"I fell in love with my delivery driver and fell pregnant just three months after"

  • last year
A customer asked to go on a date with her delivery driver – despite having no idea what he looked like – and ended up marrying him six months later.

Tanatsa Lucas, 30, was waiting on an order of cutlery to be delivered by driver Corey Lucas, 28, to her apartment on June 19, 2020, in Darwin, Australia.

Corey called to say he was outside with Tanatsa's package and left it by her door.

She was so struck by her first impression of him that she decided to make a move - asking if he was single in a text message.

Corey was up for a date, and they met that evening for a drink - hitting it off and quickly becoming a couple.

Just three months after meeting for the first time, in June 2020, the couple fell pregnant and their little boy Archie, two, was born in June 2021.

Tanatsa, a case manager for Australia’s national disability insurance scheme, said: “I was doing my nails at the time, and my delivery driver called.

“He was speaking really nicely on the phone and was very respectful.

“I asked him if he would mind dropping the package outside my apartment, as I was going to be going out soon.

"Something inside me was telling me to shoot my shot and ask him out.

"I did and I'm so pleased."

Corey - who now works as a truck driver - from Melbourne, Australia, said: "I'm so glad it's all worked out, we're very happily married now and going better than ever, our love is growing stronger every day."

After their phone call, Tanatsa - who is originally from Zimbabwe - said she felt a sudden urge to ask Corey on a date.

She said: “I was newly single, I don’t know what happened, but something just came over me and I just though I may as well ask – you never know.

“I could tell even being on the phone with him for less than a minute that there was just something different about him.”

Tanatsa then decided to message Corey only one hour after he had dropped off her package, simply saying: “You single by any chance? Haha.”

Corey replied saying he was single, and they should go for a drink - that evening.

They went for a beer at a bar just opposite Tanatsa’s apartment.

Tanatsa said: “It went really well, he was saying all the right things, he came back to my apartment, but nothing happened.”

Their romance blossomed and they began seeing each other.

Just three months after meeting, Tanatsa fell pregnant.

She said: “That was not at all planned, I thought ‘Oh s***’."

Tanatsa was worried how Corey would react and was gobsmacked when he proposed after finding out they were expecting.

“It was only six months after our first meet up, so I was blown away, but I said yes,” she said.

The couple tied the know on December 19, 2020, at the Hilton hotel in Darwin, Northern Territory.

“We just totally clicked from our first meeting," Tanatsa said.

“The way we got married was very quick, lots of people told me not to do it, but I wouldn’t have changed how it all happened for the world.

“I met his dad only a week after we first met, he cooked dinner for me and Corey, it was so nice.

“His family was very welcoming to me."

Tanatsa called her mum and sister - who live in Manchester, in the UK - to tell them about the surprise pregnancy.

She said: “I had to ring them and let them know what had happened.

“They were surprised, but very happy for me.”

The couple now live in Brisbane, Australia, and went on to have another child - Theodore, born in August 2023, and are still head-over-heels.

Tanatsa said: “We grew to love each other even more after our second baby.

“We still had our challenges, I had post-natal depression after our first baby, but we developed an understanding and are doing great.

“The only difference is before we had kids it was all about us, we now have to balance it out."

The couple had their second child eight weeks ago and are enjoying family life more than ever.

Tanatsa said: “We are really hands on with the kids together, it’s really nice.

“I still can’t believe it happened - he saved my life all over again.”


00:00 Whenever people ask me what I like best about my life,
00:05 or what I'm thankful for, I always think of you.
00:09 You are my peace.
00:11 You are my home.
00:13 This love with you is surreal.
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