Jeremy Hunt accused of being a crowdpleaser in fiery Good Morning Britain interviewSource: Good Morning Britain, ITV
00:00 You're simply re-announcing a policy that is already in place
00:05 because you think it's a crowd pleaser.
00:07 And people will fall for it, thinking it's a fantastic new policy.
00:11 You're cracking down on those not looking for work.
00:14 Susanna, if you're saying this is just re-announcing something,
00:18 that is just wrong.
00:19 Let me say that plain and simple.
00:23 We do, you're absolutely right, have the legal framework
00:27 to impose those sanctions.
00:30 The question is whether that actually happens.
00:33 And at the moment, as I said to you in my earlier answer,
00:36 on the whole, sanctions are only imposed
00:40 when people don't comply with the process.
00:42 All right, but just to establish it's something that already happens,
00:46 you just think it's not working properly,
00:49 which sounds like a problem with your process,
00:52 rather than introducing a new policy.
00:55 You've just admitted the process doesn't work.
00:58 No.
01:00 Susanna, we're not really getting anywhere.
01:02 You're trying to say I'm re-announcing something. I'm not.
01:05 I'm saying we are looking at changes to the way sanctions are applied
01:09 in order to make sure that they are doing the job they need to do,
01:14 which is to create the right incentives
01:17 so that we don't have 300,000 people out of work
01:21 without any sickness or disability for more than a year,
01:24 Because I think that's wrong.