Nationwide: انخفاض أسعار المنازل في بريطانيا بنسبة 5.3% في سبتمبر على أساس سنوي

  • last year


00:00 The average house price in Britain exceeded £257,000 last September, or less than £14,500, compared to September 2022.
00:17 This means that house prices recorded a decline of 15.13%, according to the house prices index issued by Nationwide.
00:28 According to Banking England, £45,000 of real estate was agreed to purchase last August, which is less than 30% of the average monthly in 2019.
00:43 The high interest rates in the UK are blamed for the decline in house prices. The UK's interest rates remained unchanged during the last meeting. This gave hope to limit the repeated increases in the interest rates.
01:01 The real estate rate has changed significantly in the last 20 months, with the rise in interest rates beginning in December 2021, when the borrowing costs rose by 6.5% over two-year terms in recent months.
01:21 This has greatly put pressure on prices. According to data, the biggest decline in house prices was in the south-west of England, where it declined by 16.13% over the third quarter.
01:36 Six of the 13 regions saw a decline of more than 5%. The lowest decline was in Northern Ireland, where prices declined by 11.18%.
01:50 Riyadh Al Saadi, CNBC Arabia, London
