• 2 years ago
Welcome to Kids TV, where the warmth of childhood meets the joy of learning through fun nursery rhymes and toddler songs!
#nurseryrhymes #babysongs #kidstv


00:03 Break time is over, kids.
00:05 Playing outside was so much fun today.
00:08 Hang on, guys.
00:10 Before we go back to class, it's very
00:12 important to wash our hands.
00:15 But why?
00:16 Let me tell you.
00:18 Wash, wash, wash your hands.
00:20 Wash away the dirt.
00:22 Always keep them nice and clean.
00:24 Washing up is smart.
00:28 When we play outside in the open air,
00:32 we must not forget germs are everywhere.
00:36 We can't always see them.
00:38 They like to hide.
00:41 That's why we wash when we come inside.
00:45 Wash, wash, wash your hands.
00:47 Wash away the dirt.
00:49 Always keep them nice and clean.
00:51 Washing up is smart.
00:53 Soap, water, bubbles, rinse.
00:57 Soap, water, bubbles, rinse.
01:01 When we pick up trash off the dirty floor,
01:05 we must wash our hands and wash them some more.
01:09 When we are done in the bathroom,
01:13 we must not forget to sing this special tune.
01:18 Wash, wash, wash your hands.
01:20 Wash away the dirt.
01:22 Always keep them nice and clean.
01:24 Washing up is smart.
01:26 Soap, water, bubbles, rinse.
01:30 Soap, water, bubbles, rinse.
01:34 Bye, teacher.
01:35 Thank you.
01:37 Bye-bye.
01:38 Remember, keep washing your hands.
01:41 Hey, kids.
01:42 Supper will be ready soon.
01:44 Don't forget to wash up.
01:46 When you walk from school or even take the bus,
01:50 please don't forget germs are all around us.
01:54 They can make us sick if we don't take care.
01:58 Those yucky little germs can be everywhere.
02:03 Wash, wash, wash your hands.
02:05 Wash away the dirt.
02:07 Always keep them nice and clean.
02:09 Washing up is smart.
02:11 Soap, water, bubbles, rinse.
02:15 Soap, water, bubbles, rinse.
02:19 If we had lots of fun petting the dog,
02:23 remember that he might be dirty from his walk.
02:27 If we use our hands to make arts and crafts
02:31 before we eat dinner, we better wash up fast.
02:35 Wash, wash, wash your hands.
02:38 Wash away the dirt.
02:40 Always keep them nice and clean.
02:42 Washing up is smart.
02:44 Soap, water, bubbles, rinse.
02:48 Soap, water, bubbles, rinse.
02:52 Dinner's up, kids.
02:54 Great.
02:55 I'm starving.
02:57 And our hands have never been cleaner.
02:59 [LAUGHTER]
03:10 [YAWN]
03:11 Morning, Boom Buddies.
03:13 Ooh, that sure was a good night's sleep.
03:16 Yeah, and a super awesome sleepover.
03:20 Hey, what time is it?
03:22 Uh-oh, it's 8.30, and--
03:26 School's dark at 9.
03:29 Oh, boy.
03:30 We better get ready to go, fast.
03:34 Oh, I know.
03:35 Let's play follow the leader so we can all get ready quickly.
03:39 Good idea.
03:41 Watch me and copy what I do.
03:44 This is the way we make our beds, make our beds,
03:46 make our beds.
03:47 This is the way we make our beds so early in the morning.
03:51 This is the way we make our beds, make our beds,
03:54 make our beds.
03:55 This is the way we make our beds so early in the morning.
03:58 OK, guys.
04:01 Great job.
04:02 The beds are made.
04:05 What's next?
04:07 Oh, oh, I know.
04:08 It's time to get all nice and cleaned up.
04:11 Follow me.
04:13 [LAUGHTER]
04:17 This is the way we wash our face, wash our face,
04:20 wash our face.
04:21 This is the way we wash our face so early in the morning.
04:24 This is the way we wash our face, wash our face,
04:27 wash our face.
04:28 This is the way we wash our face so early in the morning.
04:32 Hey, watch me.
04:35 This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth,
04:38 brush our teeth.
04:39 This is the way we brush our teeth so early in the morning.
04:43 This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth,
04:45 brush our teeth.
04:46 This is the way we brush our teeth
04:48 so early in the morning.
04:51 OK, guys.
04:52 Those teeth are looking pearly white.
04:55 This is fun.
04:57 But we've got to keep moving if we
04:58 want to catch the school bus.
05:01 That's right.
05:02 Now follow my lead.
05:03 Let's go.
05:04 [LAUGHTER]
05:09 This is the way we comb our hair, comb our hair,
05:11 comb our hair.
05:12 This is the way we comb our hair so early in the morning.
05:16 This is the way we comb our hair, comb our hair,
05:19 comb our hair.
05:20 This is the way we comb our hair so early in the morning.
05:24 Hey, watch me.
05:27 This is the way we tie our shoes, tie our shoes,
05:30 tie our shoes.
05:31 This is the way we tie our shoes so early in the morning.
05:34 This is the way we tie our shoes, tie our shoes,
05:37 tie our shoes.
05:38 This is the way we tie our shoes so early in the morning.
05:44 [GASP]
05:45 The bus!
05:46 Let's go, Booblies!
05:49 Don't forget your breakfast.
05:52 This is the way we go to school, go to school, go to school.
05:56 This is the way we go to school so early in the morning.
05:59 This is the way we go to school, go to school, go to school.
06:03 This is the way we go to school so early in the morning.
06:07 [LAUGHTER]
06:11 [GASP]
06:15 OK, you two.
06:17 It's bath time.
06:18 Wendy, can you please help me get
06:20 the twins ready for their bath?
06:25 Sure.
06:26 Come on, little ones.
06:27 Bath time can be so much fun.
06:29 Let me show you how.
06:33 Bath time, it's the best time.
06:36 It's a time to have fun.
06:40 Let's go make some bubbles, but be careful.
06:45 Don't run.
06:48 Scrub-a-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub, scrub-a-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub.
06:51 Scrub-a-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub, scrub-a-dub in that tub-tub-tub.
06:55 Scrub-a-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub, scrub-a-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub.
06:59 Scrub-a-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub, scrub-a-dub in that tub-tub-tub.
07:06 I think it's working, Mom.
07:08 See, guys?
07:09 Bath time is fun.
07:14 Good job, Wendy.
07:15 Now let's get some good and clean.
07:17 Bath time, it's the best time.
07:21 It's the time to get clean.
07:25 Let's rub soap all over till you sparkle and gleam.
07:32 Clean your hair with shampoo.
07:34 Foam it up, rinse it through.
07:36 Don't get it in your eyes.
07:38 It can still make you cry.
07:39 Scrub-a-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub, scrub-a-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub.
07:43 Scrub-a-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub, scrub-a-dub in that tub-tub-tub.
07:47 Bath time, it's the best time, even as rubber duck.
07:54 Wash all of your toys up.
07:58 You can scrub clean your truck.
08:01 Sponge and soap, wash it good.
08:03 Clean it up just like you should.
08:05 Don't forget, rinse it nice.
08:07 Rinse it once, rinse it twice.
08:09 Scrub-a-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub, scrub-a-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub.
08:13 Scrub-a-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub, scrub-a-dub in that tub-tub-tub.
08:16 Scrub-a-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub, scrub-a-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub.
08:20 Scrub-a-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub-dub, scrub-a-dub in that tub-tub-tub.
08:24 We did it, Mom.
08:26 They're all clean and good as new.
08:29 We couldn't have done it without you, Wendy.
08:35 Now, the next challenge is getting these naughty twins into bed.
08:36 Oh, boy.
08:37 I hadn't thought of that.
08:38 Welcome to the doctor's office.
08:39 How can we help you today?
08:40 Visiting the doctor's office is a great way to help.
08:41 I'm so glad you're here.
08:42 I'm so glad you're here.
08:43 I'm so glad you're here.
08:44 I'm so glad you're here.
08:45 I'm so glad you're here.
08:46 I'm so glad you're here.
08:47 I'm so glad you're here.
08:48 I'm so glad you're here.
08:49 I'm so glad you're here.
08:50 I'm so glad you're here.
08:51 I'm so glad you're here.
08:52 I'm so glad you're here.
08:53 I'm so glad you're here.
08:54 I'm so glad you're here.
08:55 I'm so glad you're here.
08:56 I'm so glad you're here.
08:57 I'm so glad you're here.
08:58 I'm so glad you're here.
08:59 I'm so glad you're here.
09:00 I'm so glad you're here.
09:01 I'm so glad you're here.
09:02 I'm so glad you're here.
09:03 I'm so glad you're here.
09:04 I'm so glad you're here.
09:05 I'm so glad you're here.
09:06 I'm so glad you're here.
09:07 I'm so glad you're here.
09:08 I'm so glad you're here.
09:09 I'm so glad you're here.
09:10 I'm so glad you're here.
09:11 I'm so glad you're here.
09:12 I'm so glad you're here.
09:13 I'm so glad you're here.
09:14 I'm so glad you're here.
09:15 I'm so glad you're here.
09:16 I'm so glad you're here.
09:17 It happened when I climbed a tree.
09:19 Doo-wop, doo-wop.
09:20 I should have listened to my dad.
09:23 Doo-wop, doo-wop.
09:24 Now I'm feeling oh so bad.
09:26 Doctor, doctor, can't you see?
09:30 I got a medical emergency.
09:33 Can you help me now?
09:36 Oh, gee!
09:37 Is there a cure for me?
09:39 Doctor, doctor, you're the tops.
09:42 Can I get a lollipop?
09:44 Doctor, make me owie's top.
09:46 Then I have a soda pop.
09:48 Oh, boy.
09:49 I have an owie on my toe.
09:52 Doo-wop, doo-wop.
09:53 It happened when I played in snow.
09:56 Doo-wop, doo-wop.
09:57 I got real cold and caught a chill.
10:00 Doo-wop, doo-wop.
10:01 Now I need a special pill.
10:04 Doctor, doctor, can't you see?
10:07 I got a medical emergency.
10:10 Can you help me now?
10:13 Oh, gee!
10:14 Is there a cure for me?
10:17 Doctor, doctor, you're the tops.
10:19 Can I get a lollipop?
10:21 Doctor, make me owie's top.
10:23 Then I have a soda pop.
10:25 Oh, boy.
10:28 I have an owie on my arm.
10:32 Doo-wop, doo-wop.
10:33 It happened when I was on the farm.
10:36 Doo-wop, doo-wop.
10:37 The farmer said, "Oh, boy.
10:39 It happened when I was on the farm."
10:42 Doo-wop, doo-wop.
10:43 The farmer told me not to play.
10:45 Doo-wop, doo-wop.
10:46 But I did it anyway.
10:49 Doctor, doctor, can't you see?
10:53 I got a medical emergency.
10:56 Can you help me now?
10:58 Oh, gee!
10:59 Is there a cure for me?
11:03 Doctor, doctor, you're the tops.
11:05 Can I get a lollipop?
11:06 Doctor, make the owie's top.
11:08 Then I have a soda pop.
11:10 Doctor, doctor, now we see.
11:13 We can get hurt if we're naughty.
11:17 We learned our lesson, but now--
11:19 Oh, gee!
11:20 Can we have candy?
11:24 [LAUGHTER]
11:25 Yeah!
11:26 [LAUGHTER]
11:40 What did Mama teach us yesterday?
11:43 ABCs?
11:45 No.
11:46 Baa-baa black sheep?
11:48 No, honey.
11:49 What did I say we should not be doing while eating our food?
11:53 Play with our food.
11:55 Absolutely right, Johnny.
11:57 We need to chew our food.
11:59 Shall we play a game of chew, chew, chew as we eat?
12:02 Yeah!
12:03 Yeah!
12:04 We have bowls, forks, and spoons, and yummy food
12:08 this afternoon.
12:10 Now I will sing to you.
12:12 Chew, chew, chew your food all the way through.
12:18 Chew, chew, chew.
12:20 Chew your food.
12:21 Chew, chew, chew.
12:23 Chew it through.
12:24 Munch it.
12:25 Crunch it.
12:26 That's what we do.
12:27 Make that food into a little goo.
12:32 [GIGGLING]
12:35 Take small bites.
12:37 Yes, you do.
12:38 Not too big.
12:40 Then you chew.
12:41 Smaller bites.
12:43 Johnny boy.
12:44 Chew, chew, chew, chew, chew.
12:47 Then enjoy.
12:50 Chew, chew, chew.
12:52 Chew your food.
12:53 Chew, chew, chew.
12:55 Chew it through.
12:56 Munch it.
12:57 Crunch it.
12:58 That's what we do.
12:59 Make the food into a little goo.
13:04 [GIGGLING]
13:08 Sip some water.
13:09 Yes, you do.
13:11 Helps your food.
13:12 It's good for you.
13:14 Chew your food.
13:15 That's what we do.
13:17 Make the food into a little goo.
13:22 Chew, chew, chew.
13:24 Chew your food.
13:25 Chew, chew, chew.
13:27 Chew it through.
13:28 Munch it.
13:29 Crunch it.
13:30 That's what we do.
13:31 Make the food into a little goo.
13:38 [GIGGLING]
13:45 (laughing)
