PATHETIC Trump Gives Worst Speech Yet in Front of LOW ENERGY Audience
00:00 energy speech with each of these speeches Donald Trump is getting more desperate, more
00:05 pathetic, more weird. I want to just show you what went down and you would think legacy
00:12 media would be saying red flag, red flag, red flag, but of course they are. They're
00:17 normalizing this behavior, but we will call it out here on the Midas Touch Network. Donald
00:22 Trump begins his speech by saying that he would rather face electro succution than be
00:30 eaten by sharks. That's one of his criticisms of electric vehicles. Play the clip. Let's
00:36 say your boat goes down and I'm sitting on top of this big, powerful battery and the
00:41 boat's going down. Do I get electrocuted? And he said, you know what? Honestly, nobody's
00:46 ever asked me that question, but if I'm sitting down and that boat's going down and I'm on
00:52 top of a battery and the water starts flooding in, I'm getting concerned. But then I look
00:59 10 yards to my left and there's a shark over there. So I have a choice of electrocution
01:04 or a shark. You know what I'm going to take? Electrocution. I will take electrocution every
01:08 single time. Do we agree? Okay, what? But it gets weirder from there. Donald Trump says
01:16 that lights make him look really, really bad. And then he spends a minute of his speech
01:22 criticizing the lighting and says that's what makes him look ugly. Play the clip. You know,
01:28 we have these strong lights as we get better and bigger. They get the lights get much more
01:32 powerful, but you look like crap on television. I got it. I was going to tell my people, I'm
01:38 telling my people now I'm talking. This isn't for you. This one. These lights are so powerful.
01:43 They probably cost a lot of money because we're doing so well. Everyone's sending in
01:46 lots of camp, but these lights are no good. Number one, you can hardly see the audience.
01:51 Number two, when you go home to watch it with our great first lady, how did I look? She
01:55 said, you didn't look good. Too much light. These lights are terrible. They're terrible.
02:02 They look pretty when you're here. You know, it's like lit up like a like a Christmas tree.
02:08 Then Donald Trump says that he saved Christmas. The words Merry Christmas. He saved it. He
02:13 says, play the clip. Christmas tree, by the way, remember Christmas, by the way, we brought
02:19 back Christmas. We brought back Merry Christmas. Nobody fights it anymore. Nobody fights it.
02:28 Speaking of Christmas. Remember that? I said one of the first things I said in 2015, actually,
02:35 when I was campaign, I said, we will bring back Merry Christmas because these woke departments
02:42 as they didn't want to use the word Christmas. And they use the word Christmas. Now we brought
02:47 that back. We did a lot of things. Donald Trump continuing to slur his speech, turns
02:53 to one of the mega state senators and tells her she is beautiful. Play the clip. I got
02:58 elected. I say, wow, somebody's really doing well over there. Indict him. Indict him. Indict
03:05 the senator right over there. That beautiful famous. She says, no, please indict her. Going
03:11 back to the topic of electric vehicles. Donald Trump says electric vehicles make you schizophrenic.
03:19 Play the clip. The happiest people in the world are the people who just got their electric
03:23 vehicle charged. That lasts for 10 minutes. After that, they become somewhat schizophrenic.
03:31 And here Donald Trump once again thinks that President Obama is currently the president.
03:39 Donald Trump has been repeating things like this multiple times over the past few weeks.
03:45 Legacy Media is ignoring it. But once again, Donald Trump believes that President Obama
03:51 is currently the president. And Trump says that even the Obama administration right now
03:57 acknowledges that Donald Trump built the wall, which he didn't. But watch this. Play the
04:04 clip. And then I build a 40 foot wall, a 50 foot wall or a 30 foot wall on top. They say
04:09 that was a renovation. That doesn't count. These people, I'll tell you what they have.
04:14 I'll tell you, they have a great line of bullshit. That's one thing I can tell. That was a renovation.
04:22 Like sloppy Chris Christie. Oh, he only built 56 miles of wall because there was some wood
04:28 laying on the ground. So they call that a renovation. We built almost 500 miles of wall.
04:34 Even the Obama administration says it in their stats. But we had we've totally fulfilled.
04:41 And look, we come with receipts here at the Midas Touch Network. This is a speech he gave
04:45 in the last two weeks in Washington, D.C., where he thought he was running against Barack
04:50 Obama. Play the clip. As you know, crooked Joe Biden and the radical left thugs who have
04:56 weaponized law enforcement to arrest their leading political opponent, the leading by
05:00 a lot, including Obama. I'll tell you what, you take a look at Obama and take a look at
05:06 some of the things that he's done. This is the same thing. The country is very divided.
05:11 And we did with Obama. We won an election that everyone said couldn't be won. We beat
05:17 Hillary Clinton. You know, I used to I used to call her crooked Hillary. Here, Donald
05:22 Trump in one of the same speeches that he gave in the past two weeks said that President
05:27 Biden would get us into World War Two. Play the clip. We have a man who is totally corrupt
05:34 and the worst president in the history of our country who is cognitively impaired in
05:40 no condition to leave and is now in charge of dealing with Russia and possible nuclear
05:47 war. We would be in World War Two very quickly here in one of the speeches in the past two
05:59 weeks in South Carolina. Donald Trump states that Jeb Bush got us into the war in Iraq.
06:06 Confusing Jeb Bush with George W. Bush. Play the clip. It's less than four months before
06:11 the season starts. We start in Iowa. We go to New Hampshire. We come down here. You know,
06:17 the beauty was when I came here, everyone thought Bush was going to win. And then they
06:21 took a poll and they found out Trump was up by about 50 points. Everyone said, what's
06:24 going on right here? They thought Bush because Bush supposedly was a military person. Great.
06:29 You know what he was a million? He got us into the he got us into the Middle East. How
06:32 did that work out? Right. But they all thought that Bush might win. Jeb. Remember, Jeb, he
06:39 used he is the word Jeb. He didn't use the word Bush. I said, you mean he's ashamed of
06:42 the last name? And then they immediately started using the name Bush. Never forget it. And
06:47 then in the past few days in Anaheim, California, Donald Trump said the following. Play the
06:53 clip. What they've done is they've gone after opponents so that if you become president
06:59 or some other job, but if you become president and you don't like somebody or if somebody's
07:03 beating you by 10, 15 or 20 points like we're doing with crooked Joe Biden, let's indict
07:10 the motherfucker. Let's. Yes, but the media normalizes all of that very concerning and
07:22 dangerous behavior that should be utterly, utterly disqualifying. Back to the Iowa speech.
07:30 Here is Donald Trump saying that electric batteries will result in ships sinking because
07:37 they're too heavy. Again, that's not true. And just what are you talking about? Play
07:41 the clip. Get about going all electric for boats instead of mercury engines. Beautiful
07:45 made in the USA, mercury engines and others with where you smell that little smell, that
07:51 beautiful sound, everything. They want to go all electric. I said, what's wrong with
07:55 I said, well, the problem is the batteries are so heavy that the boat can't carry them.
07:59 It would sink. And finally, here is Donald Trump lying that when he went to Michigan
08:05 in the past two weeks to give a speech, he says that he was speaking in front of the
08:09 United Auto Workers and that he was speaking in front of union workers. Folks, this is
08:13 patently false. Trump went to a non union shop and had people who were not members of
08:19 the union holding up signs that said union workers for Trump. What a con artist. Play
08:25 the clip. Mostly made in China. You know, all the cars are going to be a bit in China.
08:29 I was in Michigan the other night with the United Auto Workers. And I want you to compare
08:34 all of those clips that I just showed you with. This is President Biden over the weekend
08:41 after a continuing resolution was passed to avert a government shutdown. Play the clip.
08:47 Frankly, I'm sick and tired. I'm sick and tired of the brinksmanship. And so are the
08:53 American people. I've been doing this. You all point out to me a lot a long time. I've
08:58 never quite seen a Republican Congress or any Congress act like this. This spring, mega
09:04 Republicans brought us to the brink, threatening to fall on America's debt for the first time
09:10 in over 200 years. And it would have caused a gigantic world crisis in both at home and
09:17 abroad. But we reached an agreement. We shook hands, said, here's the deal. Well, now this
09:24 fall, the mag extremists once again have brought us to the brink, this time to a government
09:29 shutdown and going back on the deal they made months ago, not keeping their word. Enough
09:36 is enough is enough. This is not that complicated. The brinksmanship has to end. And there should
09:43 be another. There shouldn't be another crisis. There's no excuse for another crisis. Consequently,
09:50 I strongly urge my Republican friends in Congress not to wait. Don't waste time, as you did
09:56 all summer. Pass a yearlong budget agreement. Honor the deal we made a few months ago. We
10:02 have the strongest. We have the strongest economy in the world today. The strongest
10:05 economy in the world today. We have more to do. But we are the indispensable nation in
10:11 the world, internationally and domestically in terms of our economy. Let's act like it.
10:18 Let's act like it. Stop the games. Get to work. Make sure the American people and our
10:25 allies and friends around the world know what we're doing. Folks, there you have it. The
10:30 choice is clear. Tell me what you think in the comments below. Make sure you hit the
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10:57 Thanks for watching. Have a great day.
10:59 At Mitus Touch, we are unapologetically pro-democracy and we demand justice and accountability.
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