Where Is The Average Investor Supposed To Hide In This Market?

  • last year
Scott Shellady AKA the "Cow Guy" and Markets Anchor at RFD TV talks about what he would do with his money in this current market.

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Benzinga PreMarket Prep 8:00AM ET- 9:00AM ET BenzingaTV on YouTube.
00:00 - So what to do?
00:01 What to do?
00:02 Where do you go?
00:02 Do you hide out in T-bills?
00:04 Are you finally getting a turn in the bond market?
00:09 Maybe the bonds will stop going down.
00:11 Where's the average investor supposed to hide?
00:14 - Well, I tell you what, for the first time in a long time,
00:16 and look, I take care of my family's money.
00:20 I mean, that five, five and a quarter on one year,
00:23 plus a tax break, it's hard to say no to that.
00:25 If you look at over time, five, six, seven, 8%
00:30 is what you've been getting from the stock market.
00:31 Now, in the last few years, it's been crazy.
00:34 People have gotten way too accustomed
00:35 to 20, 25% moves in the stock market.
00:38 But I think that for the time being,
00:40 if you wanna sit there and wait and see what happens,
00:42 because every single sign is danger Will Robinson,
00:45 at least flashing yellow, some are flashing red.
00:48 I don't think it's time to shoot
00:50 for the corner office right now.
00:51 I think it's time to just be in there,
00:53 picking up nickels in front of the steamroller.
00:55 - Scott, that's such a great point that you just made,
00:59 is that people have become accustomed
01:01 to getting 20% of their money by being in the stock market.
01:05 When the long-term returns, and newer listeners,
01:07 please listen to this,
01:08 the longer term returns are exactly what Scott said.
01:10 It's 70%.
01:12 That's what the S&P averages over time.
01:15 So it's not 20%.
01:16 And we've had these luxurious years,
01:19 where everything has just been going up.
01:21 So maybe we get into a period
01:23 where this irrational exuberance of the stock market
01:25 just cools off for a little bit.
01:27 And maybe we don't get these 20% returns.
01:29 Maybe we get a couple minus 20s in here,
01:31 and you're like, "Oh, that hurt, that stung."
01:34 What would change your mind?
01:35 What would put Scott Shalady and say,
01:37 "Okay, that's it, I'm buying stocks."
01:39 What would happen?
01:41 - I would have to see common sense come back
01:44 into our daily activities and a daily lexicon.
01:48 Right now, I keep going to bed every night
01:50 thinking I can't get any dumber.
01:51 And every morning I get up and things got dumber.
01:53 (Rick laughs)
01:56 I need to see my life get back to common sense.
02:01 I need to see the people that are running my life,
02:04 our lawmakers, our politicians,
02:06 not look right into the camera
02:09 and tell me that the border is closed,
02:12 when you know it's not closed.
02:14 I don't know what to say.
02:17 That's so unnerving to me,
02:18 that the people that are supposed to be in charge
02:20 of everything can look into the camera
02:22 and say what they say.
02:23 That makes me love that five and a quarter percent rate too.
02:26 I would need to see some sense of normalcy
02:29 come back into our lawmakers
02:32 and how our lives are divvied up on a day-to-day basis.
02:35 Then I would start to think,
02:37 now maybe you have to do that a little earlier
02:39 than the rest of the crowd.
02:41 But boy, oh boy, right now, I have never,
02:43 I'm 57 years old, I'm about to be 58.
02:46 I've been in this business for 36 years.
02:48 I have never in my life seen a situation
02:52 where I'm having to make investing decisions
02:55 with total disregard for common sense.
