up, the pain a little bit, right?
18:08 Sure.
18:09 As a rap mom, is there a children's book that stands out to you for having, like, the hardest bars?
18:17 Like, is it Llama Llama Red Pajama?
18:19 I love that book.
18:24 Every single time that I think about that book, I could only picture in my head when, like, the Migos was doing it.
18:30 I love, I love, good memories.
18:34 I love having good memories of them in my head.
18:37 I'm dying. Yeah, I'm dying.
18:39 I know.
18:40 Wait. How is this one?
18:42 So this is the last dab. We call it the last dab because it's traditional around here to put a little extra on the last one.
18:48 You don't have to if you don't want to, by the way.
18:50 Let me use yours because mine is closed.
18:52 Sure. I'd be honored.
18:54 Here you go, Cardi.
18:56 Give me your hat.
18:57 Give me your hat.
18:58 Oh my gosh.
19:01 Wow, it's like you have just tweezers.
19:08 It's amazing.
19:11 The face says it all. It's all.
19:17 You know what, Cardi? That is good. That is good.
19:20 In the wings of death, they're behind us, okay?
19:23 Oh, shit.
19:24 The eating is all over. I get it. I get it. I get it.
19:27 Why does it…
19:28 It's not even about the spiciness. It's just like the taste of it. It just tastes like…
19:34 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's big.
19:36 So to close things out, I love this quote of yours in a 2017 interview that you did with Elle reacting to Andy Warhol's quote about fame being art.
19:45 You said, "To me, music is art and fashion is art, but fame? Fame isn't art.
19:49 But the person you become when you're famous, your alter ego, that's art."
19:53 How do you think about the connection between who you are in and out of the spotlight?
19:57 You know, because I'm a person, I start… I get panic attacks. You know what I'm saying?
20:02 Yeah.
20:03 So it's like, you know, like if something's really spicy, I feel like I can breathe.
20:07 Oh, shit. Why the more I talk… What the fuck? The more I talk, I feel like it's burning my mouth.
20:13 I just want to go home to my kids.
20:21 I get it. I get it.
20:23 Oh, this is crazy.
20:26 I mean, ain't no real difference between Belcalis and Cardi B.
20:34 They both some sensitive ass bitches.
20:38 Shit, I can't even fucking focus.
20:44 That's alright.
20:48 My legs shaking.
20:49 That's alright, because Cardi, you gave it your all today, and it was so much more than we deserved.
20:54 And now, all that's left to do is roll out the red carpet for you, Cardi B.
20:58 This camera, this camera, this camera, let the people know what you have going on in your life.
21:02 I'm just happy that I'm going to make my fans happy.
21:09 At the expense of my pain.
21:18 I had a good time.
21:19 Your questions were so amazing and different, because I hate when people ask me the same shit.
21:23 You know what I'm saying?
21:24 Thank you.
21:25 I mean, who don't love ice cream?
21:31 This is crazy.
21:44 Oh my God.
21:47 This is torture.
21:48 From here, do you think you'll be more of a hot sauce person or less of a hot sauce person?
21:53 I don't want to see buffalo wings for fucking two years.
21:57 I think that's fair. I think that's fair.
21:59 Ah!
22:01 Hot Ones fans, it's been years in the making, but at long last, the next big thing in wings is finally here.
22:11 Introducing Hot Ones Buffalo Sauce.
22:14 Our spin on buffalo is a rich and tangy combo of cayenne peppers, distilled vinegar, and yes, real butter.
22:20 Which means that you can put Hot Ones Buffalo Sauce directly on wings, no mixing or melting required.
22:26 It's the best damn buffalo sauce I've ever had in my life.
22:29 But don't take my word for it.
22:31 Camera guy Bill, Buffalo's favorite song gives it two blazing thumbs up, don't you Bill?
22:35 That's a Buffalo Bill guarantee!
22:39,, that's to get your hands on the brand new Hot Ones Buffalo Sauce.
22:45,, that's to get your hands on the brand new Hot Ones Buffalo Sauce.
22:51 (upbeat music)
22:53 [Music]
