• 2 years ago
A Wigan borough gym host hosts their inaugural Standish's Strongest, a variety of strength competitions for men and women, beginners and novices held at REP Fitness Studio Standish. 


00:00 Hi, my name's Hayley, I'm owner at Rep Fitness Studio.
00:02 So we're holding a strongman competition today.
00:05 We've got a men's beginners category,
00:07 men's novice category, and also the same for female.
00:11 They're gonna be running through five different events.
00:13 So they've got log press, farmers carrying to a tire flip.
00:17 They've got deadlifts.
00:18 They've got a yoke, which is 25 meter carry.
00:22 And then they've also got a ball over yoke
00:24 or a stone over yoke, whichever they prefer.
00:27 So obviously all the weights are different
00:28 for each category.
00:29 We've had a really good turnout for this event.
00:31 It's the first one we've ever done.
00:33 We're gonna try and make it a yearly thing.
00:35 So it's something that people can sign up to every year
00:37 to get better and progress.
00:38 Yeah, we've had quite a lot of interest
00:41 from outside of the gym.
00:42 So there's quite a lot of members from other gyms
00:45 who have come to join in on today's event.
00:47 And I'm really, really pleased with the turnout.
00:48 It's gonna be a really good day.
00:50 (crowd cheering)
00:54 (crowd cheering)
00:57 (crowd cheering)
01:00 (crowd cheering)
01:03 (crowd cheering)
01:27 (crowd cheering)
01:30 [APPLAUSE]
01:33 (applause)
