八点最热报 | 敌不过政治对手的逼宫,美国众议院共和党籍议长麦卡锡,被众议院以216票赞成、210票反对的投票结果罢免,逼宫者当中包括8名倒戈的共和党人,这也意味着共和党内讧加剧。麦卡锡成为美国史上第一位被罢免的美国众议院议长。(主播:萧慧敏)
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01:00 of a temporary budgetary plan.
01:01 The result is that the US Congress approved
01:04 a short-term budgetary plan at the last minute.
01:06 The move satisfied the White House,
01:09 but was considered a step on the Republican red line,
01:11 causing this outlawment.
01:14 McCarthy's seat as chairman has never been stable.
01:17 He spent five days,
01:19 a total of 15 rounds of elections
01:23 to reach an agreement with the party's conservative party
01:26 and be elected chairman.
01:27 According to McCarthy, the compromise included
01:30 the approval of a reduction in the threshold for the removal of the chairman's nomination
01:34 to the point where a Republican can make a proposal.
01:37 He didn't expect this compromise to become a weapon for the party to pull itself off the stage.
01:41 With McCarthy's removal of the chairman's position,
01:43 the legislative activities of the House of Representatives have come to a standstill.
01:47 If Congress does not extend government funding for funding,
01:49 the deadline for the federal government to close will be November 17.
01:54 U.S. President Biden issued a statement through the White House Press Secretary
01:58 that the House of Representatives should quickly elect a new chairman
02:01 to face the challenges facing the country.
02:05 On this vote, the yeas are 216, the nays are 210.
02:10 The resolution is adopted without objection.
02:13 The motion to reconsider is laid on the table.
02:16 The office of Speaker of the House of the United States House of Representatives
02:22 is hereby declared vacant.
02:25 The American House of Representatives has been the first to be elected as chairman of the House of Representatives
02:29 by removing Chairman McCarthy under the influence of the Republican Party.
02:34 The day before, McCarthy, who was confident that he could survive the removal,
02:38 was surrounded by reporters when he left Congress.
02:41 He did not say a word to the reporters, and left.
02:44 McCarthy then called a press conference to announce that he would no longer run for chairman of the House of Representatives
02:49 and stressed that he did not regret making the decision to pass the Temporary Expansion Bill.
02:54 Saturday, I took a risk for the American public.
02:57 Regardless of what anybody says, no one knew whether that would pass.
03:00 The Democrats didn't want that bill, but it was all for the American people.
03:04 I could not look the troops in the eye and say I would not pay them.
03:07 When reporters asked McCarthy if he had a designated successor,
03:10 he said he would not rule out doing so.
03:13 Why are you planning on endorsing a successor?
03:16 I might. I might.
03:19 I don't know who's running. I'll talk to people.
03:22 [MUSIC]