Hiroshi, Satoru, Susumu, Takeo, and Yasuko are five unique children who have different talents, such as being skilled at | dHNfTDJjX0x2ZEZiOTg
00:00 [Japanese newsreel narration]
00:30 [Japanese newsreel narration]
00:58 [Japanese newsreel narration]
01:23 [Japanese newsreel narration]
01:35 [Japanese newsreel narration]
01:53 [V.O.] StuStu Studio, studio line from L'Oreal.
01:55 Styling gel.
01:57 Bold look.
01:58 Sculpting moves.
01:59 Power shapes.
02:00 [Japanese newsreel narration]
02:07 [Japanese music]
02:22 [Japanese music]
02:28 [Japanese music]
02:37 [Japanese music]
02:44 [Japanese music]
02:48 [Japanese music]
02:52 [Japanese music]
02:58 [Japanese music]