Tracy Finds Evie - Thirteen Scene

  • last year
Tracy Finds Evie - Thirteen Scene
00:00 Girls cause we Hollywood stars hanging on the boulevard cuz we to smoke come on get in there
00:06 Oh wait, dude
00:08 That my booted you small friends
00:17 But sex I feel relaxed and back was remove your heels not better yet check the effects of x-files
00:25 Come on, we got the girls cause we Hollywood stars
00:29 Hanging on the bullet box we to move your way
00:33 I
00:36 See
00:38 Oh
00:40 Oh
00:42 Oh
00:44 Oh
00:46 Oh
00:49 Baby
00:51 the breeze baby
01:01 Baby
01:03 Okay
01:08 I'll be spilled the coke all over his pants. What the fuck is wrong with you. Do you know what time it is shit?
01:29 I
01:31 Call me baby
01:36 (upbeat music)
